Monday, June 22, 2009

Forgiveness & Acceptance Moving You Forward In Life

Forgiveness and acceptance allow you to let go of old, energetically burdens and move forward with lighter hearts and better perception. These are often difficult concepts to embrace for some because they often see this as condoning past behavior. Forgiveness and acceptance take courage for
someone to do.

When you choose to forgive those who have hurt you, your ego side lets go of the energetic ties so you can return to your soul's true vibration. People who hurt you are only people hurting themselves. When you forgive others you release yourself from their energy and take your power back from them.

Forgiveness is a way of remembering that you are a Divine Soul and cannot be harmed.
When opening yourself up to this in life, you will be able to see how much each person or situation has touched your life. You were taught a lesson with every breath and step you took in your own personal journey. This is where your acceptance comes into your life. It is honoring your past and seeing all of the valuable lessons we have learned as well as grown from.

Forgiveness and acceptance are important life lessons for everyone to learn and work through, whether you are a child or adult. These are lessons we need to use in our every day life.

When forgiveness and acceptance are not used, blocks build up, personal power is given away and energetic damage can accumulate within our physical bodies. Freeing us of these issues can create a brand new viewpoint on life, move us forward instead of stagnating and create a happier and more positive life and spiritual pathway.

So start breaking down those walls and barriers. Work on forgiving and acceptance in your life and see yourself grow, expand and move forward!

I hope this helps you all on your life and spiritual pathway through life!!

Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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