Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Practice & Patience Is Key With Meditation

Meditation is an ancient practice of quieting the conscious mind, self-discovery and relaxation. This is the time for you to work within yourself, deepen your concentration and communication with your higher self, guides and the Universe! This can be called “God” or any other names you wish to use, but for my own personal issues I call this a Universal Spirit.

Our ultimate goal for meditation sessions and exercises is to open us up and uncover our true souls at the deepest level possible, as well as establish a stronger communication link.

Meditation is not a religion, nor is it required for anyone to use in his or her daily life or even on his or her spiritual pathway. Meditation is suggested to enhance and develop your spiritual pathway to enlightenment, as well as developing your awareness!

When first starting your meditation process, one can get confused on how to start, what to do and in general just where to begin. Remember that everyone is different, and no two people are going to meditate the same way.

Find a comfortable place for you to begin your meditation practice, and use whatever aids you wish to when beginning. This can be incense, soothing music, drumming techniques, crystal usage and so much more. The key point is that you are comfortable and relaxed. Do not meditate while lying down, as this can cause you to fall asleep and not fully experience your meditation session. Another key point is to try and do this the same time every day if possible.
This will train your conscious side to remember to go into this state of mind to relax and become more open over time.

Remember, this is something you have to practice and experience, not something that will happen overnight. So be patient, give yourself time and do not stress if your subconscious does not do what you are expecting it to do. Practice and patience is key!

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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