Who doesn’t want to be successful? Everyone does, and everyone does in there own way. We all have our own areas of expertise and things we want to do in our life that make our heart sing! But how do we get there?
Well two big things you have to work on, you have to know where you are and where you are going. Most self-help material today teaches you to focus solely on where you want to go or what you want to be or do. But I have found with my own pathway and search that you also have to know where you are. If you don’t know where you are in life, how could you possibly know where you want to be? Maybe you are already there and just don’t know it yet!
You have to pay attention to your habits that are already controlling your life. Habits are the ideas that sift in from the subconscious mind that cause you to behave like you do without giving a conscious thought to it. They can be small or big, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what they are doing to your life and how they are controlling it without you even realizing it. It can be anything from how you respond to people that call you at work or the way you speak to your boss because you don’t like your job.
Habits are actually easy to break and change if you know notice them and make a conscious decision to say, “This is an old negative habit and I no longer wish to have this in my life. Instead I will replace it with…” and fill in the blank.
When you replace a bad habit with a positive one it propels everything forward in your life that you want to change. So think about your habits that you do day in and day out and which ones do you want to change because they are not a positive result in your life path. Make a conscious decision to do something about it today and watch it unfold each and every day in a positive way!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Security Is Found Within - So Start Looking
Security is a major issue a lot of people face. I am seen it time and time again in the work that I do, and in many forms, from financial security to relationship security and so on. But what people are forgetting is that security comes from within. It is inside of you all along and no one and no thing can provide this for you.
Let me give you an example, many years ago I came across a woman who still clung to her childhood stuffed animal toy, and she was 35 years old at that time. She said she had this around her most of time that she could, at least in her home. She told me she didn�t take this to work with her because she didn�t want her colleagues to make fun of her. Her husband and children knew about this, as she would have t with her when she got up, and carried it around her house all the time from room to room. She took this stuffed animal to bed with her and pretty much had it with her all the time. She grew up in a very negative household, with a lot of mental and emotional abuse. She knew it was from this lack of love and sense of self and security that she had clung onto this raggedly old toy for so long, but she couldn�t part with it.
But why I asked? She said she was scared. I asked her what she was scared of and she said of being alone and no one loving her. I then asked her could this stuffed animal love her and make her feel not alone. She thought about this for a moment and said that is silly it is a stuffed animal, it has no conscious side, it has no heart, and it is merely some material that has been patched over so many times in the years that it didn�t even look like the original animal. She then realized that it was herself holding her back, not the stuffed animal.
She had been clinging to something for 35 years all because of a lack of security inside. This is something that a lot of people go through, not to this extent always, but there is still that lack. So take some time today and look inside yourself. Are you holding yourself back? What do you really want to do? Am you scared and in the end holding yourself back?
Break through that barrier. What you have been doing isn�t working until now, so lets change it! If you haven�t got the security inside then you haven�t go it at all.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Let me give you an example, many years ago I came across a woman who still clung to her childhood stuffed animal toy, and she was 35 years old at that time. She said she had this around her most of time that she could, at least in her home. She told me she didn�t take this to work with her because she didn�t want her colleagues to make fun of her. Her husband and children knew about this, as she would have t with her when she got up, and carried it around her house all the time from room to room. She took this stuffed animal to bed with her and pretty much had it with her all the time. She grew up in a very negative household, with a lot of mental and emotional abuse. She knew it was from this lack of love and sense of self and security that she had clung onto this raggedly old toy for so long, but she couldn�t part with it.
But why I asked? She said she was scared. I asked her what she was scared of and she said of being alone and no one loving her. I then asked her could this stuffed animal love her and make her feel not alone. She thought about this for a moment and said that is silly it is a stuffed animal, it has no conscious side, it has no heart, and it is merely some material that has been patched over so many times in the years that it didn�t even look like the original animal. She then realized that it was herself holding her back, not the stuffed animal.
She had been clinging to something for 35 years all because of a lack of security inside. This is something that a lot of people go through, not to this extent always, but there is still that lack. So take some time today and look inside yourself. Are you holding yourself back? What do you really want to do? Am you scared and in the end holding yourself back?
Break through that barrier. What you have been doing isn�t working until now, so lets change it! If you haven�t got the security inside then you haven�t go it at all.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Be The Star In Your Own Life Movie & Act As If You Already Have It
Now this one you may have heard a few times around, but people always seem to get stuck on this topic. If I want to be a millionaire, how can I act as if I already have it? I don’t have a million dollars so what am I supposed to do. This is what trips most people up in their manifestation processes.
Acting as if you already have something is a mind frame not a physical plane existence. It is explained to you in the physical because this is how we live, but it is all in your mind and conscious side of your brain. You have to build the image of what you want to become. Live the part of what you want to grow into and you will become the success you want to be.
Let’s take actors for example, they study their parts and scripts for the “thing” they want to portray. The good actors really get into these roles, as they do their research, go out and study the types of people or areas to be able to project this through onto the screen and make a believable performance. This is what acting as if you already have it is all about.
This is your life, and you are the your own star in your own movie. You write the script, you know what you want. So do the research and field work. If you want to have that house, look at some pictures of the homes you want, go and check into some of them. Find the prices; find the layouts, live the movie. Learn all that you can and portray that. It will manifest in your life. You are the actor in your own life, so start living it to the fullest and the in the best way possible for the way you want your own movie to turn out!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Acting as if you already have something is a mind frame not a physical plane existence. It is explained to you in the physical because this is how we live, but it is all in your mind and conscious side of your brain. You have to build the image of what you want to become. Live the part of what you want to grow into and you will become the success you want to be.
Let’s take actors for example, they study their parts and scripts for the “thing” they want to portray. The good actors really get into these roles, as they do their research, go out and study the types of people or areas to be able to project this through onto the screen and make a believable performance. This is what acting as if you already have it is all about.
This is your life, and you are the your own star in your own movie. You write the script, you know what you want. So do the research and field work. If you want to have that house, look at some pictures of the homes you want, go and check into some of them. Find the prices; find the layouts, live the movie. Learn all that you can and portray that. It will manifest in your life. You are the actor in your own life, so start living it to the fullest and the in the best way possible for the way you want your own movie to turn out!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
How To Use The Law Of Compensation
I want to talk to you today about the Law of Compensation. This law states that three things in direction relation to what you are trying to accomplish in your life. They are:
The need for what you do
Your ability to do it and do it well
The difficulty it is for replacing you
Now how are you supposed to work on all of them? Your not! That’s the beauty of it. The law of compensation takes care of numbers 1 and 3 for you. But in return you have to take care of number 2.
The need for what you do is already there or you wouldn’t have a job to do. No matter what it is you are doing, there is a need. Whether you are a plumber, electrician, preacher, cashier, light worker, psychic, etc the need is already there. So that is taken care of for you.
The difficulty it is for replacing you has already been taken care of as well, because there is more than one person out in the world doing any given job at any given time. There is more than one plumber in the world, as well as preachers, cashiers, light workers, etc. So this one has been taken care of as well by the Universe.
But number 2, your ability to do your job and do it well is up to you. That’s it, just one task! Find what your job is, what you really love to do, and do it to the best of your ability. What is it that makes you different than any other plumber, cashier, preacher, light worker, etc out there. What makes you stand out from the rest? If you do this and do it to the best of your ability the difficulty in replacing you will be hard to do, so the more in demand you will be.
Give it a try! The worst thing that can happen is you become better and more dependent and strong in something that you love!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The need for what you do
Your ability to do it and do it well
The difficulty it is for replacing you
Now how are you supposed to work on all of them? Your not! That’s the beauty of it. The law of compensation takes care of numbers 1 and 3 for you. But in return you have to take care of number 2.
The need for what you do is already there or you wouldn’t have a job to do. No matter what it is you are doing, there is a need. Whether you are a plumber, electrician, preacher, cashier, light worker, psychic, etc the need is already there. So that is taken care of for you.
The difficulty it is for replacing you has already been taken care of as well, because there is more than one person out in the world doing any given job at any given time. There is more than one plumber in the world, as well as preachers, cashiers, light workers, etc. So this one has been taken care of as well by the Universe.
But number 2, your ability to do your job and do it well is up to you. That’s it, just one task! Find what your job is, what you really love to do, and do it to the best of your ability. What is it that makes you different than any other plumber, cashier, preacher, light worker, etc out there. What makes you stand out from the rest? If you do this and do it to the best of your ability the difficulty in replacing you will be hard to do, so the more in demand you will be.
Give it a try! The worst thing that can happen is you become better and more dependent and strong in something that you love!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Memory Work & Why
You have a perfect memory, everyone does. Yes you read that right; every single person has a perfect memory. The issue with most people though is that they don’t use it. But you might be thinking, well how can I use it if I have forgotten. Well let me ask you this, how could you have forgotten something if you didn’t remember it in the first place.
The key to your memory work, exercise it and strengthen it to its fullest capacity. The more you exercise it the stronger it will get. Let me give you an example, I had back surgery quite a few years ago and after the surgery I was unable to use the muscles on one of my legs. At the time they said my leg would strengthen back to normal, but in the mean time I had to walk with a walker. My one leg got stronger and stronger and the muscles became more defined. The other leg got weaker and weaker because it could not fully support my body. After some time I went into physical therapy ad started strengthening my weaker leg and after just a few short months it was back to normal and as strong as ever.
Let’s use this reference to your memory. If you use this over and over it will become very strong. But if you only rely on things that catch you at a passing glance and give them no more thought they will become weaker and weaker.
It is a matter of using your mental muscles to increase your memory. You can remember any a number of given things at any time, it just takes practice and mental exercises. I did this one exercise to show my own children. Now I am not a history or geography buff in anyway, but wanted to show them they could do this as well. I had them write down all 50 states in alphabetical order. They gave me the list and within 20 minutes I could recite to all of them back in the proper order forwards as well as backwards. It can be done, even though it seems impossible to some, it is just exercises for you mind.
So start exercising your conscious side to the fullest extent as often as possible. The worst thing that will happen is you will become smarter, stronger and more focused in life. That’s not such a bad thing!!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The key to your memory work, exercise it and strengthen it to its fullest capacity. The more you exercise it the stronger it will get. Let me give you an example, I had back surgery quite a few years ago and after the surgery I was unable to use the muscles on one of my legs. At the time they said my leg would strengthen back to normal, but in the mean time I had to walk with a walker. My one leg got stronger and stronger and the muscles became more defined. The other leg got weaker and weaker because it could not fully support my body. After some time I went into physical therapy ad started strengthening my weaker leg and after just a few short months it was back to normal and as strong as ever.
Let’s use this reference to your memory. If you use this over and over it will become very strong. But if you only rely on things that catch you at a passing glance and give them no more thought they will become weaker and weaker.
It is a matter of using your mental muscles to increase your memory. You can remember any a number of given things at any time, it just takes practice and mental exercises. I did this one exercise to show my own children. Now I am not a history or geography buff in anyway, but wanted to show them they could do this as well. I had them write down all 50 states in alphabetical order. They gave me the list and within 20 minutes I could recite to all of them back in the proper order forwards as well as backwards. It can be done, even though it seems impossible to some, it is just exercises for you mind.
So start exercising your conscious side to the fullest extent as often as possible. The worst thing that will happen is you will become smarter, stronger and more focused in life. That’s not such a bad thing!!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
conscious mind,
memory work,
mental muscles,
perfect memory
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Intuition Is One Of Your Mind's Powerful Tools
Have you ever had that one moment where you were thinking about a certain person and they called on the phone? Or what about thinking of your favorite song and it came on the radio station you were listening to? This is a concentrated vibrational force you are sending out into the Universe, which is drawing back into your life what you want, including the person calling and the song playing. This is using your intuition!
A lot of people confuse the words intuition, psychics, mediums, etc and think they all mean the same thing. They honestly don’t. Everyone has their own intuition and everyone can develop to enhance their own abilities at their own rate.
Intuition is a matter of concentration, focusing your energy, thoughts and feelings on one thing and sending this out into the Universal energy. Once the Universe takes a hold of this it will then turn this around to send it back to you what you were focusing on. Next you must be open and aware of this and receive this as well. This is where your “gut instincts” kick in and you follow your inspired action.
Have you ever decided not to go to a certain store or drive down a certain road but not quite sure why? These are your “gut instincts” and this is following your inspired action by listening to them and doing what you know feels right.
