Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Rapid Change With Crystal Healing
Let me explain it this way for you. If you plant a carrot seed you can roughly estimate that it will take around seventy days from the day you plant this to the day it is ready to eat. This is a gestational period – from beginning to end. But what about your mental and spiritual seeds that you plant, the things you are wanting to have happen and change in your life right now. There are no set gestational periods for them, as they are not scientifically figured out in life. There is no book or pamphlet that says to change your love life from beginning to end it will take roughly one hundred days, or to change your career it will roughly take ninety days. They don’t make books like this because everyone’s life is different, as are their situations; their attitudes about the change, and their energetic pull gravitating them towards a positive, neutral, or negative outcome. So, what can be done to speed up these gestation periods for the mental and spiritual issues within our lives? Crystal healing!
Crystal healing has a vibrational positive change in everyone’s life in one-way shape or form. These wonderful living rocks come from beautiful Mother Earth for a positive reason and format, and they are here to help for the good of all, not to harm. So to bring about a rapid change in something you are working on in your life make sure you have Moldavite and Clear Quartz on hand. Make a non-direct charge gem elixir of both of these crystals and gently mist all areas of your home. Secondly, place these crystals in opposite ends of your home to help increase the rapid change on an energetic and vibrational frequency level.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Regaining Personal Power With Crystals
Unfortunately, there are people and other living things on this planet that try to overtake our personal power. This can be done in one of a few ways. Subconsciously people can drain on our power by their own negative sources. Have you ever encountered a very negative person and after speaking or being around them for a short amount of time felt very drained, weak, or even negative yourself? They have just drained off your own power source. Consciously people can also do this type of draining with psychic vampire and energetic drains. This is not a positive thing and people need to protect themselves from these types of negative people.
How can we boost our own personal power, whether it is a general boost and feel a need for more energy or it is to re-establish our own energy after a draining event? You want to make sure you have a combination of Garnet and Emerald with you to boost or re-gain this energy. Wearing these two crystals in a combination, as well as charged and programmed, around your heart charka with enhance your own power or re-establish your power if you have been drained from someone else. To avoid personal power drains on your energetic levels, make sure to use energetic or psychic protection to block the conscious and sub-conscious attacks in one major sweep.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Boost Your Metabolism With Crystals
There are many ways to increase your metabolism, but how can you do this in a very simple and easy way that is an alternative type of therapy. Exercise is one great way to start your day, but as many people we may not always find the time to fit in that 30 minute run or hour at the gym with a go-go-go lifestyle. Eating healthy foods and smaller meals throughout the day is another way to keep our metabolism up and running. Smaller meals means you are constantly giving your body vital food to run on, especially in the mornings after we have fasted for 8 hours while we were sleeping. Our bodies need this fuel to keep our metabolism up and running in a healthy light.
There are also many other ways to give your metabolism a boost, and for most people it is for one of two reasons, either to lose weight or have more energy and sometimes even both. There are tons of herbal remedies out there, as well that people have tried. But what can be done in an easy way, with no side effects and nothing that has to be taken internally? Simple answer, crystal healing!
You can use one crystal once a day to jump-start and continue your metabolim boosting agents throughout your entire day. So how do you do it and what’s the catch? It’s easy really! Find a piece of Amazonite at your local crystal or metaphysical store, or even one that you are drawn to online. Make sure your cleanse and program this especially for boosting your metabolism. Once you have done this charge your bathtub water with Amazonite for 30 minutes, either while you are in the bath or before your bath, and enjoy the boosting agents of this natural healing all day long.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Finding Lost Objects With Crystals
Finding these lost objects is the wonderful part of our day, and the old saying is they always turn up in the last place that we look. However, who wants to look around for hours on end to find these things, especially when we have time schedules and need to be focusing on something else. There are always other solutions such as buying two pairs of glasses, or having an extra set of car keys stored somewhere for a quick fix, but what about those things near and dear to our hearts such as wedding rings or other sentimental things. These you cannot replace or have an extra set. Sure, you can go to the store and get another one, but the person wants to the original for these very same reasons.
There are other things you can do such as tearing your home, office, car, and even yard apart. You can even try dowsing rods to locate these items if you practice enough and work with them to find what you are looking for. Unfortunately dowsing rods will notice other sources of things, especially within a home, and can become frustrating if you are not the greatest at using them. So, what can be done to help find your lost and precious items?
