Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Rapid Change With Crystal Healing
Let me explain it this way for you. If you plant a carrot seed you can roughly estimate that it will take around seventy days from the day you plant this to the day it is ready to eat. This is a gestational period – from beginning to end. But what about your mental and spiritual seeds that you plant, the things you are wanting to have happen and change in your life right now. There are no set gestational periods for them, as they are not scientifically figured out in life. There is no book or pamphlet that says to change your love life from beginning to end it will take roughly one hundred days, or to change your career it will roughly take ninety days. They don’t make books like this because everyone’s life is different, as are their situations; their attitudes about the change, and their energetic pull gravitating them towards a positive, neutral, or negative outcome. So, what can be done to speed up these gestation periods for the mental and spiritual issues within our lives? Crystal healing!
Crystal healing has a vibrational positive change in everyone’s life in one-way shape or form. These wonderful living rocks come from beautiful Mother Earth for a positive reason and format, and they are here to help for the good of all, not to harm. So to bring about a rapid change in something you are working on in your life make sure you have Moldavite and Clear Quartz on hand. Make a non-direct charge gem elixir of both of these crystals and gently mist all areas of your home. Secondly, place these crystals in opposite ends of your home to help increase the rapid change on an energetic and vibrational frequency level.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Regaining Personal Power With Crystals
Unfortunately, there are people and other living things on this planet that try to overtake our personal power. This can be done in one of a few ways. Subconsciously people can drain on our power by their own negative sources. Have you ever encountered a very negative person and after speaking or being around them for a short amount of time felt very drained, weak, or even negative yourself? They have just drained off your own power source. Consciously people can also do this type of draining with psychic vampire and energetic drains. This is not a positive thing and people need to protect themselves from these types of negative people.
How can we boost our own personal power, whether it is a general boost and feel a need for more energy or it is to re-establish our own energy after a draining event? You want to make sure you have a combination of Garnet and Emerald with you to boost or re-gain this energy. Wearing these two crystals in a combination, as well as charged and programmed, around your heart charka with enhance your own power or re-establish your power if you have been drained from someone else. To avoid personal power drains on your energetic levels, make sure to use energetic or psychic protection to block the conscious and sub-conscious attacks in one major sweep.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Boost Your Metabolism With Crystals
There are many ways to increase your metabolism, but how can you do this in a very simple and easy way that is an alternative type of therapy. Exercise is one great way to start your day, but as many people we may not always find the time to fit in that 30 minute run or hour at the gym with a go-go-go lifestyle. Eating healthy foods and smaller meals throughout the day is another way to keep our metabolism up and running. Smaller meals means you are constantly giving your body vital food to run on, especially in the mornings after we have fasted for 8 hours while we were sleeping. Our bodies need this fuel to keep our metabolism up and running in a healthy light.
There are also many other ways to give your metabolism a boost, and for most people it is for one of two reasons, either to lose weight or have more energy and sometimes even both. There are tons of herbal remedies out there, as well that people have tried. But what can be done in an easy way, with no side effects and nothing that has to be taken internally? Simple answer, crystal healing!
You can use one crystal once a day to jump-start and continue your metabolim boosting agents throughout your entire day. So how do you do it and what’s the catch? It’s easy really! Find a piece of Amazonite at your local crystal or metaphysical store, or even one that you are drawn to online. Make sure your cleanse and program this especially for boosting your metabolism. Once you have done this charge your bathtub water with Amazonite for 30 minutes, either while you are in the bath or before your bath, and enjoy the boosting agents of this natural healing all day long.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Finding Lost Objects With Crystals
Finding these lost objects is the wonderful part of our day, and the old saying is they always turn up in the last place that we look. However, who wants to look around for hours on end to find these things, especially when we have time schedules and need to be focusing on something else. There are always other solutions such as buying two pairs of glasses, or having an extra set of car keys stored somewhere for a quick fix, but what about those things near and dear to our hearts such as wedding rings or other sentimental things. These you cannot replace or have an extra set. Sure, you can go to the store and get another one, but the person wants to the original for these very same reasons.
There are other things you can do such as tearing your home, office, car, and even yard apart. You can even try dowsing rods to locate these items if you practice enough and work with them to find what you are looking for. Unfortunately dowsing rods will notice other sources of things, especially within a home, and can become frustrating if you are not the greatest at using them. So, what can be done to help find your lost and precious items?
Next time you need to find something that is lost, make sure you have Infinite on hand. Charge and program this to help you find your lost objects. If you lose things a lot, you can charge this for a general lost item. If you are looking for something very specific, make sure to program it for this reason. Hold the Infinite in your dominant hand and concentrate on the object and finding what you are seeking. Do not let your mind wander during this exercise, so remember to stay focused. After you have a clear picture and are very focused, let your intuition guide you to the lost object. Don’t second guess yourself and think it couldn’t be here or there, as that is letting your mind wander. Follow your gut instincts and go with the flow on this one. It will lead you to amazing things!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Gambling, Lottery Games, & Crystals
Lottery games by nature are a random chance at winning. The games you find in casinos are programmed for so many wins on so many pulls of a machine. The tables have multiple decks of cards making it impossible to know what comes next and the lottery has tons of balls bouncing through air before a few get pulled into tubes for the winning numbers. So they are all games of chance, but how do some people win and others not? Is it all just luck? Are some people luckier than others? In addition, if so how can someone get more luck on his or her side?