So try it today! Take some time out for yourself and focus on someone calling you or hearing that song on the radio. Give it some time, and think about it as much as you possibly can and send it to the Universe to see what comes back. Don’t be surprised though when the phone rings or you tune into the radio station just at the right moment. This is following those intuitive instincts!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
A lot of people confuse the words intuition, psychics, mediums, etc and think they all mean the same thing. They honestly don’t. Everyone has their own intuition and everyone can develop to enhance their own abilities at their own rate.
Intuition is a matter of concentration, focusing your energy, thoughts and feelings on one thing and sending this out into the Universal energy. Once the Universe takes a hold of this it will then turn this around to send it back to you what you were focusing on. Next you must be open and aware of this and receive this as well. This is where your “gut instincts” kick in and you follow your inspired action.
Have you ever decided not to go to a certain store or drive down a certain road but not quite sure why? These are your “gut instincts” and this is following your inspired action by listening to them and doing what you know feels right.
So try it today! Take some time out for yourself and focus on someone calling you or hearing that song on the radio. Give it some time, and think about it as much as you possibly can and send it to the Universe to see what comes back. Don’t be surprised though when the phone rings or you tune into the radio station just at the right moment. This is following those intuitive instincts!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
mind control,
Imagination Is One Of Your Mind's Powerful Tools
Albert Einstein once said “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” I personally agree with this statement, even though I know a lot of others do not. If you can imagine you can create anything you want in your life. You do not have to know how you are going to get there, you just have to see it in your mind and let your mind know it is real.
Have you ever seen children playing with their imaginary friends or just in their own little world? What about yourself and daydreaming? We have all done of these things at some point in our life and we get lost in these worlds and they are just as real as our physical reality around us. What makes them different is that they are on an energy level that your mind can understand in better terms than seeing it in your physical reality.
So what does all of that mean? It means if you can see it and feel it you can manifest it with your expanded awareness! That means having fun and getting lost in fantasyland is not just for children anymore and it is not something that should be scolded over, but something to embrace.
What do you really want out of your life or what do you want your life to look like? It doesn’t matter the time frame, just get a clear picture in your head. Maybe it is that fancy mansion on the water front, or maybe that new car you have been dreaming about, or maybe it is a certain number showing up in your bank account. It could be anything! The point is to get a picture of it.
Right now, when you are done reading this article, try this exercise. Sit down, close your eyes and get a good picture in your mind of what you want out of life. You don’t have to think about money, or how you are going to get there, you just have to see it and feel yourself being happy with it, no matter what it is. Feel as happy as you can, as the more emotion you put into this the more it will feel and seem real to your mind and the control it has in your physical reality. So make this real and take some time to use your imagination for the positive end of the spectrum!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Have you ever seen children playing with their imaginary friends or just in their own little world? What about yourself and daydreaming? We have all done of these things at some point in our life and we get lost in these worlds and they are just as real as our physical reality around us. What makes them different is that they are on an energy level that your mind can understand in better terms than seeing it in your physical reality.
So what does all of that mean? It means if you can see it and feel it you can manifest it with your expanded awareness! That means having fun and getting lost in fantasyland is not just for children anymore and it is not something that should be scolded over, but something to embrace.
What do you really want out of your life or what do you want your life to look like? It doesn’t matter the time frame, just get a clear picture in your head. Maybe it is that fancy mansion on the water front, or maybe that new car you have been dreaming about, or maybe it is a certain number showing up in your bank account. It could be anything! The point is to get a picture of it.
Right now, when you are done reading this article, try this exercise. Sit down, close your eyes and get a good picture in your mind of what you want out of life. You don’t have to think about money, or how you are going to get there, you just have to see it and feel yourself being happy with it, no matter what it is. Feel as happy as you can, as the more emotion you put into this the more it will feel and seem real to your mind and the control it has in your physical reality. So make this real and take some time to use your imagination for the positive end of the spectrum!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Reasoning Is One Of Your Mind's Powerful Tools
When we stop and think about it and how much or how little we use our mind and our brainpower it is actually baffling! Reasoning in its definition is to form conclusions inferences and/or judgments about things in our life. But when we go around day to day, how much time do we actually use this mind tool we have been blessed with?
When you think about it, we are actually functioning on “auto-pilot” a lot of the time. We drive to and from work, cook dinner, pick up the kids from school, etc but do we really use our minds to think? When we do it is for few and far little in-between. We may make a decision about what to have for dinner or something like this, but a lot of things we say and do in our lives are on autopilot and we are just coasting through. If we were to tap into this reasoning ability within our own mind, we could accomplish and manifest so much more, and quicker at that.
Have you ever just sat down and thought about something, uninterrupted and stayed with that thought for 5 minutes or more? What did you accomplish if you did? More then likely most of us don’t do this because we are getting pulled into a million directions with the rest of our life. But stop and think about that, it all can wait 5 minutes for you to think, and really think! Not just the mind chatter that runs though all our minds at one time or another, such as “Did I leave the stove on before I left for work?” We all have mind chatter, but it is just that mind chatter. It is not honest thinking and using our mind power to its fullest ability!
So sit down and try it, just for 5 minutes. You give more than this to everyone and everything else in your life, so take 5 minutes for yourself and see how you expand your awareness. Sit and just think about one thing you want to accomplish, fix, or manifest in your life and how you could possibly get there. They all don’t have to be award-winning ideas, but the point is to get your mental power and energy flowing and working and stop the mind chatter so you can expand your awareness and enjoy your wonderful mind control!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
When you think about it, we are actually functioning on “auto-pilot” a lot of the time. We drive to and from work, cook dinner, pick up the kids from school, etc but do we really use our minds to think? When we do it is for few and far little in-between. We may make a decision about what to have for dinner or something like this, but a lot of things we say and do in our lives are on autopilot and we are just coasting through. If we were to tap into this reasoning ability within our own mind, we could accomplish and manifest so much more, and quicker at that.
Have you ever just sat down and thought about something, uninterrupted and stayed with that thought for 5 minutes or more? What did you accomplish if you did? More then likely most of us don’t do this because we are getting pulled into a million directions with the rest of our life. But stop and think about that, it all can wait 5 minutes for you to think, and really think! Not just the mind chatter that runs though all our minds at one time or another, such as “Did I leave the stove on before I left for work?” We all have mind chatter, but it is just that mind chatter. It is not honest thinking and using our mind power to its fullest ability!
So sit down and try it, just for 5 minutes. You give more than this to everyone and everything else in your life, so take 5 minutes for yourself and see how you expand your awareness. Sit and just think about one thing you want to accomplish, fix, or manifest in your life and how you could possibly get there. They all don’t have to be award-winning ideas, but the point is to get your mental power and energy flowing and working and stop the mind chatter so you can expand your awareness and enjoy your wonderful mind control!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The Will Is One Of Your Mind's Powerful Tools
Now if you had the will of an iron horse, what do you think you could accomplish? Probably quite a bit, but let’s be honest none of us have that kind of will – right now that is. Can you imagine what you could accomplish and manifest in your life if you just strengthen and increased your will just a little bit every day? Many many things I believe!
So how does one increase their will and strengthen this mental area of our mind? With concentration! That’s right, concentration! We can do this by using a simple exercise I have learned from a mentor of mine and once you master this, you can concentrate on anything and use more energy, mind power, and wisdom to open up and expand your awareness and manifest things quicker!
Take a piece of paper, one that is of contrasting color, and tape this to your wall where you spend a lot of time. Maybe this is opposite your office chair or desk or maybe it is opposite your favorite chair in your living room. It doesn’t matter where this is, just as long as it is noticeable and you can spend at least 5 minutes three times a day doing this exercise. Now take a black marker and make a small dot on this paper right in the middle. Not to big, but large enough to be seen from where you will be sitting.
Next all you have to do is focus on this dot. That’s it, just focus on it and only it! Try not to let your mind wander, but when it does bring it right back to this little dot! When you first begin this will take some time to get used to, but with practice it works! Do this for 60 days and see how your concentration grows, your awareness expands and your manifestations appear quicker and quicker within your life!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
So how does one increase their will and strengthen this mental area of our mind? With concentration! That’s right, concentration! We can do this by using a simple exercise I have learned from a mentor of mine and once you master this, you can concentrate on anything and use more energy, mind power, and wisdom to open up and expand your awareness and manifest things quicker!
Take a piece of paper, one that is of contrasting color, and tape this to your wall where you spend a lot of time. Maybe this is opposite your office chair or desk or maybe it is opposite your favorite chair in your living room. It doesn’t matter where this is, just as long as it is noticeable and you can spend at least 5 minutes three times a day doing this exercise. Now take a black marker and make a small dot on this paper right in the middle. Not to big, but large enough to be seen from where you will be sitting.
Next all you have to do is focus on this dot. That’s it, just focus on it and only it! Try not to let your mind wander, but when it does bring it right back to this little dot! When you first begin this will take some time to get used to, but with practice it works! Do this for 60 days and see how your concentration grows, your awareness expands and your manifestations appear quicker and quicker within your life!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Perception Is One Of Your Mind's Powerful Tools
Perception is a tool of the mind that can help create things into our physical life if we know how to use this appropriately. Perception is looking at things from all angles.
Now if I were to hold up a piece of paper, one with writing on one side and blank on the other – showing this to two people who are looking at opposite sides of the paper, one would say there is writing on it and the other would say they were wrong that it is blank. This is a very basic and simple explanation of perception. It is looking at a physical thing, issues or topic from all views.
Now just because one person said there is writing and the other one said that there isn’t, doesn’t make either of them wrong or right. It means that is how they are seeing something at that particular space and time in their life. But if you were to flip that paper over and they could both see the other side and ask them again, they would have completely different answers. It is not about being right, but about seeing things from all angles so you can get a greater perspective of the issue. Once you have a greater perspective of this you can then understand all angles and work on creating things in your life at a much quicker pace.
Again, it is not about being right or wrong, but understand – and understanding from all viewpoints and sides. So take a few minutes today and think of something you have to get done from your viewpoint. And then look at from all viewpoints of the people, places and things involved in this. It will open up your awareness and expand your knowledge to use your mental capacity to as much possible!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Now if I were to hold up a piece of paper, one with writing on one side and blank on the other – showing this to two people who are looking at opposite sides of the paper, one would say there is writing on it and the other would say they were wrong that it is blank. This is a very basic and simple explanation of perception. It is looking at a physical thing, issues or topic from all views.
Now just because one person said there is writing and the other one said that there isn’t, doesn’t make either of them wrong or right. It means that is how they are seeing something at that particular space and time in their life. But if you were to flip that paper over and they could both see the other side and ask them again, they would have completely different answers. It is not about being right, but about seeing things from all angles so you can get a greater perspective of the issue. Once you have a greater perspective of this you can then understand all angles and work on creating things in your life at a much quicker pace.
Again, it is not about being right or wrong, but understand – and understanding from all viewpoints and sides. So take a few minutes today and think of something you have to get done from your viewpoint. And then look at from all viewpoints of the people, places and things involved in this. It will open up your awareness and expand your knowledge to use your mental capacity to as much possible!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Monday, October 12, 2009
Hope Is A Phenomenal Emotion
Do you have hope? You have heard the expression “Hope when all else fails.” Hope is something you should have no matter when, not just when things are failing, but all the time.
What happens when you have no hope in your life, whether it is because of your financial, love, health or whatever situation you are in right now? When a person has no hope, they are stuck and in a rut. They are running into bricked walls on each side of them because they are boxed in. All they see is despair, problems, anxiety, and heartache. They can only see what they have already created in their life with no possibilities for changing this, so that is what they create more of in their life time and time again.
But how do you get hope and what can it do for you? It is a simple shift of emotions. You can find hope in anything. You may not know how to get there, but there is always a place to be, you just have to change the end outcome. For example, if you are in debt and all you see is debt down the road, what do you think you are going to draw and manifest in your life? More debt! That is all you are seeing. But if you simply shift your emotions and see the opposite of debt, which is financial freedom, this creates a new picture and scenario in your life, which will then bring in hope.
Hope gives you options and can change all of those bricked walls surrounding your into ones with doors. You will not have to try and create a door out of a bricked wall, but rather one will change for you. All you have to do then is simply hope the door and walk through. You have to change your thinking first and foremost. Then change your mental images and feeling about them. Once this is done the more doors you will notice instead of the brick walls. So when you see the doors starting to appear, take inspired action and go through them, don’t stay confined in your bricked wall of a room any longer.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
What happens when you have no hope in your life, whether it is because of your financial, love, health or whatever situation you are in right now? When a person has no hope, they are stuck and in a rut. They are running into bricked walls on each side of them because they are boxed in. All they see is despair, problems, anxiety, and heartache. They can only see what they have already created in their life with no possibilities for changing this, so that is what they create more of in their life time and time again.
