Saturday, July 4, 2009

Can You Help Change The World?

Changing the world can be a very big undertaking and task to accomplish, but not impossible!
When I was a little girl I always knew I was here on Mother Earth for a special reason. I wasn't quite sure what that reason was, but it was unmistakably known to me by my guides that I was here to change things.

Growing up with a family life of always having to do this or that a certain way can take a toll on anyone mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I was lucky enough to have role models in my life, as well as my guides, to help steer me in the right direction.

Now no one's life choices are perfect, and I have learned from my own mistakes. But one thing that never changed in my life was how I could affect others in such a positive way. It is a ripple effect in life, both on the positive and the negative end of the spectrums.

For example, if you do just one good thing for three people, and those three people do three more positive things for three other people you can easily see how this can fan outward. It can be the same for negativity, as this energy can drain a person inward.

I used to hear people say I was always trying to make the world a better place, and thought that it was possible. Why not? There is so much negativity, fighting, wars, famine, disease, hardship, and so much more why not try to change this for the better.

Even if I touch just one person's life and this fans out, it is so worth it in the long run. I may not see this in my lifetime, or in my children's lifetime, but I know it is there and working for the better. And the more people doing this, the higher the vibrational level will be and the quicker this will all turn around for the positive, so we may just see this in our own lifetimes.

So how do you start changing the world? Did you ever see the movie "Evan Almighty"? ARK is the answer to this question. One act of random kindness at a time! ARK!

Now I was raised with a very strict religious background of fearing God, church services on Sunday's, weekly bible study lessons and much more. I have nothing against religions at all, as everyone believes differently as we are all on different spiritual pathways through life. My belief is more spiritual in nature, as I choose to believe that we are all created by and with love, with nothing to fear in this. But the word ark reminds a lot of people of the Bible and of God.

I am not saying to change your beliefs or anything; just a reference to the word is all. There are multiple meanings for the word ark, and in this circumstance the acronym for the word ark fits wonderfully to help strengthen our positive vibrational levels, match each other and spread a good word of helping to make Mother Earth a much more positive and healthy place for us all to live.

So why not try this starting today! Do just one act of random kindness at a time and see what happens. See how this can change a person's life, circumstance, situation and see how this fans out. You will not only be helping to change the vibrational level of Mother Earth and bring us all to a more happy loving home, you will also be growing and expanding your own personal spiritual pathway through life!

For more information and exciting helpful tips, feel free to check us out at

Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning

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