Yes, in a manner of speaking, they are lucky, but it is not about someone being lucky or unlucky. You were not born into one of these two categories and have to stay there the rest of your life. Luck is what you create in your own life and on your own terms. If you are planning a trip to a casino and hoping that you don’t lose your entire bank account, you are already in the mind set that you are going to lose. You don’t have a winning attitude. Now is it all about the mind-set you have – well to be honest a good part of it is. If you are thinking positively, more positive things will come your way.
However, something else can boost your luck just a bit more when you are already in a positive mindset and want to stretch this winning streak a bit further. Next time you go to the casinos to go gambling, or even when you are getting your next set of lottery tickets, make sure to have a programmed Aventurine with you. You can have this in your dominant hand and focusing your intention on winning when you pull the lever, through the dice, turn over the cards, or pick your lottery numbers. If you are not comfortable holding this in your hand, make sure to keep this with a positive source of money when working with these issues. It is not a magical cure and will take about a week or more, depending on your attitude towards your intention, so start planning early before your next trip!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystal Healing For Interconnectedness
Having this feeling is a knowing process, and an awareness and evolution, about understanding that we are all connected. We may not be able to see this connection but it is there. We are all one and from one Universal source of power. What happens when we are born into a physical body is that we start listening to the adults around us. We are pure until we understand the concept of “me.” When playing with toys as a baby, we are perfectly content until an adult tries to explain who has the toy and we finally understand there is a difference between you and me. There really is no difference except with are in separate physical forms as a human body, but all of our energy is ok. Once we learn this as a child though the process all starts of separation issues, wanting our own things, competition, and so much more. Are these things positive? Not really if you are looking at it from a connection issue and a grand scheme of life.
Interconnectedness is a beautiful thing when sought after in a positive way. So how can we achieve the shear splendor when had as babies and young children? We practice obtaining that connection back again and understanding it is about cooperation and connection, not competition. To practice this concept, make sure to have a Yellow and Orange Jade both programmed for interconnection. Wear these together for 7 days, cleanse, and reprogram every week. Start practicing your cooperation skills instead of your competitive skills and see how much more you connect with life around you.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
House & Home Cleansing Techniques
House and home cleansings can be done for many reasons. I am not talking about the typical spring cleaning, but an energetic one to remove negative and stagnant energy, energetic debris, earth energy lines that can cause harm and damage, electromagnetic wave interference from appliances, and even spiritual entities that feed off of energy spots. It sounds like a lot and can be confusing, but I will explain a few simple ways to cleanse your home by yourself.
For a general and easy way to remove stagnant and negative energy, you can work with a basic smudge stick made of sage. Smudge sticks ca be combined with other herbs as well, but you want to make sure to have the majority of this be a sage combination or pure sage. Light the end of the smudge stick, carefully and gently blow out the flame until the stick is burning through the sage and a generous amount of smoke is coming through. Walk around the entire inside perimeter of your home blowing the smoke into all corners and around all entryways such as windows and doors. Using a white feather allows this process to fan the smoke into such corners with the purity of animal’s spirit.
Crystal smudging can also be done using Marcasite. You can charge a smudge stick with this crystal vibrational frequency before smudging your home. If you wish to strictly work with the crystal smudging, you can charge a bottle of purified water with Marcasite for 24 hours and gently mist all areas of your home, making sure to get into corners above and below, as well as entry ways to your home.
Sound vibrational frequency can also be used for home cleansing with Tibetan singing bowls. Each bowl has its own vibrational frequency and depending on the needs of the home and the vibrational intent behind them, you should use the appropriate bowl for this particular session.
A few other simple ways to help cleanse and clear an area are: placing rock salt in the corners of each room after a cleansing session to help integrate the energy work that was completed, using incense, placing wind chimes throughout the home, lighting candles, having water foundations flowing, and many more. All of these tings keep an energetic flow throughout your home and this keeps the energetic debris from building up. Remember to at least provide your home with a cleansing every month to keep things fresh and flowing.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystal Healing For Hay Fever Issues
There are different crystal healings for all of the above mentioned symptoms and then some, but if we want to really get to the core of healing the hay fever issues it is not about what symptom you are showing at any given time but working on the underlying cause which are the hay fever issues in general.
Now healing in general should be done this way, but many new healers, and even some of the advanced ones, start by working on the symptoms being shown. This can cure the symptoms, but then new ones start arising and the root cause is still there. Therefore, crystal healing is no different, as it is just about working with a vibrational level match for the ailment at hand.
