Sunday, March 28, 2010

Stagnant Energy Issues

What do you do when you have that stagnant feeling, whether it is in your home, your office, your car, or even just your self in general if you are feeling stuck in a rut or the energy around is? There are many options, as it all depends on what energy is stuck, where, and why it is so stagnant.

Stagnant energy can be caused by a lot of different reasons from negative thought patterns, behavioral issues, closed off energy sources, an accumulation of energetic imprints or debris, a lack of cleansing issues over a significant amount of time to name just a few. To counteract these issues, you can use a variety of different options, so stay open to the possibilities of what resonates within you.

For general basic room cleansing, good for home usage due to the smoke, you can use a basic smudging technique. Smudge sticks can be either pure sage or a sage combination, as this depends on where you purchase them and your own personal preference. Light the smudge stick and go around the entire perimeter of the room or entire home, inside, making sure to fan the smudge smoke into corner areas and around doors and windows to break up the stagnant energy and increase a fluid flow through the room or home.

For a general cleansing of an office space, you can create a crystal elixir for smudging purposes. Create an Amber elixir, charging for one hour, and lightly mist all around your office area. Make sure not to get any electronic devices wet from this mist.

For spiritual cleansing, make sure you use Lapis Lazuli and cleanse all of your aura fields in large sweeping motions in a clockwise manner. You can also use a brushing technique moving from above your crown chakra to the floor and repeat around your entire physical body.

For energy grid cleansings, make sure to use Ammolite during the session in your dominant hand t break up the stagnant energy on all grid levels!

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Many Blessings
and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

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