Sunday, May 3, 2009

How To Work With Children & Energy Forms?

This has been another big question that has been coming in alot lately.

I have a true passion for working with children developing their abilities. My son, Reiss and my daughter, Phebe have both showed me so much from their innocence that we are not always just teaching children but are also learning from them!

Children are so innocent in their ways and working with energy actually comes very easily and naturally to them!

Most children have a such higher vibrational rate and energy flow then most adults do as well due to this innocence. They have not gone through 20, 30 or 40 years on this planet and have had people tell them no to this or that, or things are just their imagination or make believe.

Children can believe without seeing, such as with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. They can accept the concept of energy work, as they do not have to see it to believe it. They just have undeniable faith it!

They also do not make this complicated either! They do not stress about symbols, nor worry about connections or sending it for the highest good, etc - they just use it and believe in themselves.
Reiss did this once when I was feeling a bit under the weather as he knew I needed some healing sent. Being only 7 a the time, he wanted to go outside and play but he knew mommy needed some help. So he went into his room and pulled out one of his own crystals and cleansed it. Then sat down with it and was very quiet for just a minute holding this clasped in his two hands. Then he walked over to me and put this on my heart chakra, as I was laying down at the time, and said "Mommy this will heal you now as I filled it with Reiki to fix you. I am going outside to play and will be back inside when the energy is done."

I was blown away at the time but felt such a calming energy starting to flow through my heart chakra. I was laying there for about 30 min or so and felt the energy starting to subside slowly and decided it was time to get up and see how Reiss and my husband and daughter we doing outside and Reiss walked in the door. He looked at me and said "Mommy I said I would be back in when it was done." We both smiled and hugged and he knew I was doing much much better!

Children have an instinct of how and when to use their energies once attuned, and they do not complicate things as they lead from the heart!

So if your child wants to work with energies or you are thinking abot working with children and energies, be positive, have fun and enjoy the adventure along the way! You will learn from them as much as they will from you!

Many blessings

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