Next time you need to find something that is lost, make sure you have Infinite on hand. Charge and program this to help you find your lost objects. If you lose things a lot, you can charge this for a general lost item. If you are looking for something very specific, make sure to program it for this reason. Hold the Infinite in your dominant hand and concentrate on the object and finding what you are seeking. Do not let your mind wander during this exercise, so remember to stay focused. After you have a clear picture and are very focused, let your intuition guide you to the lost object. Don’t second guess yourself and think it couldn’t be here or there, as that is letting your mind wander. Follow your gut instincts and go with the flow on this one. It will lead you to amazing things!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Gambling, Lottery Games, & Crystals
Lottery games by nature are a random chance at winning. The games you find in casinos are programmed for so many wins on so many pulls of a machine. The tables have multiple decks of cards making it impossible to know what comes next and the lottery has tons of balls bouncing through air before a few get pulled into tubes for the winning numbers. So they are all games of chance, but how do some people win and others not? Is it all just luck? Are some people luckier than others? In addition, if so how can someone get more luck on his or her side?
Yes, in a manner of speaking, they are lucky, but it is not about someone being lucky or unlucky. You were not born into one of these two categories and have to stay there the rest of your life. Luck is what you create in your own life and on your own terms. If you are planning a trip to a casino and hoping that you don’t lose your entire bank account, you are already in the mind set that you are going to lose. You don’t have a winning attitude. Now is it all about the mind-set you have – well to be honest a good part of it is. If you are thinking positively, more positive things will come your way.
However, something else can boost your luck just a bit more when you are already in a positive mindset and want to stretch this winning streak a bit further. Next time you go to the casinos to go gambling, or even when you are getting your next set of lottery tickets, make sure to have a programmed Aventurine with you. You can have this in your dominant hand and focusing your intention on winning when you pull the lever, through the dice, turn over the cards, or pick your lottery numbers. If you are not comfortable holding this in your hand, make sure to keep this with a positive source of money when working with these issues. It is not a magical cure and will take about a week or more, depending on your attitude towards your intention, so start planning early before your next trip!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystal Healing For Interconnectedness
Having this feeling is a knowing process, and an awareness and evolution, about understanding that we are all connected. We may not be able to see this connection but it is there. We are all one and from one Universal source of power. What happens when we are born into a physical body is that we start listening to the adults around us. We are pure until we understand the concept of “me.” When playing with toys as a baby, we are perfectly content until an adult tries to explain who has the toy and we finally understand there is a difference between you and me. There really is no difference except with are in separate physical forms as a human body, but all of our energy is ok. Once we learn this as a child though the process all starts of separation issues, wanting our own things, competition, and so much more. Are these things positive? Not really if you are looking at it from a connection issue and a grand scheme of life.
Interconnectedness is a beautiful thing when sought after in a positive way. So how can we achieve the shear splendor when had as babies and young children? We practice obtaining that connection back again and understanding it is about cooperation and connection, not competition. To practice this concept, make sure to have a Yellow and Orange Jade both programmed for interconnection. Wear these together for 7 days, cleanse, and reprogram every week. Start practicing your cooperation skills instead of your competitive skills and see how much more you connect with life around you.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
House & Home Cleansing Techniques
House and home cleansings can be done for many reasons. I am not talking about the typical spring cleaning, but an energetic one to remove negative and stagnant energy, energetic debris, earth energy lines that can cause harm and damage, electromagnetic wave interference from appliances, and even spiritual entities that feed off of energy spots. It sounds like a lot and can be confusing, but I will explain a few simple ways to cleanse your home by yourself.
For a general and easy way to remove stagnant and negative energy, you can work with a basic smudge stick made of sage. Smudge sticks ca be combined with other herbs as well, but you want to make sure to have the majority of this be a sage combination or pure sage. Light the end of the smudge stick, carefully and gently blow out the flame until the stick is burning through the sage and a generous amount of smoke is coming through. Walk around the entire inside perimeter of your home blowing the smoke into all corners and around all entryways such as windows and doors. Using a white feather allows this process to fan the smoke into such corners with the purity of animal’s spirit.
Crystal smudging can also be done using Marcasite. You can charge a smudge stick with this crystal vibrational frequency before smudging your home. If you wish to strictly work with the crystal smudging, you can charge a bottle of purified water with Marcasite for 24 hours and gently mist all areas of your home, making sure to get into corners above and below, as well as entry ways to your home.