But how do you get hope and what can it do for you? It is a simple shift of emotions. You can find hope in anything. You may not know how to get there, but there is always a place to be, you just have to change the end outcome. For example, if you are in debt and all you see is debt down the road, what do you think you are going to draw and manifest in your life? More debt! That is all you are seeing. But if you simply shift your emotions and see the opposite of debt, which is financial freedom, this creates a new picture and scenario in your life, which will then bring in hope.
Hope gives you options and can change all of those bricked walls surrounding your into ones with doors. You will not have to try and create a door out of a bricked wall, but rather one will change for you. All you have to do then is simply hope the door and walk through. You have to change your thinking first and foremost. Then change your mental images and feeling about them. Once this is done the more doors you will notice instead of the brick walls. So when you see the doors starting to appear, take inspired action and go through them, don’t stay confined in your bricked wall of a room any longer.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Romance-What Is It & How To Use It In Your Goals
You are probably thinking, “What does romance have to deal with my goals for anyway?” Romance in its base form is a positive emotional attachment between two people, places, things, or ideas.
You can romance a person, such as your spouse or partner. You can romance a place by loving all of the energy and taking care of the area. You can romance a thing or object by loving the energy it emits, for example, a crystal and its vibrational output. You can also romance an idea!
Romancing an idea is falling in love with your concept, your idea, and loving it to its fullest. You see this is your minds eye and allow it to be accepted into your subconscious. You than start romancing the idea, for example, if you wish to have a new home start looking through pictures of homes, places and brochures that are what you are wanting. Cut them out and make a board of just the pictures of your new home. See this in your mind and hold this image as clear as you.
You have first started of by romancing and falling in love with the idea. Then you turned this over to the subconscious and are starting to take action by looking at things that are falling in line with your goal. Next start looking for a lender and see what’s on the market. If you compress the idea into a time frame, this will tell the Universe you are ready to receive and energy will fit to allow for the time spot.
Remember it all starts with an idea. You can romance any person, place, or thing – anyone can. But to be creative, keep it in your minds eye and romance the idea first! This will draw it in that much quicker for you to have it in the physical plane!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
You can romance a person, such as your spouse or partner. You can romance a place by loving all of the energy and taking care of the area. You can romance a thing or object by loving the energy it emits, for example, a crystal and its vibrational output. You can also romance an idea!
Romancing an idea is falling in love with your concept, your idea, and loving it to its fullest. You see this is your minds eye and allow it to be accepted into your subconscious. You than start romancing the idea, for example, if you wish to have a new home start looking through pictures of homes, places and brochures that are what you are wanting. Cut them out and make a board of just the pictures of your new home. See this in your mind and hold this image as clear as you.
You have first started of by romancing and falling in love with the idea. Then you turned this over to the subconscious and are starting to take action by looking at things that are falling in line with your goal. Next start looking for a lender and see what’s on the market. If you compress the idea into a time frame, this will tell the Universe you are ready to receive and energy will fit to allow for the time spot.
Remember it all starts with an idea. You can romance any person, place, or thing – anyone can. But to be creative, keep it in your minds eye and romance the idea first! This will draw it in that much quicker for you to have it in the physical plane!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
emotional attachment,
law of attraction,
Are You Enthusiastic With Your Goals, Desires, Or Dreams?
You need to have enthusiasm in your life, especially when you want to work towards a goal, desire, or dream. The definition of enthusiasm is to have great inspiration, as if by divine or superhuman power. There are other definitions of enthusiasm that include the word excitement, but I choose not to use this, as there is a big difference in excitement and enthusiasm.
So how do you tell the difference in excitement and enthusiasm and how do you make sure you are enthusiastic? Excitement is easy to spot, as you can see excitement in many different ways when enjoyable things happen to someone in their life. If someone wins the lottery, for example, they show signs of excitement. And where this is a positive, in our physical world, there is also a negative. The opposite of excitement is depression. When something doesn’t go their way, the person gets depressed. If he/she keeps playing the lottery over and over again for years on end and never wins anything they eventually become depressed.
How does enthusiasm fit into this? Excitement, as shown in the examples above, is coming from outside sources. The examples I have shown are from looking to something outside of yourself and your soul to bring in a feeling and reaction. Whether it is good or bad, you are looking at it from the outside in. Enthusiasm is when you become inspired from within, no matter what the circumstances are on the outside; you are still in a joyous and divine state of enthusiasm from within. Whether you win the lottery or not, you are inspired to try and strive to play and are inspired to buy your tickets. You have to look within to find enthusiasm. Excitement is from the outside world, and so is depression. But remember we can create our own world around us, so start today. Get enthusiastic about something from within and focus this on your goal, desire, or dream and let your own divine inspiration be the source! You won’t regret anything if you do!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
So how do you tell the difference in excitement and enthusiasm and how do you make sure you are enthusiastic? Excitement is easy to spot, as you can see excitement in many different ways when enjoyable things happen to someone in their life. If someone wins the lottery, for example, they show signs of excitement. And where this is a positive, in our physical world, there is also a negative. The opposite of excitement is depression. When something doesn’t go their way, the person gets depressed. If he/she keeps playing the lottery over and over again for years on end and never wins anything they eventually become depressed.
How does enthusiasm fit into this? Excitement, as shown in the examples above, is coming from outside sources. The examples I have shown are from looking to something outside of yourself and your soul to bring in a feeling and reaction. Whether it is good or bad, you are looking at it from the outside in. Enthusiasm is when you become inspired from within, no matter what the circumstances are on the outside; you are still in a joyous and divine state of enthusiasm from within. Whether you win the lottery or not, you are inspired to try and strive to play and are inspired to buy your tickets. You have to look within to find enthusiasm. Excitement is from the outside world, and so is depression. But remember we can create our own world around us, so start today. Get enthusiastic about something from within and focus this on your goal, desire, or dream and let your own divine inspiration be the source! You won’t regret anything if you do!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
find enthusiasm,
great inspiration,
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson Z
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter Z lesson.
The letter Z stands for:
Zero in with all of your know how and get your goal!
Our last article for this series works with zeroing in on your goal. I have given you all of the tools in the previous articles A through Y leading up to this one. Now it is time to compile them all and put them all into one format and zero in with all of your know how and get your goal.
Zeroing in is just a fancy way of saying let’s use everything we have learned, work on it and perfect it in our own lives and make it happen. You have all of the tools in your life. You were born with them, just somewhere along the way you were sidetracked and roadblocks were put up so you couldn’t quite get to all of that innate power that lies within.
We all have it; we’ve had it since birth! It is up to you to use it now for the highest good of all to make your goals and dreams come true for you. So start today, and if you ever forget or get off path, go back through the articles, as that is what they are there for!
You must remember that this is your life, your goal, and your own power in getting this, no one else’s – so go for it! What have you got to lose!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter Z stands for:
Zero in with all of your know how and get your goal!
Our last article for this series works with zeroing in on your goal. I have given you all of the tools in the previous articles A through Y leading up to this one. Now it is time to compile them all and put them all into one format and zero in with all of your know how and get your goal.
Zeroing in is just a fancy way of saying let’s use everything we have learned, work on it and perfect it in our own lives and make it happen. You have all of the tools in your life. You were born with them, just somewhere along the way you were sidetracked and roadblocks were put up so you couldn’t quite get to all of that innate power that lies within.
We all have it; we’ve had it since birth! It is up to you to use it now for the highest good of all to make your goals and dreams come true for you. So start today, and if you ever forget or get off path, go back through the articles, as that is what they are there for!
You must remember that this is your life, your goal, and your own power in getting this, no one else’s – so go for it! What have you got to lose!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
law of attraction,
zero in on your desires
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson Y
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter Y lesson.
The letter Y stands for:
You are unique of all Spirit’s creations!
You have to remember that you are unique from all of Spirit’s, or God’s, creations. We all are different, even twins that are born alike have different energetic makeup. My children once asked me when they were very young if we are all equal and all have the same power within us why do we all look different. That was a great question, and being at their young age, I told them it was so Spirit could tell us apart when we asked for things. Now this isn’t the whole truth, but being their tender age I had to make this explainable to them at the time.
We are all unique in our makeup, from our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. We all have the exact same power within us, just some of us are a bit more tapped into this than others, as well as we were all raised differently, so we have different attitudes about such things. So putting all of this together we are all unique, and in turn we will all want to achieve unique things in our own lives. What a millionaire may want to achieve will probably not be the same thing a homeless person may want to achieve in their life.
This is where our uniqueness comes in essential. Because we are all different yet still possess the same power, we can all work on different aspects of our lives all at the same time period. A client once asked me if I ever was concerned with teaching about achievement and manifestations that if everyone would get rich and my services would no longer be needed. I clearly answered no. I can understandably say this, as I know first and foremost that there is an abundance of everything out there in the world no matter how many people want it. And secondly I also know that not everyone is on the same pathway in life and they will all not want the same thing at the same time. Person A may be wanting a loving relationship because they make enough money in their life, while person B is wanting the financial stability because they already have the love in their life.
See we are all unique individuals that all come from the same love source energy, whether you call it God, Spirit, Universal Energy, etc – so this makes us our own unique individuals with our own unique wants and desires different from those of others. So celebrate yourself and your own uniqueness today!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter Y stands for:
You are unique of all Spirit’s creations!
You have to remember that you are unique from all of Spirit’s, or God’s, creations. We all are different, even twins that are born alike have different energetic makeup. My children once asked me when they were very young if we are all equal and all have the same power within us why do we all look different. That was a great question, and being at their young age, I told them it was so Spirit could tell us apart when we asked for things. Now this isn’t the whole truth, but being their tender age I had to make this explainable to them at the time.
We are all unique in our makeup, from our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. We all have the exact same power within us, just some of us are a bit more tapped into this than others, as well as we were all raised differently, so we have different attitudes about such things. So putting all of this together we are all unique, and in turn we will all want to achieve unique things in our own lives. What a millionaire may want to achieve will probably not be the same thing a homeless person may want to achieve in their life.
This is where our uniqueness comes in essential. Because we are all different yet still possess the same power, we can all work on different aspects of our lives all at the same time period. A client once asked me if I ever was concerned with teaching about achievement and manifestations that if everyone would get rich and my services would no longer be needed. I clearly answered no. I can understandably say this, as I know first and foremost that there is an abundance of everything out there in the world no matter how many people want it. And secondly I also know that not everyone is on the same pathway in life and they will all not want the same thing at the same time. Person A may be wanting a loving relationship because they make enough money in their life, while person B is wanting the financial stability because they already have the love in their life.
See we are all unique individuals that all come from the same love source energy, whether you call it God, Spirit, Universal Energy, etc – so this makes us our own unique individuals with our own unique wants and desires different from those of others. So celebrate yourself and your own uniqueness today!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson X
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter X lesson.
The letter X stands for:
Xcelerate your efforts!
Ok, now I know accelerate is spelled incorrectly, but it was the appropriate work for the article, so spelled this beginning with an X. There aren’t to many X words out there that would fit, so had to work with this one.
Accelerate your efforts is a big one when nearing the end of your work with achieving your dreams and goals. This is something you can do in many different ways, as it all depends on what you are working towards. For example, you are wanting to get that new promotion at work, so start putting in some extra time and doing those odd little things around the office that no one else seems to want to do. These things will give you that extra little boost to get noticed for that promotion.
Accelerate your efforts just means to go faster with them or speed them up a bit. If you want to see results a bit faster, put a bit more time and effort into them. Show the Universe that you are there for the long haul and you are not going to quit or give in. Show it that you are here to put forth that extra effort, that you are wanting with the core of your soul and are going to give it your all, and even them some. All of your efforts will pay off they always do. This is where your faith comes back into play as well. Remember it is always darkest before dawn, so stay focused, have faith and speed things up to let the Universe know you are ready, willing and able!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter X stands for:
Xcelerate your efforts!
Ok, now I know accelerate is spelled incorrectly, but it was the appropriate work for the article, so spelled this beginning with an X. There aren’t to many X words out there that would fit, so had to work with this one.
Accelerate your efforts is a big one when nearing the end of your work with achieving your dreams and goals. This is something you can do in many different ways, as it all depends on what you are working towards. For example, you are wanting to get that new promotion at work, so start putting in some extra time and doing those odd little things around the office that no one else seems to want to do. These things will give you that extra little boost to get noticed for that promotion.
