Monday, March 22, 2010

Crystal Healing With Amazonite

Crystal healing with Amazonite is exciting and interesting for the beginner through the advanced practitioner. It has been found through multiple places on the planet but the most recent ones being near Pike’s Peak in Colorado, USA. Amazonite is a light blue-ish to turquoise colored stone and can even be found in some lighter shades of green if searched for carefully.

Amazonite is a gentle energetic frequency that offers a calm and soothing feeling for both the practitioner and the client that the session is for. Using this stone can be done in multiple ways from placing this in a grid formation, hands on healing, using this within elixir based remedies, to something as simple as attaching it to a pendant for a long term affect on an ailment.

Amazonite works for many issues, including solar plexus, heart, and chakra centers. It enhances masculine qualities in both men and women when working through blockages within these chakra centers. It also helps heal self-damaging behaviors and restores self-confidence, self-assurance, self-respect, and self-expression.

For those who are interested in artistic talent, Amazonite can increase one’s ability for creative expression and enhance their own personal intuition to channel artwork through spirit. Psychic abilities, enhanced communication, telepathy, and increased brain pathways have also been an excellent attribute in working with Amazonite.

For best results, make sure to choose your own piece by listening to your intuition. Proper cleansing and programming will increase your connection with this stone to help manifest your healing abilities to their fullest.

For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at

Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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