Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Water Energy To Help Calm, Center & Heal
Water is everywhere! In one way, shape or form it is the most organic compound found on our planet. Water has always been a transporter device for emotions, energy and receptivity and is a representation of the universal energy. Have you ever taken a shower or bath and felt 100% better afterwards? Do you really think it is just from the water washing away the dirt from your outer layer of skin?
This healing energy, which has been given by the Universe, and since the beginning of time we have been given these tools to help and heal. They have been used by our ancestors but somehow have not been practiced. The art of these healings and this power has been forgotten.
All forms of water, from ice to free flowing water to steam, correspond to different energetic levels in our lives.
Ice is connected with the attributes to our physical state of being. This is the outer core that has been provided to us for protection, created from the outside world growing up. This shields us from the other side of ourselves and other worlds and realms.
Free flowing water is connected with the attributes of our mental and emotional sides. This healing energy form can help us finally explore more of our own inner self, from our inner child to our own beliefs.
Steam is connected with the attributes to our spiritual realm and life path. This healing form of water helps us finally explore the entire nature of our true self, as well as reach the point of enlightenment, awareness and higher consciousness. True harmony and peace within ourselves comes together when we harness this form of healing water.
Water is everywhere, and accessible to all of us at any time. Use these different forms of water to work on your own healing and spiritual developmental path.
Feel free to visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com for more exciting information, freebies, programs and much more!
Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning
Monday, June 29, 2009
Developing Energetic Bridge Connections With The Other Side
Channelers and mediums today work with their guides to connect to spirits who have crossed over to the other side. They do this with a connection that is built from a type of bridge. In my own personal experience with mediumship, this can be done in quite a few ways, as it depends on what type is best for you and how you like to communicate with your guides and spirits.
I have found a wonderful ridge to be built for myself from my safe oasis to the spirit realm by building this with bricks from one side to the other.
Not all of the bricks can be placed at once, as like building a house, it takes time, patience and belief. I built a row one session and then a row in another session and so on and before I knew it I had my own bridge built!
Anyone and everyone can build a bridge connection to the other side. There are also many tools to help you in this process. Here are a few:
1.Energy attunements, such as Bridge Energy Empowerment, Reiki Psychic or Spirit Reiki
2.Practicing the art of meditation daily
3.Drumming circles for energetic traveling
4.Freeing oneself from negativity and regrets
5.Being open to energies that are outside of the physical realm we are capable of visually seeing
These are just some of the tools that can help you in your own personal path towards developing and enhancing your own energetic bridge connection with the other side.
Feel free to visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com for more exciting information about energetic spiritual growth.
Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning
Saturday, June 27, 2009
How To Bring Balance Into Your Life
If you look at your life and imagine it as a wheel that has many spokes in it, each section of the wheel represents parts of a your personal life. In today's society people seem to place more emphasis on one side of the wheel and forget about the other parts.
This leads to imbalance - so this is where the concept of the wheel of love comes into play. When working with all four main aspects of one's life, it is then we can become balanced in our day-to-day lives.
This breaks down your life in a balanced way in these four areas:
1.Intimacy - this area deals with both the physical and emotional aspects.
3.Domestic Responsibilities - this area deals with financial needs, home life, children and parental situations and your career
4.Socialization- this area deals with relationships and issues of respect
When working to develop a complete centered and balanced individual, this is done with a complete look at their life. This is not just their physical life, but their spiritual life as well.
A balanced individual will be centered and focused on all of the areas listed above. This brings about a happy and positive state of mind concerning them.
No one's life is perfect in all areas, and we are not striving for perfection. This is to work on an individual pathway, both physical and spiritual, to obtain a happy and positive state of mind. What may be one person's happiness may not be for another. So stay focused, work to balance the entire wheel and find your true happiness within your soul.
Feel free to visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com for more exciting information, freebies, programs and much more!
Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning
Friday, June 26, 2009
Abundance, Prosperity & Happiness Come In All Forms
The universe is limitless, so how could there not be enough - we, us humans, are the ones putting limits on things. But once we understand that we are all tied together as one and are all interconnected. So the more people thinking in a positive way, the more people acting in this way and light and energy the more we are all raising up our vibrational levels and the more this is going to happen even easier and faster for all of us.
Here are the basic principles that anyone can follow and create the life they have always wanted; with financial success, relationships and great health!