Accelerate your efforts just means to go faster with them or speed them up a bit. If you want to see results a bit faster, put a bit more time and effort into them. Show the Universe that you are there for the long haul and you are not going to quit or give in. Show it that you are here to put forth that extra effort, that you are wanting with the core of your soul and are going to give it your all, and even them some. All of your efforts will pay off they always do. This is where your faith comes back into play as well. Remember it is always darkest before dawn, so stay focused, have faith and speed things up to let the Universe know you are ready, willing and able!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
law of attraction,
your efforts
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson W
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter W lesson.
The letter W stands for:
Want it more than anything!
Now this letter I can completely understand and relate to! I have been in your spot right there. I was searching for answers; wanting to achieve my own dreams and goals, and boy did I want it more than anything. You have heard the expression that the person wanted it so bad they could taste it. I have been there as well.
I am also on the other side of the fence, as I turned my dreams and goals into my own accomplishments, achieved them and still am achieving new ones each and every day with the articles I am writing to you about as well as my own course materials on creating my own life the way I want it.
So why is this so important? This one reaches deep down to your core soul level. When you want something more than anything else in the world, you have reached your vibrational level frequency of core energy level. You have brought your own frequency up to that of what you desire where you can think of nothing but having this. That is why this is so important in part of your achievement process. It is not just about wanting something, but wanting it with every cell on a physical level, every emotion on an emotional level, and all of your energy on a vibrational frequency level. This is when and where it turns from a want into a desire. This is when it goes from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind and starts manifesting.
So what do I do now? Let the subconscious mind take over and manifest it and the Universe align all of the energy vibrational patterns to have it in your life while you are being receptive. Stay focused, be open and be ready to receive, as it is coming!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter W stands for:
Want it more than anything!
Now this letter I can completely understand and relate to! I have been in your spot right there. I was searching for answers; wanting to achieve my own dreams and goals, and boy did I want it more than anything. You have heard the expression that the person wanted it so bad they could taste it. I have been there as well.
I am also on the other side of the fence, as I turned my dreams and goals into my own accomplishments, achieved them and still am achieving new ones each and every day with the articles I am writing to you about as well as my own course materials on creating my own life the way I want it.
So why is this so important? This one reaches deep down to your core soul level. When you want something more than anything else in the world, you have reached your vibrational level frequency of core energy level. You have brought your own frequency up to that of what you desire where you can think of nothing but having this. That is why this is so important in part of your achievement process. It is not just about wanting something, but wanting it with every cell on a physical level, every emotion on an emotional level, and all of your energy on a vibrational frequency level. This is when and where it turns from a want into a desire. This is when it goes from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind and starts manifesting.
So what do I do now? Let the subconscious mind take over and manifest it and the Universe align all of the energy vibrational patterns to have it in your life while you are being receptive. Stay focused, be open and be ready to receive, as it is coming!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson V
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter V lesson.
The letter V stands for:
Visualize it!
Visualization is a big part of attracting and manifesting goals and dreams in our lives. It is a simple process but a lot of people tend to not do one of three things. The three biggest things you have to work on with visualization are:
1) Making sure you have a clear picture of what you want in your mind
2) Making sure you are seeing this clear picture in the present moment
3) Making sure that you are in the picture of your goal
Why are these things so important? They are key points to making any successful visualization create and manifest in your physical life now.
If you do not have a clear picture of what your goal or dream is than the Universe will not know what you are wanting. For example, if you are wanting more money if your life and you do not let the Universe know how much you are wanting it may bring you a dollar more or a thousand dollars more. So make sure you have a clear picture in your mind of what you want!
If you are not focusing your clear picture in your mind in the present moment, and focusing this on the future, guess what will happen? The Universe will always be putting this in the future for you, and you will never receive what you want to receive. It will always be in the “future”. So make sure you see it today, right now, in the present moment!
Lastly, make sure you see yourself in the clear picture. If you are not in the picture the Universe will see this as a wonderful idea but will not connect it to your energy frequency and it will never materialize in your life. It may materialize somewhere else, but not right where you are unless you let the Universe know.
So make sure to follow these three key pointers in your visualizations for the best results!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter V stands for:
Visualize it!
Visualization is a big part of attracting and manifesting goals and dreams in our lives. It is a simple process but a lot of people tend to not do one of three things. The three biggest things you have to work on with visualization are:
1) Making sure you have a clear picture of what you want in your mind
2) Making sure you are seeing this clear picture in the present moment
3) Making sure that you are in the picture of your goal
Why are these things so important? They are key points to making any successful visualization create and manifest in your physical life now.
If you do not have a clear picture of what your goal or dream is than the Universe will not know what you are wanting. For example, if you are wanting more money if your life and you do not let the Universe know how much you are wanting it may bring you a dollar more or a thousand dollars more. So make sure you have a clear picture in your mind of what you want!
If you are not focusing your clear picture in your mind in the present moment, and focusing this on the future, guess what will happen? The Universe will always be putting this in the future for you, and you will never receive what you want to receive. It will always be in the “future”. So make sure you see it today, right now, in the present moment!
Lastly, make sure you see yourself in the clear picture. If you are not in the picture the Universe will see this as a wonderful idea but will not connect it to your energy frequency and it will never materialize in your life. It may materialize somewhere else, but not right where you are unless you let the Universe know.
So make sure to follow these three key pointers in your visualizations for the best results!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson U
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter U lesson.
The letter U stands for:
Understand yourself to better understand others!
Now understanding yourself is a big topic, as this can cover from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual pathways. I am not saying you have to understand every aspect of all of these areas. What I am saying is that you first have to understand who and what you are before you will be able to understand others better.
For example, let’s work on an emotional aspect of yourself such as anger. Do you know why you get angry? Do you know what happens to your physical or even energetic bodies when you get angry? Those are more articles in themselves to write, but let’s get a short answer here. The energetic vibrational frequency drops to a negative emotional state, your blood pressure goes up, your pulse quickens and your physical body gets tense throughout the nervous system and muscular system. These are all not positive states, but what do you expect from a negative emotion.
Now that you know what happens, you can picture in your mind what happens to your spouse when they get upset or angry. You now know what happens on an energetic level and physical level just from understanding yourself better, you can now be compassionate about what happens to others.
So what does this have to do with working on achieving ones goals? To be able to achieve your goals you will need to know how to relate and work with people in one way shape or form, as well as make connections on an energetic level and emotional one, that is unless you plan on spending the rest of your life on a deserted island. So to know how to work with them, you have to understand them and what goes on. To do this you have to understand yourself first! You are learning about yourself and others at the same time as well as working towards your goals and dreams. Look at how much you just accomplish in reading and learning from just one small article, life is good!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter U stands for:
Understand yourself to better understand others!
Now understanding yourself is a big topic, as this can cover from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual pathways. I am not saying you have to understand every aspect of all of these areas. What I am saying is that you first have to understand who and what you are before you will be able to understand others better.
For example, let’s work on an emotional aspect of yourself such as anger. Do you know why you get angry? Do you know what happens to your physical or even energetic bodies when you get angry? Those are more articles in themselves to write, but let’s get a short answer here. The energetic vibrational frequency drops to a negative emotional state, your blood pressure goes up, your pulse quickens and your physical body gets tense throughout the nervous system and muscular system. These are all not positive states, but what do you expect from a negative emotion.
Now that you know what happens, you can picture in your mind what happens to your spouse when they get upset or angry. You now know what happens on an energetic level and physical level just from understanding yourself better, you can now be compassionate about what happens to others.
So what does this have to do with working on achieving ones goals? To be able to achieve your goals you will need to know how to relate and work with people in one way shape or form, as well as make connections on an energetic level and emotional one, that is unless you plan on spending the rest of your life on a deserted island. So to know how to work with them, you have to understand them and what goes on. To do this you have to understand yourself first! You are learning about yourself and others at the same time as well as working towards your goals and dreams. Look at how much you just accomplish in reading and learning from just one small article, life is good!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson T
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter T lesson.
The letter T stands for:
Take control of your own destiny!
Taking control of your own destiny can sound a bit confusing, but it is actually a very simple and effective way to keep things in focus and on track. This means that you have to be responsible for your own actions and not try to rationalize things away.
For example, if you want to start a new program, than start the new program. If you are saying to yourself “Well I can’t because the kids are always loud and won’t let me concentrate” or something similar you are not taking control of your own destiny. Sure children can be loud and get out of hand once in a while, they are kids! But take control of what you can control, such as making time for yourself to start on your own terms and at your own pace. Work out an arrangement with your spouse or babysitter to watch the children while you are working through your reading assignments or working on your homework.
There are always ways to work things out, but this is where you have to take control. If you don’t take control of your own destiny, you will always be blaming other people, places, and things for issues in your life. You are the only one responsible for the way your life turns out, good or bad. You are the only one vibrating at your energy field and drawing into your life what you are working on or subconsciously not working on. So start right this very minute and decide to take control of your own spiritual and physical pathway through life and command your own destiny. I can promise you, you won’t regret it!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter T stands for:
Take control of your own destiny!
Taking control of your own destiny can sound a bit confusing, but it is actually a very simple and effective way to keep things in focus and on track. This means that you have to be responsible for your own actions and not try to rationalize things away.
For example, if you want to start a new program, than start the new program. If you are saying to yourself “Well I can’t because the kids are always loud and won’t let me concentrate” or something similar you are not taking control of your own destiny. Sure children can be loud and get out of hand once in a while, they are kids! But take control of what you can control, such as making time for yourself to start on your own terms and at your own pace. Work out an arrangement with your spouse or babysitter to watch the children while you are working through your reading assignments or working on your homework.
There are always ways to work things out, but this is where you have to take control. If you don’t take control of your own destiny, you will always be blaming other people, places, and things for issues in your life. You are the only one responsible for the way your life turns out, good or bad. You are the only one vibrating at your energy field and drawing into your life what you are working on or subconsciously not working on. So start right this very minute and decide to take control of your own spiritual and physical pathway through life and command your own destiny. I can promise you, you won’t regret it!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
law of attraction,
rationalize things,
taking control
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson S
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter S lesson.
The letter S stands for:
Stop procrastinating!
Procrastination is a big thing for a lot of people to overcome. My question to you is why are you procrastinating? What are you waiting for? The heavens to open up and drop your goal or dream in your lap without you lifting a finger? This is not going to happen!
Procrastination leads to nothing, and that is the bottom line. There is a difference between studying and working through issues with your goal and flat out procrastination. To make an informed decision, one must study and learn about all of the options involved before making a decision. Procrastination by definition means to put off doing something or postpone needlessly out of carelessness.
Now I know most people who are really truly wanting to achieve their dreams are not going to procrastinate, but I have come across a few who I have seen do this. They want something so much that they can almost taste it, but when asked what they are doing about it to get the ball moving or the energy flowing they are doing nothing. They claim that they will do it tomorrow or the next day, but than it is always put off till the next day and so on.
What is this sending to the Universe? It is saying that you don’t want this goal or dream truly deep down in your soul. Now maybe this particular goal or dream wasn’t a deep-seated goal and maybe it just needs to be tweaked a bit to make it a perfect match for your vibrational level. This could be the case, but if you are still putting it off till the next day and so on, than this is procrastination.
So make a pact with yourself today that you will get up and get moving on your goal in some way, shape, or form and today and not wait till the day after the next! Stay focused and it will manifest in your life, but remember don’t wait!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter S stands for:
Stop procrastinating!
Procrastination is a big thing for a lot of people to overcome. My question to you is why are you procrastinating? What are you waiting for? The heavens to open up and drop your goal or dream in your lap without you lifting a finger? This is not going to happen!
Procrastination leads to nothing, and that is the bottom line. There is a difference between studying and working through issues with your goal and flat out procrastination. To make an informed decision, one must study and learn about all of the options involved before making a decision. Procrastination by definition means to put off doing something or postpone needlessly out of carelessness.
Now I know most people who are really truly wanting to achieve their dreams are not going to procrastinate, but I have come across a few who I have seen do this. They want something so much that they can almost taste it, but when asked what they are doing about it to get the ball moving or the energy flowing they are doing nothing. They claim that they will do it tomorrow or the next day, but than it is always put off till the next day and so on.
What is this sending to the Universe? It is saying that you don’t want this goal or dream truly deep down in your soul. Now maybe this particular goal or dream wasn’t a deep-seated goal and maybe it just needs to be tweaked a bit to make it a perfect match for your vibrational level. This could be the case, but if you are still putting it off till the next day and so on, than this is procrastination.