Sound vibrational frequency can also be used for home cleansing with Tibetan singing bowls. Each bowl has its own vibrational frequency and depending on the needs of the home and the vibrational intent behind them, you should use the appropriate bowl for this particular session.
A few other simple ways to help cleanse and clear an area are: placing rock salt in the corners of each room after a cleansing session to help integrate the energy work that was completed, using incense, placing wind chimes throughout the home, lighting candles, having water foundations flowing, and many more. All of these tings keep an energetic flow throughout your home and this keeps the energetic debris from building up. Remember to at least provide your home with a cleansing every month to keep things fresh and flowing.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystal Healing For Hay Fever Issues
There are different crystal healings for all of the above mentioned symptoms and then some, but if we want to really get to the core of healing the hay fever issues it is not about what symptom you are showing at any given time but working on the underlying cause which are the hay fever issues in general.
Now healing in general should be done this way, but many new healers, and even some of the advanced ones, start by working on the symptoms being shown. This can cure the symptoms, but then new ones start arising and the root cause is still there. Therefore, crystal healing is no different, as it is just about working with a vibrational level match for the ailment at hand.
For hay fever issues, you want to make sure that the person is wearing a programmed Citrine pendant as much as possible during this time. Cleanse and reprogram every 7 days for best results. A Citrine elixir can also be made by charging the purified water for 30 minutes and lightly misting the areas of the physical body, from head to toe, especially the head areas. Re-mist every 6 hours for best results when using this elixir.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Drawing Out Negative Energy With Crystal Healing
So for those who are wanting to learn how to draw out negativity, either for themselves or family members, friends, and even clients, it is as simple as holding a crystal within their own hand. For this session, you will need to make sure the person who needs to draw out the negativity holds Jet in their dominant hand. Have the person close their hand and focus on the issues that are creating the negative energy. This could be from their job, spouse, friend, family member, or anything else that strikes a nerve within them. Have them take a few deep breaths slowly and they will start to feel their frustration, anger, hatred, confusion, and any other negative emotions leaving their physical bodies.
Each individual person takes a different time span for this exercise, but on average, this can last anywhere from 5-10 minutes. For smaller issues it can be a few minutes and for major ones this can last up to 25-30 minutes. This also depends on how negative the person is too. If the person is a walking negative magnet, this could be something you would have the person do once every day or every other day until they can learn to control their negative emotional side. If the person is a fairly happy emotional status person, occasionally when the negative energy rears its head should take care of these issues.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystals For Good Luck Charms
When working with specialized crystals and stones for working with good luck charms you want to make sure you pick a crystal that is a vibrational match for you when you are in a particularly good and happy mood. If you walk into a crystal store looking for luck and not already feeling lucky what you are going to draw in are crystals that are at the low vibrational level match for yourself, so they are not going to be much of a help. How can you be feeling like you need luck and still feel lucky? This is the trick. All you have to do is be in a really good mood and “feeling” lucky. It is all about your emotional output for what you are experiencing. Play some happy upbeat music in the car on the way to the crystal store or make sure you are thinking about a particularly lucky time in your life. It can be anything from when you met your spouse, won some money at the lottery, or found that special prize – anything that greats this excitement, happy, and lucky feeling from inside.
Once you have this feeling, keep thinking about this emotion, the things that had you feeling this way and hold this image for as long as possible when choosing your lucky charms. Once you have found the magnetic attraction to the one(s) that feel right for you, remember that they are crystals too not just luck charms, and take them home to be cleansed and programmed. Make sure to carry them around with you where they can be within your energetic field as much as possible and have a free flowing current of energy.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystal Healing & Manifestation Issues
There are multiple ways to incorporate crystals with manifestation issues. You can use crystal grid methods with a variety of different crystals and shapes for your grids. You can also use programmed crystals for your manifestation desires. You can also even charge a crystal with intention and Reiki and place this over your desired outcome on an alter or within the area that you spend the most of your time and focus on this topic.
For working with programmed crystals for your manifestation desires you can use a Smoky Quartz and Citrine in a crystal combination. Make sure to hold the Smoky Quartz and Citrine in your dominant hand while focusing on your manifestation anywhere from 15-20 minutes. If your attention span will not hold this long for your focus, start out with a smaller amount of time, such as 5 minutes, and build from there. The more you hold this desire in your mental focus the stronger the energy output will be for your manifestation. After a period of 7 days, make sure to cleanse your crystals.
