Saturday, July 4, 2009

Live Each Day With Purpose & In The Now

How do you live each day with purpose? You let go of regrets and love like it is your last day, as yesterday is gone and tomorrow many never come, so live for today and the now!

There are so many of us out there that are rushing around, going here and there, running errands, cleaning, working, taking the kids here and there, cooking and so much more that it hurts just to think about it all. But is this the only thing we are here for? To work? To run errands? To just exist? No not at all. But that is what a lot of people have fallen into the pattern of doing. We are all human and this happens to the best of us.

We have a whole life ahead of us, and not to just cook and clean or work. There is a life waiting for all of us out there!

I have seen people who are of all ages and backgrounds and they experience the same thing. They go through life until something happens to them or someone they love and they wake up to the reality that these little things don't matter. We worry about the small things, and fuss and disagree and really for what? Honestly? Will it matter in 5 years? Nine chances out of ten probably not, so why worry and stress and go through all of these issues right now.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying give up everything in your life. Don't go and quit your job, as we all need money and finances to live. We need a roof over our head and food on the table, etc - but there is so much more out there that a lot of people overlook all the time.

In hoping to be happy about something in the future, instead of being happy right now, we are missing out. We often want more time, more money for this or that, a better job, better health, etc. The list can go on for a long time like this. But we are not living for each and every day. We are not living for the NOW! Life and living it is NOW - not yesterday or tomorrow but NOW. Yesterday has already come and gone and yesterday's chance was then. Tomorrow may never come, no one really knows, so why wait and take that chance.

I have clients and friends who have terrible illnesses and they are just now realizing this and thinking how much time has passed and they will never get this back. But they finally reached a stage that put them at this point now where they are now living each day to the fullest. Enjoying each and everything - from waking up in the morning, to the sunrise they see, to the birds chirping outside, to their kids smiling faces, to the food on their table, the clothes on their backs and so much more.

So a good lesson for all of us, slow down and take a deep breath! Appreciate everything in the now so we have no regrets later on!

For more information and exciting helpful tips, feel free to check us out at

Many Blessings Nicole Lanning

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