So make a pact with yourself today that you will get up and get moving on your goal in some way, shape, or form and today and not wait till the day after the next! Stay focused and it will manifest in your life, but remember don’t wait!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson R
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter R lesson.
The letter R stands for:
Read, study, and learn about everything important in your life.
Now why would reading, studying and learning be so important to achieving your dreams and goals? This is because you need to make informed and educated decisions, not to mention be able to understand what you are getting yourself into and how others work within this field as well.
This can apply to any and all areas in your life you want to achieve a different goal. For example, if you want to get a new car, what do you first do? You go and check out the cars you are most interested in. You would find out the facts about the car such as how many miles per gallon the car gets, or possibly the different safety features it offers, different colors as well may be of interest to you, and other things such as pricing, dealerships, etc.
This concept is to be used in all areas of your life too! Not just for the basics of things we are used to dealing with, but also in achieving our goals. If you want something so much that it is your dream and goal to achieve, you are not going to walk blindly into this issues, area, or field. You would do your research, get involved, and then go for it. The only way you are going to do that is to read, study, and learn everything important about that area as well as your life in general!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter R stands for:
Read, study, and learn about everything important in your life.
Now why would reading, studying and learning be so important to achieving your dreams and goals? This is because you need to make informed and educated decisions, not to mention be able to understand what you are getting yourself into and how others work within this field as well.
This can apply to any and all areas in your life you want to achieve a different goal. For example, if you want to get a new car, what do you first do? You go and check out the cars you are most interested in. You would find out the facts about the car such as how many miles per gallon the car gets, or possibly the different safety features it offers, different colors as well may be of interest to you, and other things such as pricing, dealerships, etc.
This concept is to be used in all areas of your life too! Not just for the basics of things we are used to dealing with, but also in achieving our goals. If you want something so much that it is your dream and goal to achieve, you are not going to walk blindly into this issues, area, or field. You would do your research, get involved, and then go for it. The only way you are going to do that is to read, study, and learn everything important about that area as well as your life in general!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
educated decisions,
law of attraction,
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson Q
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter Q lesson.
The letter Q stands for:
Quitters never win and winners never quit
This is a common expression, but it is a matter of fact one and a big one at that! Quitters never do win. It is simply not feasible for someone to quit but yet win. It is also not feasible for a winner to have quit. It is impossible for either one to be a part of the other, let alone even be in the same vibrational frequency as the other.
So why is this important to achieving our dreams and goals? Because if you are always quitting you will never succeed in reaching your goals, this being the most obvious point. But there is also an underlying issue at hand as well dealing with your vibrational frequency.
Did you know that winners have a much higher vibrational frequency than that of quitters? I am not just speaking of a few varying degrees, but large contrasting levels apart. Winner’s vibrational frequencies are very similar and close to that of matching with money, finances, healthy marriages, good health and well-being.
Now on the other hand, quitter’s vibrational frequencies are in alignment with that of health and worrisome problems, financial distress, marital problems, and so many other issues on the opposite end of the spectrum.
So this is not just about winning or quitting, but this is all about how you live your life and what else you may want to draw into that life of yours. Where would you rather have your energy and vibrational frequencies in alignment with, the positive or negative? Think about that the next time you are deciding to quit something and make the right choice for your life!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter Q stands for:
Quitters never win and winners never quit
This is a common expression, but it is a matter of fact one and a big one at that! Quitters never do win. It is simply not feasible for someone to quit but yet win. It is also not feasible for a winner to have quit. It is impossible for either one to be a part of the other, let alone even be in the same vibrational frequency as the other.
So why is this important to achieving our dreams and goals? Because if you are always quitting you will never succeed in reaching your goals, this being the most obvious point. But there is also an underlying issue at hand as well dealing with your vibrational frequency.
Did you know that winners have a much higher vibrational frequency than that of quitters? I am not just speaking of a few varying degrees, but large contrasting levels apart. Winner’s vibrational frequencies are very similar and close to that of matching with money, finances, healthy marriages, good health and well-being.
Now on the other hand, quitter’s vibrational frequencies are in alignment with that of health and worrisome problems, financial distress, marital problems, and so many other issues on the opposite end of the spectrum.
So this is not just about winning or quitting, but this is all about how you live your life and what else you may want to draw into that life of yours. Where would you rather have your energy and vibrational frequencies in alignment with, the positive or negative? Think about that the next time you are deciding to quit something and make the right choice for your life!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
law of attraction,
quitters never win,
winners never quit
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson P
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter P lesson.
The letter P stands for:
Practice makes perfect!
You have at one time or another probably heard of the expressions “Practice makes perfect”, and it is true. Did you know that Thomas Edison failed thousands of times on his goal to making an incandescent light bulb? He didn’t quit after the first time or even after the second, he kept practicing and reworking until he finally got it right.
Same concept applies to riding a bike. When you were young and first started riding, you didn’t just take off the training wheels and go without falling. You had to practice, and practice, and practice until you got your balance and could soon zip circles around people.
Another example, learning how to speak when you are literally a baby! Babies don’t understand the concept of not doing something; they just keep going and going until they have it. A baby doesn’t think “Well I don’t know how to tell them I want my mom right now” the baby just keeps trying and trying and trying until he/she says mama.
Practice makes perfect! Why is that? It is because you learn something new after each attempt that you don’t get it just right. Maybe you had something turned wrong, or pointed in the wrong direction, or whatever it may be. Practicing works out all of the bugs and kinks until it is perfect, and before you know it you have achieved what you didn’t think would be possible.
So keep practicing, and you will get it just right and perfect for what you need in your life!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter P stands for:
Practice makes perfect!
You have at one time or another probably heard of the expressions “Practice makes perfect”, and it is true. Did you know that Thomas Edison failed thousands of times on his goal to making an incandescent light bulb? He didn’t quit after the first time or even after the second, he kept practicing and reworking until he finally got it right.
Same concept applies to riding a bike. When you were young and first started riding, you didn’t just take off the training wheels and go without falling. You had to practice, and practice, and practice until you got your balance and could soon zip circles around people.
Another example, learning how to speak when you are literally a baby! Babies don’t understand the concept of not doing something; they just keep going and going until they have it. A baby doesn’t think “Well I don’t know how to tell them I want my mom right now” the baby just keeps trying and trying and trying until he/she says mama.
Practice makes perfect! Why is that? It is because you learn something new after each attempt that you don’t get it just right. Maybe you had something turned wrong, or pointed in the wrong direction, or whatever it may be. Practicing works out all of the bugs and kinks until it is perfect, and before you know it you have achieved what you didn’t think would be possible.
So keep practicing, and you will get it just right and perfect for what you need in your life!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
keep trying,
law of attraction,
practice makes perfect
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson O
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter O lesson.
The letter O stands for:
Open your eyes and see things as they really are!
This works on both a conscious and subconscious level, as opening your eyes and seeing things, as this really are goes far beyond just physical site. You have to take in the whole area that you are working on goal achievement and see the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of this goal. You have to know the ups and downs that are involved in every aspect of this as well.
For example, it is not as simple as saying I want to have $50,000 by the end of the year. You have to open your eyes and look at it for what it really is and how you are going to achieve this, from all areas. How do you prose to bring in that money? From what other arenas can you access to draw this in? What will you be offering in exchange for this money? The Universe works with exchanging of energies so be prepared to do or offer something for this. You have to be open to all areas.
So when going for your goal and dream, don’t be blinded by just the end aspect, as in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, see all that is around you and for what it is worth in relationship to everything as well. Take it all in and absorb it all to its fullest an make the most informed decisions you can for a positive energy light to keep you on your path towards your dream goal!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter O stands for:
Open your eyes and see things as they really are!
This works on both a conscious and subconscious level, as opening your eyes and seeing things, as this really are goes far beyond just physical site. You have to take in the whole area that you are working on goal achievement and see the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of this goal. You have to know the ups and downs that are involved in every aspect of this as well.
For example, it is not as simple as saying I want to have $50,000 by the end of the year. You have to open your eyes and look at it for what it really is and how you are going to achieve this, from all areas. How do you prose to bring in that money? From what other arenas can you access to draw this in? What will you be offering in exchange for this money? The Universe works with exchanging of energies so be prepared to do or offer something for this. You have to be open to all areas.
So when going for your goal and dream, don’t be blinded by just the end aspect, as in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, see all that is around you and for what it is worth in relationship to everything as well. Take it all in and absorb it all to its fullest an make the most informed decisions you can for a positive energy light to keep you on your path towards your dream goal!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson N
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter N lesson.
The letter N stands for:
Never put out any negative issues, always work with only positive influences.
This article was going to ay “Never lie, cheat, or steal, always strike a fair deal” as this is a common expression and is used often, but I have changed this around a bit more to fit with the achievement area of dream and goal working.
I refer to this as never putting negative issues out there when you are working toward your goal. This covers cheating, lying, and stealing, but also covers all of the other negative aspects as well in our lives. You do not want to put anything negative out there in perspective to working with your dreams and goals of achievement. These are only going to hinder the speed at which they show up in your life. Even the smallest negative thing you put out there can place a major energetic roadblock up with aspect to your manifestations. So think twice before making decisions specifically towards your goals.
Always work with only positive influences is essential, as these can be business partners, your friends and family, and any one else the Universe delivers to your doorstep in achieving your ultimate goal. If the inspired idea comes up and it is radiating of positivity, go for it and go full force. If you are not sure or there is that feeling in the pit of your stomach saying, “I don’t know about this” it is better to pass it up then to go forward with it. You will know the positive influences, as they will get you excited and full of joy to see how they play out even before they are started. You will feel the joy all the way through your body and you will feel as if you can’t wait to get the wheels in motion. These are the ones you want to go full force with!
So make sure you know the difference in the negative and positive issues and influences with your goal achievement and go full force with the positive ones to draw in the quickest and easiest dream achievement you have worked with.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter N stands for:
Never put out any negative issues, always work with only positive influences.
This article was going to ay “Never lie, cheat, or steal, always strike a fair deal” as this is a common expression and is used often, but I have changed this around a bit more to fit with the achievement area of dream and goal working.
I refer to this as never putting negative issues out there when you are working toward your goal. This covers cheating, lying, and stealing, but also covers all of the other negative aspects as well in our lives. You do not want to put anything negative out there in perspective to working with your dreams and goals of achievement. These are only going to hinder the speed at which they show up in your life. Even the smallest negative thing you put out there can place a major energetic roadblock up with aspect to your manifestations. So think twice before making decisions specifically towards your goals.
Always work with only positive influences is essential, as these can be business partners, your friends and family, and any one else the Universe delivers to your doorstep in achieving your ultimate goal. If the inspired idea comes up and it is radiating of positivity, go for it and go full force. If you are not sure or there is that feeling in the pit of your stomach saying, “I don’t know about this” it is better to pass it up then to go forward with it. You will know the positive influences, as they will get you excited and full of joy to see how they play out even before they are started. You will feel the joy all the way through your body and you will feel as if you can’t wait to get the wheels in motion. These are the ones you want to go full force with!
So make sure you know the difference in the negative and positive issues and influences with your goal achievement and go full force with the positive ones to draw in the quickest and easiest dream achievement you have worked with.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson M
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter M lesson.
The letter M stands for:
Make it happen!
This one is the easiest and most fun area to work with for myself personally, as this area is so open to creative possibilities. Now you may be thinking well do I make it happen? You can start with the simplest area that you think of to get your dream from a dream only state to an actual real manifestation in your life. For example if you want to make a career change because you are unhappy with the one you are at, start by looking for a new career. Look in the paper to get some ideas, brainstorm on the Internet and see what really draws your eyes to it, or just sit down in a quiet place and think of what you may really want to do with your life. What are you good at or would like to be doing? Find that right thing that inspires you and start with that.
Next take an inspired action to set this dream goal into motion. For example, get some material from a local college in the area you are interested in or do some research online to find out how to become someone’s apprentice in that line of work. Send our some emails, make some phone calls, or go in person to talk to some other people, as all of this is putting focused energy into motion to make things happen.
People have a tendency to think to big when it comes to make their dreams happen, as they are always shooting for the end of the rainbow where the pot of gold is. What they are overlooking are all of the colors in the beautiful rainbow, and all the blending and mixing of these colors that gets them to the end where the pot of gold is. All of these tiny baby steps lead up to your goal, so start today and take the first step to making it happen. Just as a baby learns to walk, one step follows the other, and before you know it you will be at the pot of gold!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter M stands for:
Make it happen!