Depending on the topic of your manifestation and the current state of your life and your mental attitude toward your goal, anything can happen from a week to months for the Universe to align and bring in your desired outcome. The key is to focus, cleanse your crystals once a week, and keep up the work. Everything in life has a gestation period, so allow for ample time for each desire to be fulfilled and have fun with the exercise.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Healing Symptoms Vs Core Issues
When we get into healing work, whether you are a beginner or advanced – and even some of the pro’s out there – it is very easy to say “I have a headache” and work on healing this area. For the most part, smaller things such as headaches, bruises, cuts, scrapes, and other miscellaneous areas can be healed this way. This can include things from energy work, crystal healing, and other vibrational and energetic types of work. However, once we get past the smaller issues and really delve into this type of work we realize it is not the general surface things that need to be healed. We have to go deeper, much deeper. This is when we start looking at the core issues, the underlying causes. This is when the healing work really starts to get interesting.
When you come across a person with constant headaches, have you ever trued to just heal the headache or have you looked into the matter further? What is causing the continuous manner in which they keep coming back? Is it from stress related issues? What about hormonal changes? Possibly environmental? This can be brought about in multiple areas. It is a matter of finding the core issue, narrowing this down, and healing this problem as an underlying cause – not just the surface issue. You can keep treating the headaches repeatedly, but they will continue to come back if the underlying cause is not addressed.
So what do you do? Start by tackling the symptoms and working to get yourself, or the client, in a better and more balanced state, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Once the symptoms have been worked on, then delve deeper. Find what the common links are between the surface ailments and work on healing these until the core root has been fully healed.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Crystal Healing With Abalone
Abalone has also been nicknames the “Sea Ears” due to the flattened shape of the shell with an iridescent interior. These shells are rounded or oval in nature with a large dome towards one of its ends. It is not technically a crystal when you think of crystal healing with rocks that came from Mother Earth, but rather it is a member of the mollusks having one piece shells with wonderful properties for healing purposes!
For working with Abalone, make sure you cleanse this thoroughly before using, as well as make your energetic connection, use your intuition followed by intention and programming for the appropriate usage. Even though this is not a “traditional” Earth crystal, it still needs to have the proper care and respect for the energy usage it is providing for healing sessions.
Abalone is used for common ailments such as muscle building, protection of the tissue, common heart issues, and aids in digestion when used for healing purposes. This also helps stimulate psychic development, spiritual connection, creativity, imagination, and expansion of your third eye. Native Americans have also used Abalone for cleansing purposes, offerings to Mother Earth, and prayer sessions as well. When using Abalone for crystal healing purposes make sure to connect through your root, sacral, and spleen chakras for the highest energetic level output.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Stagnant Energy Issues
Stagnant energy can be caused by a lot of different reasons from negative thought patterns, behavioral issues, closed off energy sources, an accumulation of energetic imprints or debris, a lack of cleansing issues over a significant amount of time to name just a few. To counteract these issues, you can use a variety of different options, so stay open to the possibilities of what resonates within you.
For general basic room cleansing, good for home usage due to the smoke, you can use a basic smudging technique. Smudge sticks can be either pure sage or a sage combination, as this depends on where you purchase them and your own personal preference. Light the smudge stick and go around the entire perimeter of the room or entire home, inside, making sure to fan the smudge smoke into corner areas and around doors and windows to break up the stagnant energy and increase a fluid flow through the room or home.
For a general cleansing of an office space, you can create a crystal elixir for smudging purposes. Create an Amber elixir, charging for one hour, and lightly mist all around your office area. Make sure not to get any electronic devices wet from this mist.
For spiritual cleansing, make sure you use Lapis Lazuli and cleanse all of your aura fields in large sweeping motions in a clockwise manner. You can also use a brushing technique moving from above your crown chakra to the floor and repeat around your entire physical body.
For energy grid cleansings, make sure to use Ammolite during the session in your dominant hand t break up the stagnant energy on all grid levels!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Monday, March 22, 2010
Crystal Healing With Amethyst
Amethyst, due to its color and vibrational frequency, works best with the upper chakras and upper physical body issues. These can range from simple headaches, migraines, psychic intuition, dream recall, clarifying issues, insomnia, selflessness issues, spirituality connection, nightmares, quieting the mind, meditation, and even issues dealing with sobriety. As you can see the list can continue, as Amethyst has a direct link to the mind and one’s inner soul. For the physical body, as well, it can boost the immune system, increase the production of hormones, help balance out one’s metabolism, and aids in the circulatory system.
