Working with animals and their training is enough of a communication work-out for anyone. But when you have an animal with aggressive behavior towards you or the other animals in the group or pack, this can make things even that much more of a barrier.
There are a few different ways you can work on animal aggressive issues, but working with crystals and their energy fields I have found to be the easiest and quickest for these types of situations.
If this is your animal companion, you can make a Blue Lace Agate pendant for the animal to wear on his or her collar or harness. Make sure you cleanse this pendant before attaching it to their collar or harness. Program this as well to help with their aggressive issues. Cleanse this roughly every 7 days, depending on how severe the issues are within the animal companion.
For group or pack work, make sure you have a Blue Tourmaline on hand. Rub this quickly and this will charge the ends of it with a positive and negative charge. Make sure you direct the positive end near the aggressive animal companion, as this will disperse the energy and bring about tranquility and a calmness behavior in them.
If the issues, with your own animal or those in a group or pack setting, continue make sure to couple this with Rose Quartz to balance out the self-love aspect within the animal. You can place this on the animal’s collar or harness, or surround the area that the group or pack is working in to enhance the abilities.
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Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Heal Bruises & Injuries With Energy, Herbal & Crystal Healing
Now we all get bumps and bruises from many different things and in many different places, some more noticeable and some more painful them others. How do you go about healing them so that they do not stay around for long periods of time? I have found a wonderful combination of exercises to use to help heal bruises especially a lot more quickly and effortlessly them letting them heal on their own.
This is a combination of herbal healing, crystal healing and energy healing. You do not have to use all three to have them heal quicker, as using just one or two of the three forms will help in speeding up the healing process.
When you first get injured, or as soon as you can afterwards, you want to start running Reiki energy to help bring down any swelling until you can get to your other items. This will help in the energetic damage that was done to the physical and aura fields. This is always best to start with. If the injury is something more severe, such as a broken bone, wait until the injury is set before starting the energy. This is common practice for Reiki usage.
When you can get to your herbal and crystal supplies, next put on some Arnica gel on the area as soon as possible. Arnica is a wonderful thing to help reduce the pain and the bruising. This comes in other forms, but have found the gel format to be the easiest and best to use.
Next you want to use your Hematite and Petrified Wood. Make sure they are all cleansed from any prior use before starting. You can to place the Hematite directly on the area and the Petrified Wood surrounding the area. If this is some place near an outlet for the energy to flow, such as the bruising is on your leg near your foot, you can place the Hematite at your foot chakra and the Petrified Wood surrounding the bruised area. The Hematite will draw out the negative energy from the injury and the Petrified Wood will help aid this as well as heal the energy imprint and align the energy area.
Remember you do not have to use all three, but when it has been used in this trio the results are amazing. But even just using one or two is better then nothing. So help heal your energy fields and keep them healthy!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
This is a combination of herbal healing, crystal healing and energy healing. You do not have to use all three to have them heal quicker, as using just one or two of the three forms will help in speeding up the healing process.
When you first get injured, or as soon as you can afterwards, you want to start running Reiki energy to help bring down any swelling until you can get to your other items. This will help in the energetic damage that was done to the physical and aura fields. This is always best to start with. If the injury is something more severe, such as a broken bone, wait until the injury is set before starting the energy. This is common practice for Reiki usage.
When you can get to your herbal and crystal supplies, next put on some Arnica gel on the area as soon as possible. Arnica is a wonderful thing to help reduce the pain and the bruising. This comes in other forms, but have found the gel format to be the easiest and best to use.
Next you want to use your Hematite and Petrified Wood. Make sure they are all cleansed from any prior use before starting. You can to place the Hematite directly on the area and the Petrified Wood surrounding the area. If this is some place near an outlet for the energy to flow, such as the bruising is on your leg near your foot, you can place the Hematite at your foot chakra and the Petrified Wood surrounding the bruised area. The Hematite will draw out the negative energy from the injury and the Petrified Wood will help aid this as well as heal the energy imprint and align the energy area.