This one is the easiest and most fun area to work with for myself personally, as this area is so open to creative possibilities. Now you may be thinking well do I make it happen? You can start with the simplest area that you think of to get your dream from a dream only state to an actual real manifestation in your life. For example if you want to make a career change because you are unhappy with the one you are at, start by looking for a new career. Look in the paper to get some ideas, brainstorm on the Internet and see what really draws your eyes to it, or just sit down in a quiet place and think of what you may really want to do with your life. What are you good at or would like to be doing? Find that right thing that inspires you and start with that.
Next take an inspired action to set this dream goal into motion. For example, get some material from a local college in the area you are interested in or do some research online to find out how to become someone’s apprentice in that line of work. Send our some emails, make some phone calls, or go in person to talk to some other people, as all of this is putting focused energy into motion to make things happen.
People have a tendency to think to big when it comes to make their dreams happen, as they are always shooting for the end of the rainbow where the pot of gold is. What they are overlooking are all of the colors in the beautiful rainbow, and all the blending and mixing of these colors that gets them to the end where the pot of gold is. All of these tiny baby steps lead up to your goal, so start today and take the first step to making it happen. Just as a baby learns to walk, one step follows the other, and before you know it you will be at the pot of gold!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson L
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter L lesson.
The letter L stands for:
Love yourself first and foremost!
You need to love yourself first and foremost because you are a wonderful person deep down at your soul level. We all are and we were all born this way! We are all perfect in our own special ways. You have to love yourself for who you are at your very core before you can accomplish anything in a positive light.
You can accomplish tons of things in this world by doing very little. But how much can you really accomplish in a positive energy and light that you really want to have and desire if you don’t love yourself. Think about that for a moment. If the world has polar opposites, and if you don’t love yourself first than you would either hate yourself or love yourself last. If you are not putting your own self love right there on the top of the list than how can the Universe respond and bring anything of substantial value to you if you don’t value yourself enough to love yourself first.
Let me say that another way. If you were always putting yourself last, especially in the love arena, than why would the Universe put you first in order to align the energies to manifest your desires first? You have to start putting yourself first and foremost in your life, especially when it comes to love. The Universe will respond and your life will in turn bring about more abundance in multiple ways. Try it and see what happens. What is the worst possible thing that could come from it? You love yourself first! That’s not such a bad thing! Stay positive and focused, as your dreams are starting to formulate even as you read the articles!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter L stands for:
Love yourself first and foremost!
You need to love yourself first and foremost because you are a wonderful person deep down at your soul level. We all are and we were all born this way! We are all perfect in our own special ways. You have to love yourself for who you are at your very core before you can accomplish anything in a positive light.
You can accomplish tons of things in this world by doing very little. But how much can you really accomplish in a positive energy and light that you really want to have and desire if you don’t love yourself. Think about that for a moment. If the world has polar opposites, and if you don’t love yourself first than you would either hate yourself or love yourself last. If you are not putting your own self love right there on the top of the list than how can the Universe respond and bring anything of substantial value to you if you don’t value yourself enough to love yourself first.
Let me say that another way. If you were always putting yourself last, especially in the love arena, than why would the Universe put you first in order to align the energies to manifest your desires first? You have to start putting yourself first and foremost in your life, especially when it comes to love. The Universe will respond and your life will in turn bring about more abundance in multiple ways. Try it and see what happens. What is the worst possible thing that could come from it? You love yourself first! That’s not such a bad thing! Stay positive and focused, as your dreams are starting to formulate even as you read the articles!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
desires first,
law of attraction,
love yourself,
self love right
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson K
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter K lesson.
The letter K stands for:
Keep trying no matter what, as things will get easier!
Whenever you set out to achieve any kind of goal, it takes some time and effort to get there. You will encounter some speed bumps along the way that may or may not set you off course. But you have to remember to keep trying no matter what happens. This is your goal, your dream, and you want this so much you can taste it. Why would you ever want to give up? If you do your dream will never come to light!
Things always get darkest before they get better, and this is true for anyone and everyone working towards their goals. The difference is that the people who achieve them don’t let the dark moments influence them, as they just see a small tiny bump in the road and keep on going. They know that things will get easier each time they work for something or keep trying. They know that it will work just because they have the drive and will for it to and have the faith that it will happen.
So just keep in the back of your mind when those speed bumps do pop up, and they always do, to keep pushing forward, as it will get easier! Try it for just one thing and see it through till the end and you will look back and see what you have gone through and accomplished and notice that things did get easier. Each time around it will be a bit easier until you hardly ever notice those speed bumps anymore!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter K stands for:
Keep trying no matter what, as things will get easier!
Whenever you set out to achieve any kind of goal, it takes some time and effort to get there. You will encounter some speed bumps along the way that may or may not set you off course. But you have to remember to keep trying no matter what happens. This is your goal, your dream, and you want this so much you can taste it. Why would you ever want to give up? If you do your dream will never come to light!
Things always get darkest before they get better, and this is true for anyone and everyone working towards their goals. The difference is that the people who achieve them don’t let the dark moments influence them, as they just see a small tiny bump in the road and keep on going. They know that things will get easier each time they work for something or keep trying. They know that it will work just because they have the drive and will for it to and have the faith that it will happen.
So just keep in the back of your mind when those speed bumps do pop up, and they always do, to keep pushing forward, as it will get easier! Try it for just one thing and see it through till the end and you will look back and see what you have gone through and accomplished and notice that things did get easier. Each time around it will be a bit easier until you hardly ever notice those speed bumps anymore!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson J
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter J lesson.
The letter J stands for:
Just do it!
This article sounds a bit simple, but you would be surprised as to how many people have a dream or concept, but don’t actually do anything about it. So just doing it is a big key to getting started and actually achieving your dreams.
Now I understand that some things take time and money to use as well to get it from point A in your life to point B. But don’t let this stop you, as there is always something that can be done. For example, say your dream is about writing a book and having it be the number one spot on the New York Times listing. You have the book written, but that is it. So what is your next step? You have to find a publisher. This can take some time, but it is doing it that will get your book there. What if you decide to self publish instead? You can find your own self-publisher and work from there. What about after that? The book isn’t going to sell itself if no one knows about it. So you have to advertise, market, and promote the book. Find different ways to do this, as anything is possible if you put your find to it. The point is to get started and just do it. Make no excuses about not having money or the right contacts, just do it. Excuses are not going to get that book sold of on the bestseller list. You doing it will though!
So whatever that dream is you are striving for, just set your mind to it and do it!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter J stands for:
Just do it!
This article sounds a bit simple, but you would be surprised as to how many people have a dream or concept, but don’t actually do anything about it. So just doing it is a big key to getting started and actually achieving your dreams.
Now I understand that some things take time and money to use as well to get it from point A in your life to point B. But don’t let this stop you, as there is always something that can be done. For example, say your dream is about writing a book and having it be the number one spot on the New York Times listing. You have the book written, but that is it. So what is your next step? You have to find a publisher. This can take some time, but it is doing it that will get your book there. What if you decide to self publish instead? You can find your own self-publisher and work from there. What about after that? The book isn’t going to sell itself if no one knows about it. So you have to advertise, market, and promote the book. Find different ways to do this, as anything is possible if you put your find to it. The point is to get started and just do it. Make no excuses about not having money or the right contacts, just do it. Excuses are not going to get that book sold of on the bestseller list. You doing it will though!
So whatever that dream is you are striving for, just set your mind to it and do it!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
just do it,
law of attraction,
no excuses
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson I
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter I lesson.
The letter I stands for:
Ignore the people and issues that try to discourage you.
By allowing people and issues into our lives that have a negative outlook on the things we are trying to manifest will only set up roadblocks in our way. We want to ignore or avoid these types of things to keep the energy flow moving and in a positive direction.
Most of the time people and issues pop up that try to discourage you are for one of two reasons. The first reason is generally because they aren’t vibrating at the same frequency you and your dreams are vibrating at. The second reason for most people is on a conscious level of their insecurities and their fears rising to the surface. A lot of people are afraid or worried that if you succeed at your dreams they will no longer be a part of your life in the same way, as well as they are afraid of their own failure. When you succeed their conscious minds are seeing a success in their eyes for someone else and in turn notices their own failure of not having the same success. This is what turns into such a competitive cycle and can ultimately ruin relationships with family and friends if it is let to spiral out of control.
So to stay in a positive alignment with what you are achieving in your own dreams, simply ignore and avoid people and issues that try to discourage you. If the person has your best interests at heart, they will want you to succeed in anything that your heart truly desires and not discourage you in any way. Some of the best products and devices have come from the silliest and craziest ideas starting out as dreams of someone!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter I stands for:
Ignore the people and issues that try to discourage you.
By allowing people and issues into our lives that have a negative outlook on the things we are trying to manifest will only set up roadblocks in our way. We want to ignore or avoid these types of things to keep the energy flow moving and in a positive direction.
Most of the time people and issues pop up that try to discourage you are for one of two reasons. The first reason is generally because they aren’t vibrating at the same frequency you and your dreams are vibrating at. The second reason for most people is on a conscious level of their insecurities and their fears rising to the surface. A lot of people are afraid or worried that if you succeed at your dreams they will no longer be a part of your life in the same way, as well as they are afraid of their own failure. When you succeed their conscious minds are seeing a success in their eyes for someone else and in turn notices their own failure of not having the same success. This is what turns into such a competitive cycle and can ultimately ruin relationships with family and friends if it is let to spiral out of control.
So to stay in a positive alignment with what you are achieving in your own dreams, simply ignore and avoid people and issues that try to discourage you. If the person has your best interests at heart, they will want you to succeed in anything that your heart truly desires and not discourage you in any way. Some of the best products and devices have come from the silliest and craziest ideas starting out as dreams of someone!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson H
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter H lesson.
The letter H stands for:
Have faith in the Universe!
Having faith in the Universe, whether it be “God”, “Higher Spirit”, “Universe”, or whatever you choose to refer to your higher power is, you have to hold on to your faith. This goes far beyond believing in yourself, but is now believing in something that is bigger than you. Something out there that will manifest what you are wanting and desiring to achieve and match the vibrational level that you are sending out to draw it right to your front door.
Sometimes having faith in yourself can be hard, just as having faith in something you can’t see, feel, or touch – if not even harder! But this is a crucial area in your achievement. If you are working through the lessons and following them to a tee, but you are not having faith in the unseen, how is this unseen force going to bring anything to your doorstep. If you don’t have faith that this unseen force will bring exactly what you need and when you need it to match your vibrational level then why even bother to work on achievement areas in your life.
Almost all of us know and understand that there is a greater power out there, just a lot of us have a different name for it. But we can all agreed upon one thing, and that is that it is a greater force of love and will bring to us what we need at the time we need it, no more and no less.
So start right now and close your eyes after reading this article and focus. Focus on your higher power out there and tell it right now that you have your unwavering faith that they will help align everything to bring your inner most desires to you at the right time in your life to achieve your dreams! Release and let go and give it the respect in your life to show you that you can have, be, and do anything you want – just ask and let it be provided!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter H stands for:
Have faith in the Universe!
Having faith in the Universe, whether it be “God”, “Higher Spirit”, “Universe”, or whatever you choose to refer to your higher power is, you have to hold on to your faith. This goes far beyond believing in yourself, but is now believing in something that is bigger than you. Something out there that will manifest what you are wanting and desiring to achieve and match the vibrational level that you are sending out to draw it right to your front door.
Sometimes having faith in yourself can be hard, just as having faith in something you can’t see, feel, or touch – if not even harder! But this is a crucial area in your achievement. If you are working through the lessons and following them to a tee, but you are not having faith in the unseen, how is this unseen force going to bring anything to your doorstep. If you don’t have faith that this unseen force will bring exactly what you need and when you need it to match your vibrational level then why even bother to work on achievement areas in your life.
Almost all of us know and understand that there is a greater power out there, just a lot of us have a different name for it. But we can all agreed upon one thing, and that is that it is a greater force of love and will bring to us what we need at the time we need it, no more and no less.
So start right now and close your eyes after reading this article and focus. Focus on your higher power out there and tell it right now that you have your unwavering faith that they will help align everything to bring your inner most desires to you at the right time in your life to achieve your dreams! Release and let go and give it the respect in your life to show you that you can have, be, and do anything you want – just ask and let it be provided!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson G
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter G lesson.
The letter G stands for:
Give more than you plan!
Giving is a part of the ultimate circle in life. If you want to receive you must give as well. This is a circle, with no ending and no beginning. When you first start in the giving process you may think “What can I give?” or “I have nothing to give.” But these are just statements that come up in your conscious mind because you are not used to this idea on a subconscious level.
What can you give? Well what do you have to give? Can you give some money to a charity? What about some time to help someone else out? Possibly some clothes to a local homeless shelter? Maybe you can pick up some extra animal food when you are at the pet store next time and take it to a local animal shelter. The possibilities are endless. Even those who say they have absolutely nothing to give, think for just a minute about this. Do you not even have an hour to donate to helping a shelter feed the homeless? We all have time, and the exact same amount of time as well, so we all have at least time to give.
But this goes far beyond that, when you think about it, if you are reading this article right now, you probably have some kind of Internet access, and that is much more then people in third world countries have. So even if you put a single penny in a jar once a day, you will have more than enough money in that jar at the end of one month to feed one person in a third world country. It only takes 25 cents to feed a child in Haiti for a month! Incredible!
Now let’s talk about giving more than you plan! Why do this? Because this keeps the circle going of infinite energy and shows the Universal energy that you are living in abundance. And if you are living in abundance, what happens? More abundance comes your way! So next time instead of donating $10 to that charity, try giving $15 or $20 and see what happens. Things will return to you in abundance, they always do!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter G stands for:
Give more than you plan!
Giving is a part of the ultimate circle in life. If you want to receive you must give as well. This is a circle, with no ending and no beginning. When you first start in the giving process you may think “What can I give?” or “I have nothing to give.” But these are just statements that come up in your conscious mind because you are not used to this idea on a subconscious level.
What can you give? Well what do you have to give? Can you give some money to a charity? What about some time to help someone else out? Possibly some clothes to a local homeless shelter? Maybe you can pick up some extra animal food when you are at the pet store next time and take it to a local animal shelter. The possibilities are endless. Even those who say they have absolutely nothing to give, think for just a minute about this. Do you not even have an hour to donate to helping a shelter feed the homeless? We all have time, and the exact same amount of time as well, so we all have at least time to give.
But this goes far beyond that, when you think about it, if you are reading this article right now, you probably have some kind of Internet access, and that is much more then people in third world countries have. So even if you put a single penny in a jar once a day, you will have more than enough money in that jar at the end of one month to feed one person in a third world country. It only takes 25 cents to feed a child in Haiti for a month! Incredible!
Now let’s talk about giving more than you plan! Why do this? Because this keeps the circle going of infinite energy and shows the Universal energy that you are living in abundance. And if you are living in abundance, what happens? More abundance comes your way! So next time instead of donating $10 to that charity, try giving $15 or $20 and see what happens. Things will return to you in abundance, they always do!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson F
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter F lesson.
The letter F stands for:
Family and friends are precious treasures!
When working on achieving your dreams, family and friends can play a big role in our lives. Even the people who we share our most intimate secrets with that help us sort out what are inspired ideas from all of the other fluff that pops up into our conscious brain are some of the more precious treasures we will ever encounter.
Life in and of itself is a precious gift, and a lot of us have a tendency to overlook this many many times until we are literally at the beginning or end point in our lives, faced with a new birth or the death of a loved one. Our close family and friends are some f the most precious gifts we will ever have, and they don’t cost a penny and are there for us when we need them. We can bounce ideas off of them, share in our ups and downs within a day and be there for them as well when they need it.
When we start out on a new pathway in life and are changing our vibrational levels to match what we are truly wanting to achieve we can sometimes forget the basics of who we are and what we already have in our lives to be thankful for. Our family and friends are some of these things. They will be with you no matter whether you have that new car or new job and they will be with you afterwards as well. These people are not replaceable. You cannot go and buy a new mom or dad at the store, but you can replace that car or job. So start spending time with the true precious gifts you have in your life. You can enjoy your life in the here and now, stay away from the negative influences – remember from the first lesson A- and still work towards your dreams. Anything is possible, you just have to believe!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter F stands for:
Family and friends are precious treasures!
When working on achieving your dreams, family and friends can play a big role in our lives. Even the people who we share our most intimate secrets with that help us sort out what are inspired ideas from all of the other fluff that pops up into our conscious brain are some of the more precious treasures we will ever encounter.
Life in and of itself is a precious gift, and a lot of us have a tendency to overlook this many many times until we are literally at the beginning or end point in our lives, faced with a new birth or the death of a loved one. Our close family and friends are some f the most precious gifts we will ever have, and they don’t cost a penny and are there for us when we need them. We can bounce ideas off of them, share in our ups and downs within a day and be there for them as well when they need it.
When we start out on a new pathway in life and are changing our vibrational levels to match what we are truly wanting to achieve we can sometimes forget the basics of who we are and what we already have in our lives to be thankful for. Our family and friends are some of these things. They will be with you no matter whether you have that new car or new job and they will be with you afterwards as well. These people are not replaceable. You cannot go and buy a new mom or dad at the store, but you can replace that car or job. So start spending time with the true precious gifts you have in your life. You can enjoy your life in the here and now, stay away from the negative influences – remember from the first lesson A- and still work towards your dreams. Anything is possible, you just have to believe!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson E
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter E lesson.
The letter E stands for:
Enjoy your life today, as yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery!
Enjoying your life to the fullest extent is something that is important to anyone and everyone, no matter if they are striving for a particular dream or goal or not. This is something that we all need to do and work on, as we never know when it will be our last day here on Earth.
There are many different sayings for this, for example “Live your life to the fullest”, “Enjoy your life today”, “Make the most out of each day” and so on, but they all mean the same thing. So why is this so important? Why is it not? We never know when or what will happen to anyone of us, so we need to make the most out of each day and time that we have.
There are millions of people on this planet and some make the most of their days and times that they have and some don’t. Those who do generally accomplish more, are more goal oriented and have higher hopes and dreams. Those who don’t are the one’s sitting on the sidelines watching life pass them by and wonder when they are older where it all went and wish they could go back and change anything. Unfortunately yesterday is history and there isn’t much we can do about it. We never know what tomorrow may hold, if there is even a tomorrow, so why not do what you need to do today and when tomorrow comes, see what you have to do them. It is a lesson in living in the present, the now, as well as living life to the fullest. So make the most of this article, and enjoy your life right now, what are you waiting for!!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter E stands for:
Enjoy your life today, as yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery!
Enjoying your life to the fullest extent is something that is important to anyone and everyone, no matter if they are striving for a particular dream or goal or not. This is something that we all need to do and work on, as we never know when it will be our last day here on Earth.
There are many different sayings for this, for example “Live your life to the fullest”, “Enjoy your life today”, “Make the most out of each day” and so on, but they all mean the same thing. So why is this so important? Why is it not? We never know when or what will happen to anyone of us, so we need to make the most out of each day and time that we have.
There are millions of people on this planet and some make the most of their days and times that they have and some don’t. Those who do generally accomplish more, are more goal oriented and have higher hopes and dreams. Those who don’t are the one’s sitting on the sidelines watching life pass them by and wonder when they are older where it all went and wish they could go back and change anything. Unfortunately yesterday is history and there isn’t much we can do about it. We never know what tomorrow may hold, if there is even a tomorrow, so why not do what you need to do today and when tomorrow comes, see what you have to do them. It is a lesson in living in the present, the now, as well as living life to the fullest. So make the most of this article, and enjoy your life right now, what are you waiting for!!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson D
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter D lesson.
The letter D stands for:
Don’t give up and don’t give in!
It sounds like a simple enough statement and easy to follow as well, but it is actually one that people find themselves getting stuck on the most. It isn’t hard actually, but for some reason when things don’t start showing up the way we want them to or how quickly we want them to, we as a human race, get frustrated and have a tendency to either give up or give in.
Now changing or refocusing your goals and dreams and desires is different than giving up or giving in, as they are just helping to narrow down your topics or alter them to help fit into your life pathway a bit better. Once your energy levels start shifting and changing and the Universe starts responding, sometimes we can look at something we thought of 30 or 60 days prior and it may not seem to fit into what we thought it would. This is when refocusing or changing them a bit can come in handy.
But giving up or giving in is not an option. Giving up or giving in are only going to lead to one place, and one place only. You know what this is – it is called failure. Failure is not an option for achieving your dreams. Failure is an option for failure and that is all that it is good for.
So right now, take a few minutes to yourself and remind yourself that you are worth all that you are doing and that you do believe in yourself, because giving up or giving in are just not options for achievement! Achievement is where you are headed, so stay focused and on track!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter D stands for:
Don’t give up and don’t give in!
It sounds like a simple enough statement and easy to follow as well, but it is actually one that people find themselves getting stuck on the most. It isn’t hard actually, but for some reason when things don’t start showing up the way we want them to or how quickly we want them to, we as a human race, get frustrated and have a tendency to either give up or give in.
Now changing or refocusing your goals and dreams and desires is different than giving up or giving in, as they are just helping to narrow down your topics or alter them to help fit into your life pathway a bit better. Once your energy levels start shifting and changing and the Universe starts responding, sometimes we can look at something we thought of 30 or 60 days prior and it may not seem to fit into what we thought it would. This is when refocusing or changing them a bit can come in handy.
But giving up or giving in is not an option. Giving up or giving in are only going to lead to one place, and one place only. You know what this is – it is called failure. Failure is not an option for achieving your dreams. Failure is an option for failure and that is all that it is good for.
So right now, take a few minutes to yourself and remind yourself that you are worth all that you are doing and that you do believe in yourself, because giving up or giving in are just not options for achievement! Achievement is where you are headed, so stay focused and on track!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
don't give in,
don't give up,
give in,
give up,
law of attraction,
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson C
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter C lesson.
The letter C stands for:
Considering things from all angles!
Now what does this mean and how do you use this to work on achieving your dreams. Considering things from all angles is just a way of having you expand your awareness and stay open enough to all possibilities within the realm of your true desire.
For example, maybe you want to make more money and need to stay open to all possibilities of income in your life. This makes you think of how, when and where things could possibly come into your life from a financial standpoint. Maybe you play the lottery, have a side job, have a full time job, plus you sell things on online auctions all at once. These are all ways of considering money aspects from all angles. But we also have to stay open to other areas. What does that mean? That means staying open to the possibility that you may get a promotion at work, or find a better job, maybe you receive an unexpected rebate in the mail, or win a raffle drawing, possibly even something you forgot you entered or someone else entered your name into to win. These things can come in all shapes and forms and you never know where they are going to turn up.
So our letter C is to remind up to consider everything possible angle and not rule anything out. If we expand our awareness and enlighten our conscious side even just a small tiny bit each and every day, we will be more open and aware of even the smallest possibilities when they fall in our laps!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter C stands for:
Considering things from all angles!
Now what does this mean and how do you use this to work on achieving your dreams. Considering things from all angles is just a way of having you expand your awareness and stay open enough to all possibilities within the realm of your true desire.
For example, maybe you want to make more money and need to stay open to all possibilities of income in your life. This makes you think of how, when and where things could possibly come into your life from a financial standpoint. Maybe you play the lottery, have a side job, have a full time job, plus you sell things on online auctions all at once. These are all ways of considering money aspects from all angles. But we also have to stay open to other areas. What does that mean? That means staying open to the possibility that you may get a promotion at work, or find a better job, maybe you receive an unexpected rebate in the mail, or win a raffle drawing, possibly even something you forgot you entered or someone else entered your name into to win. These things can come in all shapes and forms and you never know where they are going to turn up.
So our letter C is to remind up to consider everything possible angle and not rule anything out. If we expand our awareness and enlighten our conscious side even just a small tiny bit each and every day, we will be more open and aware of even the smallest possibilities when they fall in our laps!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson B
Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter B lesson.
The letter B stands for:
Believe in yourself!
This is a big one for the ABC’s as if you do not believe in yourself you are setting yourself up for failure. You can want and desire anything in the world. You can work through a million programs on how to write better affirmations, focus better on visualizations, write in journals every day, and many other typical tactics that people will explain to you, but if you do not believe in yourself they will never work.
Why is believing in yourself such a big issue with this type of work? It is not just about believing in oneself but also what you want to accomplish. If you don’t believe in yourself for obtaining that new car or that new job you will never raise your vibrational level to that of that new car or new job, so you will constantly be vibrating at a lower level which will in turn just keep bringing back the same things you are used to drawing in.
You have to take a step of faith and believe in yourself that you can have that which you desire, no matter what it is, it can be yours but you have to first believe! If you have no faith in yourself, how can anyone or anything else have faith in you? You know yourself better then anyone else does, and if you can’t believe how could even the Universe send a vibrational match of energy if your vibrational level is not of an equal match. So do yourself a favor and start believing right now to bring in what you truly dream of.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter B stands for:
Believe in yourself!