When working with Amethyst, make sure you state your goals and intention with your work very clearly. This crystal will not only help quiet things down for your work but will also bring about a less scattered feel to any energy issues that are at hand during the session.
Simple exercises for Amethyst are placing one under a pillow before sleeping to help reduce insomnia. You can also place three around the head area when an onset of headache starts to alleviate the pain and return to a balanced state of being. You can also combine Amethyst and other crystals or gemstones for working on issues with your own personal life as well as sessions you are providing for your clients!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystal Healing With Amber
Most of the earth’s supply of Amber is anywhere from 30 to 90 million years old, and is generally thought of to come from pine trees. Think about it for a minute, as it is again called a “fossilized” resin, it has to be very old!
Amber provides us with a very high electromagnetic vibrational frequency to work on healing issues, especially with past life work. This resin corresponds to our own past life chakra, located behind the ear, and is able to create a stronger connection to our past lives as well as be able to heal their energies to move forward in our own current lifetime.
Aside from past life work, Amber can also help heal general issues, provide a boost for mental clarity, balance out moods shifts, and increase confidence. For our physical body concerns, this resin can also be used to help heal issues concerning the stomach, spine, ears, brain, memory issues and cell regeneration.
When working with Amber in general, such as wearing this in some kind of jewelry format, this can provide a general grounding healer energy format base that can help add stability to one’s lifestyle in general. Amber is one jewelry though that should be cleansed regularly. If you have specialized jewelry made for your own benefit, these should be cleansed at least once a week, but is best if they are cleansed daily.
Remember to respect Amber just as if it were any other crystal or gemstone and it will provide you with years of unlimited healing potential.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystal Healing With Amazonite
Amazonite is a gentle energetic frequency that offers a calm and soothing feeling for both the practitioner and the client that the session is for. Using this stone can be done in multiple ways from placing this in a grid formation, hands on healing, using this within elixir based remedies, to something as simple as attaching it to a pendant for a long term affect on an ailment.
Amazonite works for many issues, including solar plexus, heart, and chakra centers. It enhances masculine qualities in both men and women when working through blockages within these chakra centers. It also helps heal self-damaging behaviors and restores self-confidence, self-assurance, self-respect, and self-expression.
For those who are interested in artistic talent, Amazonite can increase one’s ability for creative expression and enhance their own personal intuition to channel artwork through spirit. Psychic abilities, enhanced communication, telepathy, and increased brain pathways have also been an excellent attribute in working with Amazonite.
For best results, make sure to choose your own piece by listening to your intuition. Proper cleansing and programming will increase your connection with this stone to help manifest your healing abilities to their fullest.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystal Healing With Agates
Blue Lace Agates helps one to focus on the inner soul, love, and peace vibrational frequencies. This stone corresponds very well with his/her throat chakra and inner healings. It also responds very well to the frequencies of the heart, crown, and the third eye chakra for healing opportunities too!
Moss Agates are one of the best stones to work with when connecting with nature energies. Tree Agates are also great for this type of work! These stones received their names from the appearance of their colors and designs bestowed upon them. They both help improve self-esteem, emotional balance, ego issues and personality traits. Combining them together creates a very strong connection with Mother Earth energies!
Botswana Agates are probably best known for their prosperities in helping aid firefighters and those who are trying to quit smoking, or those who have quit. This stone is also wonderful at helping aid circulation and depression issues.
Fire Agates offer a wonderful energy for meditating purposes. This induces relaxation within your energy fields and brings about a calm state of being for mind, body, and spirit connection.
There are many kinds of agates out in the world. These are just a few of the more popular ones that are talked about and can be found at most crystal, rock, and gem stores or online. Enjoy the healing that they provide and remember to respect their energy with sufficient cleansing and programming to help aid in your own personal crystal healing adventure.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Healing Primary Sensory Minor Chakras On Animals
The biggest mistake that is made in animal healing with energetic and vibrational issues is the bypass of the Primary Sensory Minor Chakra in animal healing sessions. This minor chakra is located at the bridge of the animal’s nose below the third eye/brow/sixth chakra point. This is one of the most important minor energy centers, next to bud chakras, that animals use.
