Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Top Crystal Cleansing Techniques

Crystal cleansing is such an important part of crystal healing work that it cannot be overlooked. Crystal cleansing is a simple way of saying you are removing the energetic debris ad imprints from crystals that can collect on their energetic fields from healing sessions, people handling them and much more.

There are many different ways to cleanse crystals for healing, and I will discuss a few in this article with you. The most important thing I can tell you about cleansing crystals though is to work with the intention behind this and to do what resonates within your energy fields. There are also a few crystals out there that do not require to be cleansed, as they do not hold energy imprints and energetic debris. It is still a good tool to cleanse these though, as this can help purify the energy and make the crystals vibrational field feel so much more brighter when working with them.

Some of the top crystal cleansing sessions that resonate within the majority of people are smudge stick cleansing, water cleansing, solar energy, lunar energy, rain cleansing, sound vibrational cleansing, Mother Earth energy, sand cleansing, mirror energy cleansing, fire energy, and sage tea cleansing. Remember that solar energy, fire energy, and sand cleansing can damage any kind of crystals and fade them. For water types of cleansing; basic water cleansing, rain cleansing, and sage tea cleansing, make sure you use harder crystals for these types of cleansing. Softer crystals can become damaged with them, so a gentle mist or quick run under purified water works best.

Make sure to listen to your own intuition when working with your crystals and stones and to appreciate them for they are the ones who provide their vibrational output of healing.

For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning

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