Friday, May 15, 2009

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Literally this is extremlly easy!

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Its as easy as that!

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

What Everyone Wants to Know About Death, Dying and the Other Side

I am going to let you in from another standpoint. Along with my line of work as an energy healer and mentor for healing art accredited programs, I am also a psychic medium. I knew I had this gift ever since I was a child. I could hear others who have crossed over, as well as my guides.

Everyone is scared of dying and death. I can understand as well as at one point in time or another we will all go through this process. But I have come to find in my own personal experiences working with my abilities and helping others that this is not a scary thing.

The ones who make this issue a scary one to face are only ourselves and our ego mind. I have heard stories from families whose loved ones have crossed over and they want me to connect with them, and they are not worried that they felt pain, sadness, or scared.

I am here to tell you this is not true. I have heard from the other side countless times that this is not a fact. When we cross over there is nothing but love and peace. There is no loss. There is no sadness, pain, or scared and anxiety feelings. As these are literally just feelings and this exists on the physical earthly plane.

When we cross over these things do not exist, just as the material things do not exist as well. They do not care or are concerned about money, cars, bills, home payments, or anything that can trouble us here in the physical realm.

It is like coming home! Have you ever seen a homecoming for someone who has been gone for years at a time, such as in the military or a loved who moved away and they haven't been seen for awhile. What is present when the person finally reach home? Celebration! Joy! Happiness! There is no sadness, worry or upset feelings! This is what it is like for those who have crossed over! Happiness! Celebration! Peace!

It is not that way here on this physical earthly plane, as we are sad that they have left us as we miss them, and have a void that is here now and this creates our own sadness. But again this is just a feeling and to will pass. Embrace this feeling and let it flow through you! Do not block this, as just like in a dam it will back up till it finally breaks through. Embrace the feelings and let them flow. Once you have accepted all of them you will find peace at the very core of all of them!

I know this can be a hard thing to accept, but I can honestly say from all my years of working as a psychic medium and all of the families I have re-connected through these sessions, this is all I have ever seen from the other side. Peace, love and acceptance!

So be good to the ones you have in your life on the physical plane, and know when they do cross over there is love there waiting for each and everyone and we will all re-connect there one day!

If anyone has any questions about the after-life, or re-connecting with the other side, please feel free to contact me as I am always here to help.

Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning

Footnote: I would like to dedicate this artile to Stacey Stalker, a dear friend who crossed over on 5/8/09 and came to speak with me after she crossed over to inspire me to write this artile for all to share.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

How To Change Your Life In An Altered State Of Consciousness

Binaural frequency work is something I came across a few weeks ago and thought it would be a nice change of pace. I have used many different methods in the past for reaching my own desires, goals and altered states of consciousness, but this had a huge impact on my own personal and spiritual development!

There are many different ways to reach altered states of consciousness:

1. Recorded Audios-which bring you into the moment of NOW and manifest your desires! 2. Subliminal Audios-which work on a subconscious level of re-programming the conscious side 3.

Binaural Frequencies-which alters the fequency level of the state of mind at the time of use for deeper results.

Binaural Frequencies are meant to be used when you are resting as well as they can create a feeling of heaviness over the body, as well as vivid visualizations and projections from the physical body.

I have tried many of the above ways to reach what I have been desiring in my own life and all work wonderfully on different levels. The two best I have found are the recorded audios as well as the binaural frequency.

They both work in a different way and each have their own insight to gain into your own spiritual and physical pathway through life.

Recorded Audios, such as seminars or one on one walk through sessions are great to use when you are working or cleaning the house or even resting or meditating as they are not meant to put you asleep but can relax you. This is a wonderful way to work in the NOW!

But if you are looking for the quickest and easiest way to reach that altered state of consciousness; whether it be relaxation, dealing with anxiety, astral projection, remote viewing, shaman consciousness, dealing with dear, etc; this is with Binaural Frequencies. They work on your brain level frequencies and can be done while you are sleeping!

What I have personally found best to work with, is using recorded audio sessions during the day to work on issues during the NOW! Then I listen to the binaural frequencies in the evenings or when I am resting, this way you get the best of both worlds! You can work with the NOW and alter your state of consciousness as well!!

I hope this helps all of you out there trying to reach that level you are desiring! And remember if anyone ever as any questions feel free to let me know!

Many Blessings and Love and Light

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Top Reasons For Taking An Alternative Healing Online Class

Alot of people have seen alternative healing classes, either postings for them locally or online ones.

So what's the big hype about alternative healing online classes? Well alot of reasons!

In this day and age more and more people are learning online programs as opposed to conventional schooling, the big reasons are:

1. Convenience - you can be anywhere in the world and can take an online class as long as you have internet access.

2. Price - this is another big factor. Conventional schooling has a higher overhead then online classes. Schools have to pay their taxes, fees, instructor fees, all utility bills and so much more. Online classes don't have all of these fees so these online schooling price is generally so much more afforable then others.

Another big concern is that people wonder if they are realy worth the education they are receiving plus the certification, degree or accreditation that comes with the class.

Big things to look for:

1. Check out there accrediting bodies. If they say they are certified or accredited, check them out. Ask for copies of their accreditations or certifications to show that they are who they say they are. Alot of them will even post these on their sites so you can easily view them.

2. Ask about everything you are getting. If they really want your business they will be more then happy to answer your questions, and not with just one or two word answers. There is nothing more frustrating about spending 20 min typing out all of your questions an wanting to know the answers and have someone answer back with a one or two word answer. If they are not willing to explain before you buy the course, how much are they going to explain and work with you during the course. Keep open lines of communication going!