The Primary Sensory Minor Chakra helps animals absorb and compute energetic frequencies to rely upon its own survival instincts. This is a big one, especially if you compare this to the animal’s root or first chakra point. When this minor energy center is not balanced, the animal can show signs of being lost, scattered, confused, or even off course.
Animal chakra points are a way of working with these companions in our own spiritual life path and incorporating their love, honesty, and compassion to enable our spiritual growth. Healing issues with animals can be done through their chakras and their aura levels. Crystal healing can play a big part in this process among other alternative therapies. Specific crystals to be used for this area are Angelite and Rainbow Fluorite. To awaken and balance this chakra, slowly massage the area with one of these crystals for as long as the animal will allow.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing, and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Friday, February 26, 2010
Healing Bud Chakras On Animals
There are four Bud Chakras on the lower part of each animal. One is located on the bottom of each foot, hoof, claw, pad, or paw. These four energy centers help the animal’s ground their own energy as well as sense energy shifts. For example, these are the energy sensors that help detect when earthquakes are coming, as you will notice a wide variety of animal’s fleeing a local area a few days before this happens. You can heal these chakra areas using Brown Carnelian or Jasper.
There are two Bud Chakras on each of the animal’s ear. These are located at the base opening on each side. These also aid the animal is their ability to sense energy shifts that are not directly sensed through the ground or their foot bud chakra points. You can work on these Bud Chakras with a combination of Amber and Clear Quartz for healing or removal of any blockages.
Make sure you work on these areas with sensitivity, as animals are not as open to allow healing for these areas due to the extreme changes they can feel. Begin a session by being grounded and center, along with an open heart and mind will bring about a successful session for you and the animal alike.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing, and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Healing Brachial Chakra On Animals
The eighth chakra center is called the Brachial chakra and is located between the shoulders on the back. This chakra center is a link that connects all of the other major chakra centers together. This is also a major connection between animal and human bonding issues. For any kind of healing on an animal, whether it is a general healing session or a customized healing, make sure you work through the Brachial chakra center first!
When this chakra center is not balanced, or is blocked with stagnant or negative energy the animal will not want to be touched, will act withdrawn from daily activities and healing session, and will show a behavioral patter of refusal for connections with humans and bonding issues. There are two types of different healing that can be done for these concerns. Black Tourmaline should be used if the animal is reluctant to connect with a session or person. Herkimer Diamonds should be used for a general healing session and a connection to all of the major chakra areas.
Make sure to begin each session with an open mind and heart, be well grounded and centered and have no fear within your own energy system. You and the animal will both be thankful that you did!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing, and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Healing Crown Chakra On Animals
The animal’s crown chakra, also called the seventh chakra, is located on top of his/her head between the animal’s ears. This chakra area is associated with the color of white or clear. There has been some debate about the sixth and seventh chakra centers and the colors associated with them, introducing indigo, violet, purple, clear and white colors. There is no right or wrong way for either process to unfold. What is best is to work through this area as to what best resonates within you and the animal you are working on for the healing.
The seventh chakra is the energy center that deals with the animal’s connection to the Universe, Spirit, Universal Source, cosmic consciousness, oneness with all, and spirituality issues. When this chakra center is not balanced or is blocked with stagnant or negative energy, the animal can become depressed, feeling confined, showing signs of intense anxiety issues, and feeling withdrawn. You want to make sure this chakra area is open, balanced, and resonating within the animal’s needs. To do this use a crystal or combination or crystals, such as Clear Quartz, Tanzanite, and Diamond.
For any kind of healing on an animal, make sure you are grounded, centered and approach the healing session with an open heart and mind. When this is done you and the animal will both be grateful for the session you completed!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing, and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Healing Third Eye Chakra On Animals
The sixth chakra on an animal is similar to that of a human’s. This chakra area is called the third eye or brow chakra, is located at the center of the forehead just above the eyes, and is associated with the color purple and violet. Now there is some confusion around the colorations of the sixth and seventh chakras with introducing indigo, purple, violet, and clear or white colorations for these chakras. The sixth chakra can be associated with either the purple/violet color and it can also be associated with the indigo coloration. Please feel free to use what resonates within you for your work with humans and animals alike.
