Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Meaning Of Life & How To Get There

This has been an age-old question and many people have asked this time and time again. So what is the meaning of life? And how do I know what I am speaking about? All good questions!

Everyone thinks that the meaning of life is just one thing and that it is the same for everyone. This is the biggest mistake we all make and don't realize it.

We are all different! In every way, shape and form, each one of us are different!
We look different, sound different, act different, and our energetic and spiritual bodies are different. So why would the meaning of life be the same for each and every one us if we are all different in some way.

Not to mention, why would we think, with everything being so complex in this human world that the meaning of life would be a simplistic single thought or sentence.

The meaning of life is actually very easy, I didn't say simple, and we interpret this into our own lives as we see fit. Take a look at the list below and see how this fits into your own life. Notice if you have an abundance or lack somewhere and see how that feels.

Work on the areas that you may be experiencing a lack in till you feel whole and complete again and notice how you then view you life. It is a wonderful idea to keep a journal why going through this process, as you can see how your life, in physical as well as spiritual form, changes right in front of your eyes.

Here are some guidelines for you to help interpret them into your own life as you see fit:

1.Be happy! Look for the positive aspects in everything that you do.

2.Live each day with purpose! You will never be able to re-do this day again, as well as you never know when it is your last.

3.Learn to trust your soul!

4.Love beyond words!

How does this all relate to the meaning of life? That's the easy part! Look at these areas and see what is lacking and change this around so you are happy and enjoying your life.

So to answer the big question for you, the meaning of life is to spend the time we have on Mother Earth enjoying as much as we can from this physical human experience before we are to return home again. To do this, go back to the list of guidelines and work on your own physical human experience!

For more information and exciting helpful tips, feel free to check us out at

Many Blessings Nicole Lanning

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