And last but not least, put yourself in their shoes as well! It is always good to see things from anothers perspective, as you don't know what their situation is on there end.

Maybe the online web school only accepts Western Union for payment and you want to pay with Paypal. Ask if they are willing to accept this. If not ask if they can accept other forms as well and see if they are willing to go that extra stretch for you.

Most places are, as they want to make you happy!

Even if they don't pick your first choice of payment, be open to the options that they are giving you, as if they have already made exceptions and given you other choices, sometimes you have to meet people in the middle because you don't know what they have to do on their end to make these adjustments for you.

Hope this helps with the questions that have been coming in and if anyone has anymore questions about this feel free to let me know!

Many Blessings

Sunday, May 3, 2009

How To Work With Children & Energy Forms?

This has been another big question that has been coming in alot lately.

I have a true passion for working with children developing their abilities. My son, Reiss and my daughter, Phebe have both showed me so much from their innocence that we are not always just teaching children but are also learning from them!

Children are so innocent in their ways and working with energy actually comes very easily and naturally to them!

Most children have a such higher vibrational rate and energy flow then most adults do as well due to this innocence. They have not gone through 20, 30 or 40 years on this planet and have had people tell them no to this or that, or things are just their imagination or make believe.

Children can believe without seeing, such as with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. They can accept the concept of energy work, as they do not have to see it to believe it. They just have undeniable faith it!

They also do not make this complicated either! They do not stress about symbols, nor worry about connections or sending it for the highest good, etc - they just use it and believe in themselves.
Reiss did this once when I was feeling a bit under the weather as he knew I needed some healing sent. Being only 7 a the time, he wanted to go outside and play but he knew mommy needed some help. So he went into his room and pulled out one of his own crystals and cleansed it. Then sat down with it and was very quiet for just a minute holding this clasped in his two hands. Then he walked over to me and put this on my heart chakra, as I was laying down at the time, and said "Mommy this will heal you now as I filled it with Reiki to fix you. I am going outside to play and will be back inside when the energy is done."

I was blown away at the time but felt such a calming energy starting to flow through my heart chakra. I was laying there for about 30 min or so and felt the energy starting to subside slowly and decided it was time to get up and see how Reiss and my husband and daughter we doing outside and Reiss walked in the door. He looked at me and said "Mommy I said I would be back in when it was done." We both smiled and hugged and he knew I was doing much much better!

Children have an instinct of how and when to use their energies once attuned, and they do not complicate things as they lead from the heart!

So if your child wants to work with energies or you are thinking abot working with children and energies, be positive, have fun and enjoy the adventure along the way! You will learn from them as much as they will from you!

Many blessings

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spirit Entities and Releasing Them!

Alot has been going on with spiritual entities and things have been brought up with the new energies coming in and how to handle and tackle them!

Spiritual Releasement sessions can be done a few different ways, as it all depends on what you believe and how you tend to deal with your own issues.

1. Sessions can be done on an energetic field, as in working with angels, protection, spiritual entity removal on an energy grid.

2. Sessions can also be done verbally, such as when Ordained Ministers can offer with exorcisms and such.

Either one can be done and both are very effective.

One thing people do have a hard concept of accepting is that entities can come from different sources. All entities are not just bad spirits who have no crossed over. So please do note what type of entity you are dealing with before you begin your spiritual releasement session.

Also remember, for those of you are lightworkers by nature, please make sure you work on your protection with spirit entity removal sessions, as if they are not dealth with properly they can re-attach themselves to your energy fields.

This is a common practice of them, especially since lightworkers have a tendency to have a higher vibrational energy output.

I hope this helps answer all of your recent inquires about spiritual releasement work!

Many Blessings

Friday, May 1, 2009

Luck & Abundance Is On Your Side!

Need some good luck, or any kind of luck! It is here right now! You just have to see it and believe it!

Right now we are all still going through still a few energy changes, but we are progressing towards the new and letting go of the old!

Your luck is right here and now! Most people cannot believe this as they have to see it. Have you ever seen a child who can believe in Santa Claus and not see them? Or maybe the tooth fairy?

This is believing without seeing?! And this is all it takes to bring your own luck back into your life!

I know this is hard to do but it is possible for each and every person, as there is more then enough of whatever you want in your life RIGHT NOW!

Just take a look around and see what you can find! Maybe you are wanting more money but ae only seeing debt. Maybe you are wanting a better job but only see the old one you dislike. So this is where alot of us get stuck.

Now take another look aroun and see what you can find that is of abundance! It may not be what you are dreaming or hoping for but it is there. Maybe you have an abundance of food, or clothes or shoes, etc - maybe to you this isn't abundance but think about it from another angle. How would you feel if you only had one can of food or one outfit or one pair of shoes falling apart? So probably what you do have is abundance, but you are just overlooking it.

One very easy way to have luck on your side and abundance in your life, which the majority of us already do we just can't see it, is to have faith and give our brains a job!

The job is to look for abundance in our life! It is as easy as that. Pretty soon all you will see is abundance and nothing else and then the magic will start to happen. A simple shift of emotions!

I did this with my kids once and boy did they notice abundance all day, as we made this into a game, and all day long: an abundance of grass mommy, an abundance of trees mommy, an abundacne of homes mommy, and so on!

Boy were we ever happy by the end of just a few moments of this! Can you imagine if you do this over and over again! So try it, what do you have to lose. What you are doing now is struggling and wanting and dreaming and not getting, so how hard could one simple exercise be -see how you feel after it all!!

Hope you enjoy your wonderful weekend ahead of you filled with abundance!

Many Blessings