Remember you do not have to use all three, but when it has been used in this trio the results are amazing. But even just using one or two is better then nothing. So help heal your energy fields and keep them healthy!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Monday, August 24, 2009
Healing Back Aches & Pains
Everyone gets back aches and pains every now and then and they can come from various sources of pain. It doesn’t matter whether you have been working at the computer for to long, standing on your feet working as a cashier or you just to long a walk with your new puppy, back aches and pains are just that. They seem to come at the worst time and can affect anyone and everyone. So what do you do to heal and work through them that doesn’t take a lot of time or money or countless trips to healers or doctors.
For the short onset of pain or discomfort, I suggest laying down on your stomach on a flat surface, such as a healing table, massage table, even your bed if you have to. Make sure you are comfortable as you can be at that moment and take some deep breaths. Now either place, or have someone else place three pieces of Petrified Wood on your back equally distant from your neck to your bottom. The Petrified Wood’s properties will draw out the aches and pains in your back while realigning the energy running through these chakras at the same time. Make sure you have about 15 minutes to spare doing this session.
Now if you have longer back pain issues that are reoccurring, you can wear a reverse pendant. A reverse pendant is one that is worn with the Petrified Wood resting on your back, not on your chest. This will draw the blocked or stagnant energy up and out through this as well as help align the energy flow through your back and chakras. This should be word for at least 6 hours a day for 5 days in a row to receive the best results. You can find Petrified Wood at any local holistic or metaphysical store.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
For the short onset of pain or discomfort, I suggest laying down on your stomach on a flat surface, such as a healing table, massage table, even your bed if you have to. Make sure you are comfortable as you can be at that moment and take some deep breaths. Now either place, or have someone else place three pieces of Petrified Wood on your back equally distant from your neck to your bottom. The Petrified Wood’s properties will draw out the aches and pains in your back while realigning the energy running through these chakras at the same time. Make sure you have about 15 minutes to spare doing this session.
Now if you have longer back pain issues that are reoccurring, you can wear a reverse pendant. A reverse pendant is one that is worn with the Petrified Wood resting on your back, not on your chest. This will draw the blocked or stagnant energy up and out through this as well as help align the energy flow through your back and chakras. This should be word for at least 6 hours a day for 5 days in a row to receive the best results. You can find Petrified Wood at any local holistic or metaphysical store.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Energizing Kundalini With Reiki & Crystals
Your own personal Kundalini energy flow and power is strong in its own right. Adding Reiki energy and flow to this increases the energy flow through your chakras. Kundalini energy flows strong through your main 7 chakra, as well as over 300 minor chakras. Adding and incorporating Reiki into this flow can increase the strength.
Start practicing with either Reiki or your own personal Kundalini energy and then incorporate the other into this. To amplify this even further, you can add an Ammolite to your sessions.
For best results, again start with one or the other, and then add the second level to this. Once you have this energy running and strong, add an Ammolite to the mix. Make sure you have this cleansed a head of time, as well as charged and programmed for this purpose. The more you use this particularly for this session and purpose the more and stronger the energy flow will be for both your own personal Kundalini energy as well as your Reiki flow.
You can start in a meditation or healing session. Make sure you are grounded and centered before beginning with either form. If you are not, things will become very unbalanced and a bit spacey when working. Once you have done both of these, start with your own personal energy Kundalini flow. Then open up your crown chakra and feet chakras and run your Reiki energy flow from the Universal source down through your crown chakra and out of your feet chakras. Next add in your Ammolite, holding this in your dominant hand. Your Kundalini and Reiki flow will be much stronger and easier flowing throughout your 7 main chakras.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Start practicing with either Reiki or your own personal Kundalini energy and then incorporate the other into this. To amplify this even further, you can add an Ammolite to your sessions.
For best results, again start with one or the other, and then add the second level to this. Once you have this energy running and strong, add an Ammolite to the mix. Make sure you have this cleansed a head of time, as well as charged and programmed for this purpose. The more you use this particularly for this session and purpose the more and stronger the energy flow will be for both your own personal Kundalini energy as well as your Reiki flow.
