Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Need Extra Protection Right Now?

Lots and lots of emails coming in about needing and wanting extra protection right now with all of the things going on in the physical world as well as on an energetic level.

Protection can vary in many different forms. Everyone works differently and uses their protection differently as well.

Protection can be set with energy forms, such as Protective Camouflage Empowerment or Protection Healing Orb, as well as energy can be set with original energy forms such as Usui Reiki. http://www.healingartforms.com/energyattunements.htm

Other forms of protection also include the use of angels, especiall of Archangel Michael - the best to use for any kind of protection - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. http://www.healingartforms.com/angeltherapistprogram.htm

Still more uses of protection, depending on where your spiritual pathway leads you can be:

1. Smuding with Sage (the most common one to use but other herbs can be used as well)

2. Protection circles using crystals http://www.healingartforms.com/crystaltherapyprogram.htm

3. Energetic Protection Bubbles, such as White Protection Energy Bubble http://www.healingartforms.com/White%20Protection%20Energy%20Bubble.pdf

4. Some even work with salt circles as well

5. Calling upon your own guides, spirit guardians, and a combination of angels to help, including Archangel Michael

I hope this helps all of you with your issues of protection and if you need any more sueggestions feel free to let me know, as I am here to help!

Many Blessings

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