When working with the third eye chakra, this area deals with acceptance of self, spiritual energy, intuition, keen perception, wisdom, and receiving guidance. When this area is not balanced or the chakra center is blocked an animal can appear to have headaches, physical ailments and issues concerning his/her eyes or sight, and can become easily distracted. The appropriate crystals to be used for a healing of this area would be Fluorite, Amethyst, and Lapis Lazuli.
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Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Healing Throat Chakra On Animals
An animal’s fifth chakra center, also called the Throat Chakra, is located at the animal’s throat located near his/her vocal cords. This energy center is associated with the color blue and deals with issues of communication, expression, eloquence, and faith. When this energy center is not balanced, or is blocked and has a lot of stagnant energy, the animal will not be able to communicate normally. This can go to either extreme from being very vocal with excessive barking, howling, whining, crying, meowing, purring, hissing, etc. This can also go to the opposite extreme when the animal’s voice becomes raspy, less vocal or eve completely stopping his/her vocalization.
I prefer to work with crystals and energy healing when working with animals and their behavioral patterns. For the throat chakra area you can use crystals such as Aquamarine, a good one for this area, along with Blue Quartz or even Blue Topaz. Remember to always listen to your intuition, work with an open heart and mind, and a balanced and grounded energy before starting an animal healing session. If you do these simply things you will have a successful healing and both you and the animal will be thankful that you did!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing, and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Healing Heart Chakra On Animals
There are two chakra centers located very closely to each other for this area. One is called the heart charka, which is also called the fourth chakra center and is associated with the color of green. The fourth chakra center is a major energy center for the animal. There is another one called the higher heart chakra, and is located four to six inches above the heart chakra, is associated with the color of pink and is a minor chakra center. These two chakra areas in combination work in balancing the emotional stability for the animal. They are located in the front of the chest area, or an alternative location is just behind the forelegs of the upper cheat area.
These two chakra areas work on balancing relationships with an emotional connection, unconditional level balance, tolerance, forgiveness, and compassion. When there is a blockage in either of these chakras or they are not balanced the animal can show signs of sadness, jealousy, self-centered issues, grief, overly possessive, or be unwilling to interact with others.
When working with this chakra energy center for healing make sure to a combination of crystals with green and pink colorations to balance both the minor and major chakra areas. Crystals that can be used for these areas are ones such as Emerald, Jade, Rose Quartz, and Pink Topaz.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing, and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Healing Solar Plexus Chakra On Animals
Working on an animal’s third chakra, also know as the solar plexus chakra, can help with many issues. This energy center is located in the middle of the back area, but remember this can also be accessed from the underside of the animal as well. The third chakra center is a yellow color based correspondence.
When working with this energy center make sure to understand its governing energy works on an animal’s sense of determination, personal power, assertion, and sense of self. When this area is not balanced or there is a blockage in this energy center the animal will show signs of fear, dominating, withdrawn, hatred, or even an overemphasis of power. Make sure to be careful when balancing this chakra center as the animal physical behavior can sometimes be overwhelming in this area.
For an animal healing session for this area, I prefer to work with Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Yellow or Golden Calcite, and Topaz. Balancing this energy center will help the animal’s behavior to calm down and work on its emotional issues at hand.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing, and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Healing Sacral Chakras On Animals
But no matter when or where the animal is on its healing pathway, it can be helped with a variety of different healing techniques. You can use crystal healing, energy or vibrational healing, massage techniques, acupuncture, and many more to help our animal companions in our life.
The animal’s second chakra, also know as the sacral chakra, is located in the lower back region between the tail and the middle of the back. This chakra center is associated with the color orange and works on issues with expression, emotional balance, control and sexuality. When working on animal’s, and with an imbalanced chakra or a chakra blockage these signs can be shown as being overly emotional, hormonal issues, boundary issues with people as well as other animals, and can also be excessively vocal, including purring, whining, squawking, hissing, barking, howling, meowing, and many more.
For healing the second chakra area, you want to use whatever combination of healing techniques that feels right for you and the animal that is needing some help. I prefer to use crystal vibrational healing for animal sessions. Working with Carnelian, Orange Calcite, and Coral are wonderful stones for this purpose. Make sure to cleanse the stones before and after each session, as you do not want to pass along energy to another animal or human from a prior session.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing, and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Healing Root Chakras On Animals
An animal’s root chakra is located at the base of his/her spine. Another way of locating this chakra, depending on the animal, is to locate when the tail meets the body. This chakra center is the animal’s first, or root, chakra and the coloration associated with this chakra is red, just as in human energy chakra work. For an animal’s root chakra, this deals with issues of security, awareness of his/her physical body, and physical survival. Typical issues concerning this chakra when it is not balanced are shown as signs of being fearful, aggression, flight reactions, restlessness, and sluggish behavior.