You can start in a meditation or healing session. Make sure you are grounded and centered before beginning with either form. If you are not, things will become very unbalanced and a bit spacey when working. Once you have done both of these, start with your own personal energy Kundalini flow. Then open up your crown chakra and feet chakras and run your Reiki energy flow from the Universal source down through your crown chakra and out of your feet chakras. Next add in your Ammolite, holding this in your dominant hand. Your Kundalini and Reiki flow will be much stronger and easier flowing throughout your 7 main chakras.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Crystal Healing For Sore & Aching Feet
Sore and aching feet can bring a damper to anyone’s day. Not only is it painful to walk and get mobile, but it also has to deal with our energy flow, connection through our grounding and just generally an overall imbalance in our energy structure.
You can re-distribute your energy for healing purposes with your feet a few different ways. Crystals and Reiki are the big ones I love to use, as they are easily available and convenient for almost anyone to work with.
A quick energy boost for healing sore and aching feet can be done right in the comfort of your own home. You will need a small pan or tub, some sea salt and warm water to begin with. You will also need five crystals per each foot, for a total of ten crystals. You will need two Hematite and either eight Black Tourmaline or Black Obsidian. Either choice, whether it is Tourmaline or Obsidian, will work so feel free to use them interchangeably.
You want to fill your pan or tub with warm water and sea salt to begin. Next place your feet in the water and get them in a comfortable position. Now place one Hematite directly above your toes, in the water, one Hematite per foot. Next take your Black Tourmaline or Black Obsidian and place one on each side of each foot. You should still have four crystals left. Now place two at the back of each heel as well. This should form an oval type of shape, with each foot having 5 crystals surrounding it.
Soak your feet for 15 minute time periods. After 15 minutes, remove the crystals and place on a dry towel. Next refill the pan or tub with fresh water and sea salt and repeat the procedure as needed. Depending on the issue that cause your foot aches or pains, you may only need one session, or multiple sessions due to the severity. Remember to cleanse the crystals before each use as to not add the negative energy back into the fresh water.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
You can re-distribute your energy for healing purposes with your feet a few different ways. Crystals and Reiki are the big ones I love to use, as they are easily available and convenient for almost anyone to work with.
A quick energy boost for healing sore and aching feet can be done right in the comfort of your own home. You will need a small pan or tub, some sea salt and warm water to begin with. You will also need five crystals per each foot, for a total of ten crystals. You will need two Hematite and either eight Black Tourmaline or Black Obsidian. Either choice, whether it is Tourmaline or Obsidian, will work so feel free to use them interchangeably.
You want to fill your pan or tub with warm water and sea salt to begin. Next place your feet in the water and get them in a comfortable position. Now place one Hematite directly above your toes, in the water, one Hematite per foot. Next take your Black Tourmaline or Black Obsidian and place one on each side of each foot. You should still have four crystals left. Now place two at the back of each heel as well. This should form an oval type of shape, with each foot having 5 crystals surrounding it.
Soak your feet for 15 minute time periods. After 15 minutes, remove the crystals and place on a dry towel. Next refill the pan or tub with fresh water and sea salt and repeat the procedure as needed. Depending on the issue that cause your foot aches or pains, you may only need one session, or multiple sessions due to the severity. Remember to cleanse the crystals before each use as to not add the negative energy back into the fresh water.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Practice & Patience Is Key With Meditation
Meditation is an ancient practice of quieting the conscious mind, self-discovery and relaxation. This is the time for you to work within yourself, deepen your concentration and communication with your higher self, guides and the Universe! This can be called “God” or any other names you wish to use, but for my own personal issues I call this a Universal Spirit.
Our ultimate goal for meditation sessions and exercises is to open us up and uncover our true souls at the deepest level possible, as well as establish a stronger communication link.
Meditation is not a religion, nor is it required for anyone to use in his or her daily life or even on his or her spiritual pathway. Meditation is suggested to enhance and develop your spiritual pathway to enlightenment, as well as developing your awareness!
When first starting your meditation process, one can get confused on how to start, what to do and in general just where to begin. Remember that everyone is different, and no two people are going to meditate the same way.