Here are some of the basic principles for this course:
1.Know what you want and love it! You must have a clear and definite vision of what you want. Only if you love it, can you begin to make it work.
2.Have faith in the Universe. The Universe doesn't understand time periods; so don't give up if it doesn't happen within an hour or two. Give it time to manifest. Know in your heart that your vision is coming - it is just a matter of when.
3.Make sure your vision is full of emotion. This is the key to making it work. You should also FEEL GOOD as much as possible.
4.Stay FOCUSed! Follow· One· Course· Until· Successful
5.Your beliefs create your perception and your perception creates your reality. (Thoughts + Feelings + Actions = Results). Thoughts become things so choose the good ones.
6.Be open to receiving. Not only be open to it, but allow it happen. In order to receive you must first create space for it. Whatever it may be for you... get rid of it so you can receive what is coming to you.
7.The Power of Gratitude in advance. This is a very powerful concept. If you are grateful for the things or goals you are trying to achieve - as if you have already got it, you are putting the Law of Attraction into an accelerated rate, which speeds up the process.
8.If you are trying to increase your wealth, try giving some away. The more you give the more you get in return.
I hope this helps all of you on your own spiritual pathway in life as well as creating your own personal power and physical lifestyle you wish to have. If you have any questions please feel free to visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Attunements For Beloved Animal Companions
Have you ever thought about attuning your pet to be a Reiki Master to have them work with the energy on their own? This is something a lot of people have not considered until it is mentioned to them.
Attuning your beloved companion is a wonderful thing to have done! They share their own healing with other pets in their life as well as yourself, others they come in contact with as well as Mother Nature if they are outside as well.
I have a passion for working with children and animals. My children and pets were attuned at a very young age. I personally have two loving dogs and asked them, through the wonderful power of animal communication, if they wished to be attuned to Reiki. They both happily agreed!
When attuning animals to energy forms, please do note that the attunement sessions will not last as long as if you were attuning a human. The session will only be about 15 minutes in length, as they absorb the energies much more quickly.
Performing an attunement session on an animal can be in-person and sent in through their crown chakra. You can also send them in chiballs as along as you communicate with your animal that the attunement is ready for them! Animals, for the most part, will instinctively know their attunements are ready for them, but please do make sure you show them enough respect to let them know anyways!
When first attuning your beloved animal, start with Usui Reiki and one level at a time. Their should be at least 3-5 day waiting period between each attunement for them, as their integrate the energy much quicker as well.
After they have been attuned with Usui Reiki, you can also try using other forms geared towards animal energies as well. They love the energy work and sharing this is a wonderful connection between you and your companion animal.
I hope this helps you with attunement sessions and your pets! If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Reading Aura Colors & Their Meanings
Reading aura can be a fun and exciting line of work to get into. Everyone's aura changes color at any given time depending on what they are doing, what is going on around them and the situations they are involved with.
Here are the basic color and meanings with each below to help explain a bit more on reading aura colors:
Red: This is the densest color and creates the most friction. This color deals with money worries or obsessions; anger or non-forgiveness; anxiety or nervousness.
Orange: This deals with vitality, vigor, good health and excitement. It is suggestive of energy and stamina, creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, outgoing social nature; currently experiencing stress related to appetites and addictions.
Yellow: TIt is the color of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative, playful, optimistic, easy-going.
Green: It is a very comfortable, healthy color of nature. When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change.
Blue: It is suggestive of cool, calm, and collected issues, along with caring, loving, sensitive, and intuitive.
Indigo: This color is suggestive of intuition, sensitive, and deep feeling.
Violet: The most sensitive and wisest of colors. This is the intuitive color in the aura, and reveals psychic power of attunement with self.
Black: This color draws or pulls energy to it and in so doing, transforms it. It captures light and consumes it.
White: This color relates to other energy. A pure state of light. It is suggestive of spiritual issues, etheric and non-physical qualities, transcendent, and higher dimensions.
There are many other colors your aura can shown as well as variations of these colors, such as turquoise is a color combination of blue and green and relates to different meanings.
I have explained the 7 main colors on the visual spectrum as well as black and white as these are the major ones that are shown in an aura reading. Other colors can be shown as well such as gold, silver, lavender, as well as variations of the above mentioned 7 main colors.
I hope this helps you with your aura reading development and if you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Dealing With Blocks When Developing Your Intuition
But if we go back, and I have been raised in a very strict religious household, and trace our own personal lineage back in the Bible, where does that leave us? If God made Adam in the likeness of himself, then Adam would have all of his creative and capable powers as well. If Eve were created from Adam's rib, then Eve as well would have all of these creative and capable powers too! If we were all descendants from Adam and Eve, then wouldn't it make sense we have all of these abilities as well!
I am an Ordained Minister myself, and know the Bible very well from my upbringing. It is even said that Jesus himself said, "Don't you know that ye are gods?"
But somehow along the way we lost sight of our own natural powers and abilities, as they have slowly been lost since birth, being buried underneath years and years of humanization and blocks. These blocks are what hold the majority back from fully developing their own natural gifts. Once the blocks are removed, the energy flows and intuition grows!
Another major block is the mental block we personally create ourselves. This goes back to dealing with our own personal self-confidence and esteem issues and believing in our own innate abilities.
Some may censor or dismiss their own true intuitive thoughts and feelings by rationalizing them away as coincidence or luck. They ignore their own ability within themselves and seek others for their answers. All of our true answers lie within!
Start your search within your our mind, body and soul! Meditate, focus and learn as much as you can! There is no wrong way to do this! Learning and practicing are the keys to developing your own abilities.
I hope this helps many of you on your own spiritual pathway through your development!
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Monday, June 22, 2009
Forgiveness & Acceptance Moving You Forward In Life
someone to do.
When you choose to forgive those who have hurt you, your ego side lets go of the energetic ties so you can return to your soul's true vibration. People who hurt you are only people hurting themselves. When you forgive others you release yourself from their energy and take your power back from them.
Forgiveness is a way of remembering that you are a Divine Soul and cannot be harmed.
When opening yourself up to this in life, you will be able to see how much each person or situation has touched your life. You were taught a lesson with every breath and step you took in your own personal journey. This is where your acceptance comes into your life. It is honoring your past and seeing all of the valuable lessons we have learned as well as grown from.
Forgiveness and acceptance are important life lessons for everyone to learn and work through, whether you are a child or adult. These are lessons we need to use in our every day life.
When forgiveness and acceptance are not used, blocks build up, personal power is given away and energetic damage can accumulate within our physical bodies. Freeing us of these issues can create a brand new viewpoint on life, move us forward instead of stagnating and create a happier and more positive life and spiritual pathway.
So start breaking down those walls and barriers. Work on forgiving and acceptance in your life and see yourself grow, expand and move forward!
I hope this helps you all on your life and spiritual pathway through life!!
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Tips On Spiritual Releasement & Entity Attachment
What are Spiritual Releasement & Entity Attachments?
There are a few main sources for spiritual entities.
The first area deals with the majority of entity attachments. This covers spirits of deceased humans, terminated pregnancies, and mind fragments of living people. This is the most common areas that deal with entities.
The next largest area concerns the dark force entities, which are commonly known as demons. Lastly there are some, not as many, but some that fall into the category of aliens.
The biggest tip I can provide anyone dealing with this type of work is to use energetic protection!
Now everyone's protection can vary as well, but my recommendations are as below:
1.Use protection with your guides (spiritual as well as animal)
2.Use protection of Archangel's, especially Archangel Michael
3.Use protection of your own personal favorite energy work, such as a protection energy form and create your own "bubble" or protection
4.Never open your chakras during a session of this nature, as this is open access to an entity
5.Remember to protect your own physical body, aura fields and close your chakras, from your Omega through the highest level chakra you have open
Remember when doing energy work with spiritual releasements with entities, this is something you should learn and work with a mentor before completing on your own.
There are a few different types of techniques to use during this type of energetic work, so please make sure you learn what feels most comfortable to you and your learning style and spiritual belief.
Always remember to shown respect when performing your work as well as gratitude for the work being done.
I hope this helps a lot of your who are now learning to complete this type of energetic work! If you have any questions feel free to contact me!
Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning
Friday, June 19, 2009
Your Aura Bodies & Their Needs!
The aura consists of seven levels, each one of the subtle bodies that exist around the physical body, has its own unique frequency. They are interrelated, and affect one another and the person's feelings, emotions, thinking, behavior, and health as well.
1. Physical Auric Body - Physical sensations. Simple physical comfort, pleasure, and health.
2. The Etheric Aura Body - Emotions with respect to self. Self-acceptance and self-love.
3. Vital Auric Body - Rational mind. To understand the situation in a clear, linear, rational way.
4. Astral (Emotional) Body - Relations with others. Loving interaction with friends and family.
5. Lower Mental Auric Body - Divine will within. To align with the divine will within, to make commitment to speak and follow the truth.
6. Higher Mental Auric Body - Divine love, and spiritual ecstasy.
7. Spiritual (Intuitive) Body- Divine mind, serenity. To be connected to divine mind and to understand the greater universal pattern.
Auras can be multiple colors such as: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, lavender, silver, gold, black white, earth colors, rainbow colors, pastel colors, as well as dirty brown or gray overlay in colors as well.
Remember when working with your aura and its layers the basics are essential. Here are some common things to work with on your aura layers:
1. Protection
2. Cleansing
3. Sealing leaks and tears
4. Clearing
5. Charging
Remember they are all important, so please take good care of your aura and it will in turn take good care of you!
Hope you enjoy the basic overview of the aura layers and if you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Many Blessings Nicole Lanning
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Key Pointers For Developing Your Own Intuition
Everyone was born with his or her own sense of intuition. We all have developed this as well since we were tiny babies. For the positive, it developed into strengthen bouts of intuition. For the polar opposite, it had blocks put up with family or parental figures in their life where they cannot see past them now.
There are so many programs, cd's, meditations, and much more out there that claim to help develop your intuition, and for some they work and for some they do not. Why is this?
To begin we need to understand and realize we are all different and work differently with our energy fields. We all do not have the same blocks or open pathways, so for this one main reason we will all respond differently to different programs.
The things that they do have in common are a few key pointers:
1. Practice. Each and every course requires practice. You need to devote some of your time to this type of work. I am not saying a lot of hours out of a day, but you should be able to devote at least 30 minutes a day to this type of work.
2. Prayer/Meditation. This is another area they have in common. Meditation is a more heightened sense of prayer on a much deeper and more aware level. This has nothing to do with religious beliefs.
3. Psychic Protection. This is a big one that some courses and programs include and some do not. In my personal and professional opinion, this is a big thing! We all need protection psychically and energetically to protect us from the energy and psychic drains in this physical and spiritual realms. So if you are not working with protection, but are trying to develop your intuition, please be advised and be careful. There are a lot of things you can open yourself up to and without protection they can be very harmful to your psychic and energy levels.
4. Meeting Your Guides. A lot of people have animal or spirit guides around them at all times, excluding their birth guides. Meeting your guides is another big part to working on your intuition.
One big thing I do need to mention, Spirit will never tell you what you have to do. They may show you different options, nudge you in a certain direction, but they will never demand you to do anything.
I hope this helps in your quest for more knowledge and developing your own intuition. Remember not everything is going to work for everyone, since we all are different. But go at your own pace, find what works for you, and remember you can contact me with any questions.
Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Psychic Attack Prevention & Energy Protection
Anyone is vulnerable to evil influences and negativity. One is particularly vulnerable to "psychic attacks" is someone who indulges in sabotage, excessive power struggles, controlling behavior or manipulative in nature.
Another type of person who is particularly vulnerable are those who are "healers" or "overly compassionate/caring individuals". They absorb the pain, suffering and other energies from those around them. They generally can have low spirits, feel guilty, can project their feelings onto others, and have learned to let others unload their feelings onto them.
Giving away our own energy is a big thing people don't even realize we do. We do this when we come in contact with people who we feel sorry for or prey on our emotions mostly. This is a big one, as most people don't even realize they are doing this!
There are multiple ways to energetically protect yourself from energy drains and psychic attacks. Here are some of the best ways to tackle and handle them from different areas in your life:
1. Dis-engagement
2. Energy field healing (aura)
3. Color therapy
4. Healing power of nature
5. Cognitive therapy
6. Spiritual community support
7. Positive affirmations
8. Prayer in sacred places
9. Meditation
10. Divine protection - angels, spirits, guides, totems
11. Crystal & amulets
12. Visualization
Remember to work with your energetic protection all the time, whether it be simple or ritualistic for your lifestyle. Energy drains can have to everyone and at any time. Keep yourself protected, deal with the energy depletion that has occurred and restore the energy flow back to normal. Lastly, remember to not give your own personal energy power away, as it is yours to use and become as strong as you possibly can!
I hope this helps with any questions you may have on energy protection!
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Monday, June 15, 2009
Animal Communication & Where To Begin
Animals also communicate with others on an energy and a feeling level. It is similar to developing the skills of listening to your own inner voice. Children already have this natural ability and it has not been covered up by years and years of rules and restrictions as so many adults today.
Animal communication is the ability to listen, which means to listen from the heart by becoming sensitive, using our own intuition and allowing ourselves to really feel as that animal feels at that moment. Animals live in the moment, not in the past or in the future, but right here and now and this is a big way of their communication with us.
You do not need any special skills, only a deep love for animals and a heart that is willing to listen, be open and learn. The biggest part of animal communication, if you learn nothing else, is that animal communication is about listening, with the help of grounding work, relaxation, and visualization you can be on the same energy level as the animal. This is where our
communication begins!
I feel that animals want us to learn to love ourselves as well as everyone else in the world, the way that they love us with unconditional love. That is why having an open heart and listening is such a big key in animal communication, because if you have that and some patience you cannot
go wrong!
If you have any questions or wish to learn more, feel free to contact me!
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Crash Course Basics In Crystal Healing
Choosing a crystal for a specific reason, first focus on that reason and then allow your intuition to choose the right crystals. There are alot of crystals to choose from for any particular reason. Such as crystals to attract finance abundance. There are the amazonite, aventurine, diamond, emerald, gold, peridot, green tourmaline, and many more. Focus on the intention and reason and let your intuition guide you to the right crystal for your purpose.
When cleansing your crystals, there are various ways to perform this session. You can use the light and energy of the sun or moon, bury them in Mother Earth, visualization, smudging, or cleanse them with sea salt water baths. Work with the session that resonates best within you!
Programming crystals can be done one of three ways. You can program them with the passive method, the active method or charging them with Reiki. All three ways are appropriate, but each crystal is different and unique so follow your intuition and work with each crystal individually.
When healing with crystals, there are many techniques out there, such as crystal elixirs and baths, crystal grids, laying on of stones, chakra healing, aura healing, hands on healing, and many more. Each case is individual as well as their energy resonation with the crystals being used. This is where training in this type of field comes into your learning of crystal therapy. Crystals resonate by their color as well as their properties.
So please make sure you have aligned the correct crystals for each color as well as property when working with healing and crystals. And remember each person's individual session will be different as we all have different energy fields and levels and will resonate differently with different crystals so have a variety to work with!
I hope this helps you all in your own path of working with crystals. If you wish to know more please feel free to contact me!
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Angel, Guides & Runners!
I have been working with my own personal angel, guides and runners for as long as I can remember. I was born with a wonderful gift, as alot of us are, but was fortunate enough to have my gift developed and enhanced throughout my lifetime to where I am today.
All of these different types of spirit forms can come in and out of our lives at any given time. We are all born with at least two different birth guides. Some are born with even a few more depending on their spiritual and life path that is chosen. These birth guides are yours, and yours alone. They work only with you and the spiritual realm to help you on your physical pathway through life as well as keep open lines of communication between you and the spirit realm. Each birth guide has its own job in your life.
You may have one that is more of a protector role. You may have one that is more of nurturing role. Each and every one is different, just as we are.
Guardian angels are here to watch over and protect us on our physical existence in this Earthly plane. They are the ones who step in just at the right time when accidents happen or things come out just by the skin of our teeth and we sit back and wonder how, it is because of our guardian angels.
Spirit runners, or runner guides as some others refer to them, are like temporary guides who come into our life for a specific reason. Maybe we need some extra energy protection in our life at a certain point, or maybe some extra guidance or help in a love area. These are the spirit runners who come and usher in their expertise of this area when it is needed most. As soon as this area of our life has been resolved and completed they leave as quickly as they came in. Runners can also be with more then one person at one times, just as angels can be.
So how do we get in contact with them? Great question! Start with meditation, as quieting the mind is a wonderful way to start opening yourself up to them.
Look for signs as well. Literally ask a question that you are wanting the answer to, whether it be out-loud or in your mind, and wait and watch for signs to show you the way!
Opening yourself up energetically is another great way for ascension purposes that you can make stronger communication links between you and your guides, angels and runners.
So take a step back and see what signs are being shown and ask for help and make as much with your communication with them as you ca, as they are here to help us!
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning