Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spirit Entities and Releasing Them!

Alot has been going on with spiritual entities and things have been brought up with the new energies coming in and how to handle and tackle them!

Spiritual Releasement sessions can be done a few different ways, as it all depends on what you believe and how you tend to deal with your own issues.

1. Sessions can be done on an energetic field, as in working with angels, protection, spiritual entity removal on an energy grid.

2. Sessions can also be done verbally, such as when Ordained Ministers can offer with exorcisms and such.

Either one can be done and both are very effective.

One thing people do have a hard concept of accepting is that entities can come from different sources. All entities are not just bad spirits who have no crossed over. So please do note what type of entity you are dealing with before you begin your spiritual releasement session.

Also remember, for those of you are lightworkers by nature, please make sure you work on your protection with spirit entity removal sessions, as if they are not dealth with properly they can re-attach themselves to your energy fields.

This is a common practice of them, especially since lightworkers have a tendency to have a higher vibrational energy output.

I hope this helps answer all of your recent inquires about spiritual releasement work!

Many Blessings

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