Find a comfortable place for you to begin your meditation practice, and use whatever aids you wish to when beginning. This can be incense, soothing music, drumming techniques, crystal usage and so much more. The key point is that you are comfortable and relaxed. Do not meditate while lying down, as this can cause you to fall asleep and not fully experience your meditation session. Another key point is to try and do this the same time every day if possible.
This will train your conscious side to remember to go into this state of mind to relax and become more open over time.
Remember, this is something you have to practice and experience, not something that will happen overnight. So be patient, give yourself time and do not stress if your subconscious does not do what you are expecting it to do. Practice and patience is key!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Our ultimate goal for meditation sessions and exercises is to open us up and uncover our true souls at the deepest level possible, as well as establish a stronger communication link.
Meditation is not a religion, nor is it required for anyone to use in his or her daily life or even on his or her spiritual pathway. Meditation is suggested to enhance and develop your spiritual pathway to enlightenment, as well as developing your awareness!
When first starting your meditation process, one can get confused on how to start, what to do and in general just where to begin. Remember that everyone is different, and no two people are going to meditate the same way.
Find a comfortable place for you to begin your meditation practice, and use whatever aids you wish to when beginning. This can be incense, soothing music, drumming techniques, crystal usage and so much more. The key point is that you are comfortable and relaxed. Do not meditate while lying down, as this can cause you to fall asleep and not fully experience your meditation session. Another key point is to try and do this the same time every day if possible.
This will train your conscious side to remember to go into this state of mind to relax and become more open over time.
Remember, this is something you have to practice and experience, not something that will happen overnight. So be patient, give yourself time and do not stress if your subconscious does not do what you are expecting it to do. Practice and patience is key!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Monday, August 10, 2009
Affirmations & Mantras With Crystal Energies
If you enjoy working with affirmations and mantras, then why not enhance the energy and vibrational level behind them to make them even stronger in your life. You can do this with crystal energy and vibrational level work.
A fun and easy way to do this is with a Rhodonite. You can find this generally at your local metaphysical or holistic store, and even online as well. Just remember when looking for your new crystal to pick the one that resonates within you.
After you have your new vibrational friend, remember to cleanse and charge this to your own personal energy fields as well before starting your affirmation or mantra work.
When you are ready to begin, hold your Rhodonite in between your hands when reciting your affirmations or mantras. Do this every day for 7 consecutive days to enhance their strength and ability in your life.
Some people feel more comfortable holding this in their dominant hand, and that is ok as well. I have noticed though a dramatic difference in the two different sessions with my own work as well as clients and students, and have found more effective results with using both hands.
Remember to wear or carry this around with you for at least the 7 days you are working with it, if not longer. You can continue to work with the Rhodonite after the 7 days to make an even stronger connection if you wish, as this depends on what your affirmation or mantra is for and what you are working on to give this more energetic and vibrational power.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
A fun and easy way to do this is with a Rhodonite. You can find this generally at your local metaphysical or holistic store, and even online as well. Just remember when looking for your new crystal to pick the one that resonates within you.
After you have your new vibrational friend, remember to cleanse and charge this to your own personal energy fields as well before starting your affirmation or mantra work.
When you are ready to begin, hold your Rhodonite in between your hands when reciting your affirmations or mantras. Do this every day for 7 consecutive days to enhance their strength and ability in your life.
Some people feel more comfortable holding this in their dominant hand, and that is ok as well. I have noticed though a dramatic difference in the two different sessions with my own work as well as clients and students, and have found more effective results with using both hands.
Remember to wear or carry this around with you for at least the 7 days you are working with it, if not longer. You can continue to work with the Rhodonite after the 7 days to make an even stronger connection if you wish, as this depends on what your affirmation or mantra is for and what you are working on to give this more energetic and vibrational power.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Crystal Healing For Your Aura
You can use crystals to help cleanse your aura during a healing session. Using crystals for healing is a fun and easy way, especially if you are not attuned to Reiki to use a particular type of energy. Being attuned to Reiki can help enhance the crystal healing being done, but is not required for working with them on healing issues.
