Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Crystals For Good Luck Charms

Crystals can be used as good luck charms for many people, especially the ones that have been formatted into pendants or the ones that etched writing has been engraved into the crystal. Does either of these options make the crystal or stone more powerful? No, actually neither of them gives the crystal nor stones any more or less power. What these do is create a subconscious link in your mind when working with the crystal, pendants, or carved stone.

When working with specialized crystals and stones for working with good luck charms you want to make sure you pick a crystal that is a vibrational match for you when you are in a particularly good and happy mood. If you walk into a crystal store looking for luck and not already feeling lucky what you are going to draw in are crystals that are at the low vibrational level match for yourself, so they are not going to be much of a help. How can you be feeling like you need luck and still feel lucky? This is the trick. All you have to do is be in a really good mood and “feeling” lucky. It is all about your emotional output for what you are experiencing. Play some happy upbeat music in the car on the way to the crystal store or make sure you are thinking about a particularly lucky time in your life. It can be anything from when you met your spouse, won some money at the lottery, or found that special prize – anything that greats this excitement, happy, and lucky feeling from inside.

Once you have this feeling, keep thinking about this emotion, the things that had you feeling this way and hold this image for as long as possible when choosing your lucky charms. Once you have found the magnetic attraction to the one(s) that feel right for you, remember that they are crystals too not just luck charms, and take them home to be cleansed and programmed. Make sure to carry them around with you where they can be within your energetic field as much as possible and have a free flowing current of energy.

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Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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