Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson E

Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter E lesson.

The letter E stands for:
Enjoy your life today, as yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery!

Enjoying your life to the fullest extent is something that is important to anyone and everyone, no matter if they are striving for a particular dream or goal or not. This is something that we all need to do and work on, as we never know when it will be our last day here on Earth.

There are many different sayings for this, for example “Live your life to the fullest”, “Enjoy your life today”, “Make the most out of each day” and so on, but they all mean the same thing. So why is this so important? Why is it not? We never know when or what will happen to anyone of us, so we need to make the most out of each day and time that we have.

There are millions of people on this planet and some make the most of their days and times that they have and some don’t. Those who do generally accomplish more, are more goal oriented and have higher hopes and dreams. Those who don’t are the one’s sitting on the sidelines watching life pass them by and wonder when they are older where it all went and wish they could go back and change anything. Unfortunately yesterday is history and there isn’t much we can do about it. We never know what tomorrow may hold, if there is even a tomorrow, so why not do what you need to do today and when tomorrow comes, see what you have to do them. It is a lesson in living in the present, the now, as well as living life to the fullest. So make the most of this article, and enjoy your life right now, what are you waiting for!!

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Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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