Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Drawing Out Negative Energy With Crystal Healing

Drawing out negative energy can be very helpful for most people, especially those who have problems with grounding and centering issues or they just don’t believe in the work being done. Crystal healing is along the same lines of spiritual and energetic type of work with grounding and centering issues, but for some reason some people are a bit more open to holding a crystal a stone in their hand they are with focusing and visualizing with other types of energy work. It is something that they can feel and physically hold in their hand, and sometimes this is enough to break through that conscious barrier that is placed within their mind that says all alternative types of healing do not work.

So for those who are wanting to learn how to draw out negativity, either for themselves or family members, friends, and even clients, it is as simple as holding a crystal within their own hand. For this session, you will need to make sure the person who needs to draw out the negativity holds Jet in their dominant hand. Have the person close their hand and focus on the issues that are creating the negative energy. This could be from their job, spouse, friend, family member, or anything else that strikes a nerve within them. Have them take a few deep breaths slowly and they will start to feel their frustration, anger, hatred, confusion, and any other negative emotions leaving their physical bodies.

Each individual person takes a different time span for this exercise, but on average, this can last anywhere from 5-10 minutes. For smaller issues it can be a few minutes and for major ones this can last up to 25-30 minutes. This also depends on how negative the person is too. If the person is a walking negative magnet, this could be something you would have the person do once every day or every other day until they can learn to control their negative emotional side. If the person is a fairly happy emotional status person, occasionally when the negative energy rears its head should take care of these issues.

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Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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