For hay fever issues, you want to make sure that the person is wearing a programmed Citrine pendant as much as possible during this time. Cleanse and reprogram every 7 days for best results. A Citrine elixir can also be made by charging the purified water for 30 minutes and lightly misting the areas of the physical body, from head to toe, especially the head areas. Re-mist every 6 hours for best results when using this elixir.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Drawing Out Negative Energy With Crystal Healing
So for those who are wanting to learn how to draw out negativity, either for themselves or family members, friends, and even clients, it is as simple as holding a crystal within their own hand. For this session, you will need to make sure the person who needs to draw out the negativity holds Jet in their dominant hand. Have the person close their hand and focus on the issues that are creating the negative energy. This could be from their job, spouse, friend, family member, or anything else that strikes a nerve within them. Have them take a few deep breaths slowly and they will start to feel their frustration, anger, hatred, confusion, and any other negative emotions leaving their physical bodies.
Each individual person takes a different time span for this exercise, but on average, this can last anywhere from 5-10 minutes. For smaller issues it can be a few minutes and for major ones this can last up to 25-30 minutes. This also depends on how negative the person is too. If the person is a walking negative magnet, this could be something you would have the person do once every day or every other day until they can learn to control their negative emotional side. If the person is a fairly happy emotional status person, occasionally when the negative energy rears its head should take care of these issues.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystals For Good Luck Charms
When working with specialized crystals and stones for working with good luck charms you want to make sure you pick a crystal that is a vibrational match for you when you are in a particularly good and happy mood. If you walk into a crystal store looking for luck and not already feeling lucky what you are going to draw in are crystals that are at the low vibrational level match for yourself, so they are not going to be much of a help. How can you be feeling like you need luck and still feel lucky? This is the trick. All you have to do is be in a really good mood and “feeling” lucky. It is all about your emotional output for what you are experiencing. Play some happy upbeat music in the car on the way to the crystal store or make sure you are thinking about a particularly lucky time in your life. It can be anything from when you met your spouse, won some money at the lottery, or found that special prize – anything that greats this excitement, happy, and lucky feeling from inside.
Once you have this feeling, keep thinking about this emotion, the things that had you feeling this way and hold this image for as long as possible when choosing your lucky charms. Once you have found the magnetic attraction to the one(s) that feel right for you, remember that they are crystals too not just luck charms, and take them home to be cleansed and programmed. Make sure to carry them around with you where they can be within your energetic field as much as possible and have a free flowing current of energy.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystal Healing & Manifestation Issues
There are multiple ways to incorporate crystals with manifestation issues. You can use crystal grid methods with a variety of different crystals and shapes for your grids. You can also use programmed crystals for your manifestation desires. You can also even charge a crystal with intention and Reiki and place this over your desired outcome on an alter or within the area that you spend the most of your time and focus on this topic.
For working with programmed crystals for your manifestation desires you can use a Smoky Quartz and Citrine in a crystal combination. Make sure to hold the Smoky Quartz and Citrine in your dominant hand while focusing on your manifestation anywhere from 15-20 minutes. If your attention span will not hold this long for your focus, start out with a smaller amount of time, such as 5 minutes, and build from there. The more you hold this desire in your mental focus the stronger the energy output will be for your manifestation. After a period of 7 days, make sure to cleanse your crystals.
Depending on the topic of your manifestation and the current state of your life and your mental attitude toward your goal, anything can happen from a week to months for the Universe to align and bring in your desired outcome. The key is to focus, cleanse your crystals once a week, and keep up the work. Everything in life has a gestation period, so allow for ample time for each desire to be fulfilled and have fun with the exercise.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Healing Symptoms Vs Core Issues
When we get into healing work, whether you are a beginner or advanced – and even some of the pro’s out there – it is very easy to say “I have a headache” and work on healing this area. For the most part, smaller things such as headaches, bruises, cuts, scrapes, and other miscellaneous areas can be healed this way. This can include things from energy work, crystal healing, and other vibrational and energetic types of work. However, once we get past the smaller issues and really delve into this type of work we realize it is not the general surface things that need to be healed. We have to go deeper, much deeper. This is when we start looking at the core issues, the underlying causes. This is when the healing work really starts to get interesting.
When you come across a person with constant headaches, have you ever trued to just heal the headache or have you looked into the matter further? What is causing the continuous manner in which they keep coming back? Is it from stress related issues? What about hormonal changes? Possibly environmental? This can be brought about in multiple areas. It is a matter of finding the core issue, narrowing this down, and healing this problem as an underlying cause – not just the surface issue. You can keep treating the headaches repeatedly, but they will continue to come back if the underlying cause is not addressed.
So what do you do? Start by tackling the symptoms and working to get yourself, or the client, in a better and more balanced state, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Once the symptoms have been worked on, then delve deeper. Find what the common links are between the surface ailments and work on healing these until the core root has been fully healed.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning