Thursday, October 1, 2009

How To Work Through Your Anger Issues

Everyone has negative feelings at one point or time in their life, even anger. Anger is probably one of the biggest and most common negative emotions that we all as a human race have in common. Everyone has either felt it or feels it now if they haven’t learned how to deal with it properly. It can consume your energy, your feelings, your thoughts and can even manifest itself into dis-ease in your physical body. It does not matter what you are angry about, as this emotion does not care or associate any type of boundary issues within itself. You can be angry about your job, your spouse, your parents, your children, your current financial status, your current home, or any a number of things. It doesn’t care. But you need to care about getting rid of this emotion and putting a boundary up so that it doesn’t consume your life anymore!

So what is the first step? You take out a piece of paper and allow yourself some time to work on this emotion and idea. Start writing down all of the things that you are angry with, either now or even in the past. I am one to live in the here and now, but this exercise should be done with past anger issues as well, as they could have built up a negative block within your energetic fields. So start your writing! Write them all down, no matter how many there are or how long it takes, get the feelings, thoughts and energy out.

Now after you have written them all down, take a good long look at the things you have written and start shredding the paper to pieces, saying to out loud “I release all feelings of anger and I now love an accept myself for who I am.” Keep saying this over and over until you can no longer shred your paper anymore. Through the paper away and pick up a Blue Lace Agate. Start to breathe deeply and slowly feeling yourself grounding into Mother Earth and knowing that all of the anger has been released.

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Many Blessings
and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

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