When working on your aura layers, you can easily and simply cleanse and repair issues using a Lapis Lazuli during your session. Now if you have never used crystal healing or Reiki before, this may seem a bit “odd” but it is incredibly effective for a very basic type of session. A Lapis Lazuli will help remove the stagnant energy, get the negative energy flowing and moving again for your reverse positive energy to help heal on its own, as well as seal and repair basic rips and tears that are leaking energy.
Using a Lapis Lazuli is not recommended for working on a full entire aura session, but it is good for beginners to get started with if you want to see what it can do and get a taste of working with crystals and energy work. For a full and deep repairing and cleansing session, being attuned to Reiki is a major plus. You will need to detect the energy issues and problems in need of repair, as well as running energy, cleansing, removing negative energy, clearing stagnant energy and incorporating multiple energy forms and crystals into one session.
For the beginners, however, you can take a Lapis Lazuli in your dominant hand and slowly move this around your client over and over their aura fields. Stay about 24 inches away from the physical body. Start moving this above their head, near their crown chakra and work towards their feet. Move around the body in a clockwise manner, as well as turning the Lapis Lazuli clockwise in your hand during the session.
Always remember to cleanse the crystal after your session is completed. Again this is recommended for the bare basics of an aura repair and cleansing session. For a more thorough session, please check into being attuned, detecting and working with energies as well as other crystals to use for each appropriate layer of one’s aura.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
When working on your aura layers, you can easily and simply cleanse and repair issues using a Lapis Lazuli during your session. Now if you have never used crystal healing or Reiki before, this may seem a bit “odd” but it is incredibly effective for a very basic type of session. A Lapis Lazuli will help remove the stagnant energy, get the negative energy flowing and moving again for your reverse positive energy to help heal on its own, as well as seal and repair basic rips and tears that are leaking energy.
Using a Lapis Lazuli is not recommended for working on a full entire aura session, but it is good for beginners to get started with if you want to see what it can do and get a taste of working with crystals and energy work. For a full and deep repairing and cleansing session, being attuned to Reiki is a major plus. You will need to detect the energy issues and problems in need of repair, as well as running energy, cleansing, removing negative energy, clearing stagnant energy and incorporating multiple energy forms and crystals into one session.
For the beginners, however, you can take a Lapis Lazuli in your dominant hand and slowly move this around your client over and over their aura fields. Stay about 24 inches away from the physical body. Start moving this above their head, near their crown chakra and work towards their feet. Move around the body in a clockwise manner, as well as turning the Lapis Lazuli clockwise in your hand during the session.
Always remember to cleanse the crystal after your session is completed. Again this is recommended for the bare basics of an aura repair and cleansing session. For a more thorough session, please check into being attuned, detecting and working with energies as well as other crystals to use for each appropriate layer of one’s aura.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Crystal Gemstone Elixirs For Fun & Abundance
You can use crystal and gemstone elixirs to enhance and work with almost anything and everything in your life. They are easy to make, as you only need the appropriate crystal or gemstone, and some distilled or spring water. You will also need one or two glass bowls depending on how you want to charge your water with a direct or indirect method.
Here is a fun one to try and works very well! To make an abundance crystal elixir, try using a crystal gem elixir made from an Emerald, or other appropriate crystal that resonates within your vibrational fields.
Make your crystal elixir either by a direct or indirect charge, and charge for at least 1 hour. 24 hours is best and provides a stronger elixir, but if you want to try it out a bit more quickly charge the water at least for 1 hour. Pour your charged water into a spray bottle and lightly mist around your home, office or where ever you are wishing to have more abundance.
Remember to mist at least once a day for 7 consecutive days and see how the energies change and more abundance come into your life.
Also remember, it is not just the crystal elixir that is creating this. You have to stay in the right frame of mind and be open to however the abundance does manifest. Don't pass the penny on the sidewalk and think "Oh it's just a penny". Pick it up and be thankful for it. The more gratitude you express the more abundance will show up!
So stay focused, positive and grateful and use your new crystal elixir to enhance your natural abilities and gifts!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Here is a fun one to try and works very well! To make an abundance crystal elixir, try using a crystal gem elixir made from an Emerald, or other appropriate crystal that resonates within your vibrational fields.