This is a big one for the ABC’s as if you do not believe in yourself you are setting yourself up for failure. You can want and desire anything in the world. You can work through a million programs on how to write better affirmations, focus better on visualizations, write in journals every day, and many other typical tactics that people will explain to you, but if you do not believe in yourself they will never work.
Why is believing in yourself such a big issue with this type of work? It is not just about believing in oneself but also what you want to accomplish. If you don’t believe in yourself for obtaining that new car or that new job you will never raise your vibrational level to that of that new car or new job, so you will constantly be vibrating at a lower level which will in turn just keep bringing back the same things you are used to drawing in.
You have to take a step of faith and believe in yourself that you can have that which you desire, no matter what it is, it can be yours but you have to first believe! If you have no faith in yourself, how can anyone or anything else have faith in you? You know yourself better then anyone else does, and if you can’t believe how could even the Universe send a vibrational match of energy if your vibrational level is not of an equal match. So do yourself a favor and start believing right now to bring in what you truly dream of.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson A
There are so many courses, classes, and programs out there that give you a little bit of this and that on how to achieve your dreams. The majority of them include tips on working with the Law of Attraction, especially since the movie The Secret came out. But this ended up confusing a lot of people more and left them wondering how to effectively use the laws of the Universe to their benefit. So what I am doing here is writing a serious of articles on the ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams, with each article covering a new topic on achieving your dreams, and this one is working with the letter A.
The letter A stands for:
Avoiding negative sources, people, places, things or habits.
Avoiding these things is a starting point on where to begin with everything. You need to find yourself in a positive place and this includes surrounding yourself with positive sources, people, places, things and habits. Even if you can’t change everything all at once, you need to start with one thing. Let’s say you are surrounded by a lot of negative people within your immediate family such as your parents. You can simply not speak to them as often, or visit their home or listen to their ideas. I am not saying to completely cut them out of your life, but to start turning things around for you from a positive viewpoint.
What happens when we start to change our life around is that others that we have normally be an equal vibrational match will no longer be vibrating at the same pace we are so there tends to start a build of resistance. Not spending as much time with them as you normally would will bring down your negativity and in turn bring in more positive people in your life. You need to do this with all areas, not just people. Do not be a hermit, but rather make better choices with your life. It is your life and dreams you want to achieve, so start with the first step and listen to your own intuition.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter A stands for:
Avoiding negative sources, people, places, things or habits.
Avoiding these things is a starting point on where to begin with everything. You need to find yourself in a positive place and this includes surrounding yourself with positive sources, people, places, things and habits. Even if you can’t change everything all at once, you need to start with one thing. Let’s say you are surrounded by a lot of negative people within your immediate family such as your parents. You can simply not speak to them as often, or visit their home or listen to their ideas. I am not saying to completely cut them out of your life, but to start turning things around for you from a positive viewpoint.
What happens when we start to change our life around is that others that we have normally be an equal vibrational match will no longer be vibrating at the same pace we are so there tends to start a build of resistance. Not spending as much time with them as you normally would will bring down your negativity and in turn bring in more positive people in your life. You need to do this with all areas, not just people. Do not be a hermit, but rather make better choices with your life. It is your life and dreams you want to achieve, so start with the first step and listen to your own intuition.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson A
There are so many courses, classes, and programs out there that give you a little bit of this and that on how to achieve your dreams. The majority of them include tips on working with the Law of Attraction, especially since the movie The Secret came out. But this ended up confusing a lot of people more and left them wondering how to effectively use the laws of the Universe to their benefit. So what I am doing here is writing a serious of articles on the ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams, with each article covering a new topic on achieving your dreams, and this one is working with the letter A.
The letter A stands for:
Avoiding negative sources, people, places, things or habits.
Avoiding these things is a starting point on where to begin with everything. You need to find yourself in a positive place and this includes surrounding yourself with positive sources, people, places, things and habits. Even if you can’t change everything all at once, you need to start with one thing. Let’s say you are surrounded by a lot of negative people within your immediate family such as your parents. You can simply not speak to them as often, or visit their home or listen to their ideas. I am not saying to completely cut them out of your life, but to start turning things around for you from a positive viewpoint.
What happens when we start to change our life around is that others that we have normally be an equal vibrational match will no longer be vibrating at the same pace we are so there tends to start a build of resistance. Not spending as much time with them as you normally would will bring down your negativity and in turn bring in more positive people in your life. You need to do this with all areas, not just people. Do not be a hermit, but rather make better choices with your life. It is your life and dreams you want to achieve, so start with the first step and listen to your own intuition.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The letter A stands for:
Avoiding negative sources, people, places, things or habits.
Avoiding these things is a starting point on where to begin with everything. You need to find yourself in a positive place and this includes surrounding yourself with positive sources, people, places, things and habits. Even if you can’t change everything all at once, you need to start with one thing. Let’s say you are surrounded by a lot of negative people within your immediate family such as your parents. You can simply not speak to them as often, or visit their home or listen to their ideas. I am not saying to completely cut them out of your life, but to start turning things around for you from a positive viewpoint.
What happens when we start to change our life around is that others that we have normally be an equal vibrational match will no longer be vibrating at the same pace we are so there tends to start a build of resistance. Not spending as much time with them as you normally would will bring down your negativity and in turn bring in more positive people in your life. You need to do this with all areas, not just people. Do not be a hermit, but rather make better choices with your life. It is your life and dreams you want to achieve, so start with the first step and listen to your own intuition.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
law of attraction,
Friday, October 2, 2009
What Do You Want Or Desire?
What is it that you truly desire? How are a want and a desire different? Are they even different? Yes they are! A want is a physical thing your conscious mind wants to have in its life. A desire is the subconscious mind taking over and turning it into reality. So it is not just enough to want something in your life to make it happen, but you have to desire it.
The conscious mind can see what we may be wanting to have in our life, whether it be a bigger home, more money, a better job, a more loving relationship, and so on. But the subconscious mind is what turns this into a manifestation on a vibrational level.
The mind has two sides, a male and a female. The male is your conscious side, your wanting side. The female is your subconscious side, your desiring side. It takes both sides of your mind to bring to light your manifestations. You have to start with first knowing what you want in your life, your male side. Once you have decided what it is you truly want, you then turn this over to the female side of your mind, the subconscious side. This is where it turns into desire and can manifest within a vibrational match of your energetic makeup.
So what happens next? When a male and female energy get together, they have their own offspring and these are your manifestations that are sent out into the Universe to align the energies to bring into your life what you desire. These are their children, their offspring, who turn the male side of wanting and the female sire o desiring into inspired action and energetic connection to manifest your dreams.
So how do you do this? Simple, focus on what you truly want consciously. Next turn this over to your subconscious and then it turns into a deep-rooted desire. Finally release this to the Universe to manifest into physical reality. Be patient and have faith and you’re your wants and desires will come to your doorstep.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
The conscious mind can see what we may be wanting to have in our life, whether it be a bigger home, more money, a better job, a more loving relationship, and so on. But the subconscious mind is what turns this into a manifestation on a vibrational level.
The mind has two sides, a male and a female. The male is your conscious side, your wanting side. The female is your subconscious side, your desiring side. It takes both sides of your mind to bring to light your manifestations. You have to start with first knowing what you want in your life, your male side. Once you have decided what it is you truly want, you then turn this over to the female side of your mind, the subconscious side. This is where it turns into desire and can manifest within a vibrational match of your energetic makeup.
So what happens next? When a male and female energy get together, they have their own offspring and these are your manifestations that are sent out into the Universe to align the energies to bring into your life what you desire. These are their children, their offspring, who turn the male side of wanting and the female sire o desiring into inspired action and energetic connection to manifest your dreams.
So how do you do this? Simple, focus on what you truly want consciously. Next turn this over to your subconscious and then it turns into a deep-rooted desire. Finally release this to the Universe to manifest into physical reality. Be patient and have faith and you’re your wants and desires will come to your doorstep.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Change Your Superstitions
You have heard about some of them, like if you break a mirror you will have seven years of bad luck or possibly bad luck if a black cat crosses your path. There are many superstitions out in the world today and you probably know more then I could even list in this article. The point of this article is not to list them, but to help you eliminate the control they may have over your life. One big one of mine was Friday the 13th!
Superstitions are real only if you allow them to have control over you and your energy. Let’s think about that for a moment. Who ever said you would have bad luck if a black cat crossed your path instead of a calico cat, or even a white cat. It all goes back to old wives tales and their own mindsets. Superstitions are nothing more then a bunch of myths enforced by ignorance of our own selves in giving them energy. We are a smart human race, so why would we believe in such things? Because it is human nature to follow and believe in something negative than in the positive aspects of it.
So what do we do with all of the superstitions we have in our lives? Simple, eliminate them by just understanding and expanding our awareness enough to know that they are just simply old wives tales fed into by negative energy and nothing more and nothing less. So the next time you see a black cat cross your path, you walk under a ladder, you break a mirror, and it all happens on Friday the 13th don’t panic! Just know that they are all negatively fed emotional stories and will not ensue bad luck. The only thing that will bring about bad luck or bad karma is your own thoughts, emotions, feelings and inspired actions. So act, think and feel positive energy and bring about more of it into your life!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Superstitions are real only if you allow them to have control over you and your energy. Let’s think about that for a moment. Who ever said you would have bad luck if a black cat crossed your path instead of a calico cat, or even a white cat. It all goes back to old wives tales and their own mindsets. Superstitions are nothing more then a bunch of myths enforced by ignorance of our own selves in giving them energy. We are a smart human race, so why would we believe in such things? Because it is human nature to follow and believe in something negative than in the positive aspects of it.
So what do we do with all of the superstitions we have in our lives? Simple, eliminate them by just understanding and expanding our awareness enough to know that they are just simply old wives tales fed into by negative energy and nothing more and nothing less. So the next time you see a black cat cross your path, you walk under a ladder, you break a mirror, and it all happens on Friday the 13th don’t panic! Just know that they are all negatively fed emotional stories and will not ensue bad luck. The only thing that will bring about bad luck or bad karma is your own thoughts, emotions, feelings and inspired actions. So act, think and feel positive energy and bring about more of it into your life!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
bad karma,
bad luck,
ensue bad luck,
old wives tales,
wives tales
How To Work Through Your Anger Issues
Everyone has negative feelings at one point or time in their life, even anger. Anger is probably one of the biggest and most common negative emotions that we all as a human race have in common. Everyone has either felt it or feels it now if they haven’t learned how to deal with it properly. It can consume your energy, your feelings, your thoughts and can even manifest itself into dis-ease in your physical body. It does not matter what you are angry about, as this emotion does not care or associate any type of boundary issues within itself. You can be angry about your job, your spouse, your parents, your children, your current financial status, your current home, or any a number of things. It doesn’t care. But you need to care about getting rid of this emotion and putting a boundary up so that it doesn’t consume your life anymore!
So what is the first step? You take out a piece of paper and allow yourself some time to work on this emotion and idea. Start writing down all of the things that you are angry with, either now or even in the past. I am one to live in the here and now, but this exercise should be done with past anger issues as well, as they could have built up a negative block within your energetic fields. So start your writing! Write them all down, no matter how many there are or how long it takes, get the feelings, thoughts and energy out.
Now after you have written them all down, take a good long look at the things you have written and start shredding the paper to pieces, saying to out loud “I release all feelings of anger and I now love an accept myself for who I am.” Keep saying this over and over until you can no longer shred your paper anymore. Through the paper away and pick up a Blue Lace Agate. Start to breathe deeply and slowly feeling yourself grounding into Mother Earth and knowing that all of the anger has been released.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
So what is the first step? You take out a piece of paper and allow yourself some time to work on this emotion and idea. Start writing down all of the things that you are angry with, either now or even in the past. I am one to live in the here and now, but this exercise should be done with past anger issues as well, as they could have built up a negative block within your energetic fields. So start your writing! Write them all down, no matter how many there are or how long it takes, get the feelings, thoughts and energy out.
Now after you have written them all down, take a good long look at the things you have written and start shredding the paper to pieces, saying to out loud “I release all feelings of anger and I now love an accept myself for who I am.” Keep saying this over and over until you can no longer shred your paper anymore. Through the paper away and pick up a Blue Lace Agate. Start to breathe deeply and slowly feeling yourself grounding into Mother Earth and knowing that all of the anger has been released.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
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