Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dealing With Blocks When Developing Your Intuition

In my personal experience I have observed that the most persistent block from one's past comes from the religious upbringing. Many people have been raised to believe in a powerful God that is both feared and loved at the same time.

But if we go back, and I have been raised in a very strict religious household, and trace our own personal lineage back in the Bible, where does that leave us? If God made Adam in the likeness of himself, then Adam would have all of his creative and capable powers as well. If Eve were created from Adam's rib, then Eve as well would have all of these creative and capable powers too! If we were all descendants from Adam and Eve, then wouldn't it make sense we have all of these abilities as well!
I am an Ordained Minister myself, and know the Bible very well from my upbringing. It is even said that Jesus himself said, "Don't you know that ye are gods?"

But somehow along the way we lost sight of our own natural powers and abilities, as they have slowly been lost since birth, being buried underneath years and years of humanization and blocks. These blocks are what hold the majority back from fully developing their own natural gifts. Once the blocks are removed, the energy flows and intuition grows!

Another major block is the mental block we personally create ourselves. This goes back to dealing with our own personal self-confidence and esteem issues and believing in our own innate abilities.
Some may censor or dismiss their own true intuitive thoughts and feelings by rationalizing them away as coincidence or luck. They ignore their own ability within themselves and seek others for their answers. All of our true answers lie within!

Start your search within your our mind, body and soul! Meditate, focus and learn as much as you can! There is no wrong way to do this! Learning and practicing are the keys to developing your own abilities.

I hope this helps many of you on your own spiritual pathway through your development!

Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning


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