Make your crystal elixir either by a direct or indirect charge, and charge for at least 1 hour. 24 hours is best and provides a stronger elixir, but if you want to try it out a bit more quickly charge the water at least for 1 hour. Pour your charged water into a spray bottle and lightly mist around your home, office or where ever you are wishing to have more abundance.
Remember to mist at least once a day for 7 consecutive days and see how the energies change and more abundance come into your life.
Also remember, it is not just the crystal elixir that is creating this. You have to stay in the right frame of mind and be open to however the abundance does manifest. Don't pass the penny on the sidewalk and think "Oh it's just a penny". Pick it up and be thankful for it. The more gratitude you express the more abundance will show up!
So stay focused, positive and grateful and use your new crystal elixir to enhance your natural abilities and gifts!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Monday, August 3, 2009
Reiki Master & Spiritual Holistic Health Programs
Reiki is a big thing in our new modern society, but this has been around since 1920. Back then it was not common to perform distant attunements or healings, so you had to rely on who you knew and what was close to where you lived. Unfortunately this made Reiki not a common thing, but more of a specialty in healing. Reiki should be available to anyone and everyone who wants to use this, and not be determined by your income or location.
Alot of alternative, metaphysical, spiritual, or holistic programs include Reiki as part of their instruction. This is a big thing in this line of work because dealing with alternative, metaphysical, spiritual, and holistic healings the majority of then will come back to learning how to use energy.
Take for example, an animal communication program. If you want to learn how to communicate with animals, it is beneficial to know how to work with energy as well. Reason for this is because everything is tied back to its beginning and as you may already know everything in this world is made of energy. So if you want to learn how to relate and understand animals, you must know how you are going to connect with them. Working with meditation, relaxation and communication deals with energy as well. Being a Reiki Master is only a benefit to those who are studying in an alternative, metaphysical, spiritual or holistic program.
Another example would be taking a crystal-healing program. To charge a crystal, you can use your Reiki energy, as well as cleansing, programming and enhancing the crystals own vibrational energies. So why not be attuned to a Reiki Master as well, it only helps develop and enhance your own spiritual pathway in life.
Now just because you are attuned to a Reiki Master does not mean you have to go and try to heal everything you come in contact with. Some of us are here to help and serve with this type of work and some of us are here to enhance our own spiritual pathway and connect with the vibrational level of others. We are not all on the same pathway in life, so remember when making your decisions, it is about you, your learning and spiritual growth!
Stay focused, grounded, protected and learn as much as you possibly can to heal yourself and develop your own spiritual pathway in life, being interconnected with the Universe and others!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Alot of alternative, metaphysical, spiritual, or holistic programs include Reiki as part of their instruction. This is a big thing in this line of work because dealing with alternative, metaphysical, spiritual, and holistic healings the majority of then will come back to learning how to use energy.
Take for example, an animal communication program. If you want to learn how to communicate with animals, it is beneficial to know how to work with energy as well. Reason for this is because everything is tied back to its beginning and as you may already know everything in this world is made of energy. So if you want to learn how to relate and understand animals, you must know how you are going to connect with them. Working with meditation, relaxation and communication deals with energy as well. Being a Reiki Master is only a benefit to those who are studying in an alternative, metaphysical, spiritual or holistic program.
Another example would be taking a crystal-healing program. To charge a crystal, you can use your Reiki energy, as well as cleansing, programming and enhancing the crystals own vibrational energies. So why not be attuned to a Reiki Master as well, it only helps develop and enhance your own spiritual pathway in life.
Now just because you are attuned to a Reiki Master does not mean you have to go and try to heal everything you come in contact with. Some of us are here to help and serve with this type of work and some of us are here to enhance our own spiritual pathway and connect with the vibrational level of others. We are not all on the same pathway in life, so remember when making your decisions, it is about you, your learning and spiritual growth!
Stay focused, grounded, protected and learn as much as you possibly can to heal yourself and develop your own spiritual pathway in life, being interconnected with the Universe and others!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
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