There are many different ways to heal this chakra area. You can use a combination of chakra based energy forms to balance this area, as well as vibrational techniques such as Tibetan singing bowls or drumming. I personally enjoy working with crystals and animal work combined. For the root chakra of an animal, and yes any animal from dogs, cats, horses, birds, reptiles, fish, and wild animals alike, you can use Hematite, Garnet, Red Jasper, or Unakite to balance out this area.
When working with the animals and any kind of healing make sure to listen to your intuition, have an open mind and heart, don’t be fearful, and watch the animal’s reaction to the work you have provided to make a successful session for you and the animal you are helping.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing, and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Animal Chakra Centers & Healing
Animals have eight major chakra centers, not seven like humans, along with very important Bud Chakra centers that allow them to detect sudden energy shifts, disturbances, and frequency changes.
Here is a guideline to an animal’s major chakra areas:
Root Chakra – This is located where the tail meets the body of the animal and is associated with a red coloration and physical survival issues.
Sacral Chakra – This is located in the lower back between the tail and middle back area and is associated with the orange coloration and control issues.
Solar Plexus Chakra – This is located in the middle of the back area and is associated with the yellow coloration and determination issues.
Heart Chakra – This is located in the front of the chest area and is associated with the green coloration and emotional issues.
Throat Chakra – This is located in the animal’s throat area near the vocal cords and is associated with the blue coloration and communication issues.
Third Eye Chakra – This is located at the center of the forehead area just above the eyes and is associated with the purple or violet coloration and wisdom issues.
Crown Chakra – This is located on top of the animal’s head between their ears and is associated with the white or clear coloration and spirituality with the divine.
Brachial Chakra – This is located between the shoulders on the back of the animal and is associated with human bonding issues.
Bud Chakras – These are located one on the bottom of each foot, paw, pad, claw, or hoof, and one on each base opening on each ear, for a total of six energy centers. These are associated with sensing energy shifts or frequencies.
Make sure you balance all of the energy centers out to keep a healthy pet physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing, and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Healing Our Animal Companions
Animals are fun to work with, but can sometimes be hard to understand. The communication gap when working with animals is the hardest part to overcome when working with alternative healings. Vets have gone to school for many years learning to work on their physical issues and know all of the in’s and out’s of the animals. I take my own dogs to a local vet, but I also provide them with an alternative therapy with energy work, vibrational healing, massage, and animal remedies. These are a great way to try the animal as a whole instead of just the ailments we see.
Energy work, such as Reiki and other forms, can be used to provide the animal an energy boost, healing session, relaxation and to provide a calmness about them. Vibrational healing can be done with crystals, instruments such as drum, Tibetan singing bowls, and many others as a form for healing ailments and issues dealing with behavioral problems. Massage can be incorporated in alternative work with animals, and they so love this combined with an energy session to amplify all of the results being given to them. Animal remedies can be those alternative forms of flower remedies or even charged water with crystal healing properties or energy forms of charging. These all provide a more balanced output for your animal companion in addition to his/her regular vet appointments. So remember to treat them with as much love as they show you on a daily basis.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Salt Bed Cleansing Of Crystals
This is a fun and enjoyable cleansing technique that I think is overlooked by a lot of crystal practitioners. When your crystals are resting on a sea salt bed, the salt is absorbing the negative energy, imprints, debris, and any issues that the crystals are holding from their prior work. This type of cleansing is very effective, even for those crystals that do not hold onto energy from a session, as this still provides them with a boost of energy to keep their own vibrational output at a high level.
To use a sea salt bed, simply pour a sufficient layer of sea salt onto a small glass plate. Make sure there is enough salt for the amount of crystal(s) that you are cleansing. You can cleanse more than one crystal at a time using this method; just make sure you have enough salt for them to rest upon comfortably without touching the other crystals. Again, the salt will absorb the energy from the crystals, so it is always better to have more salt than not enough. Place your crystals on top of your generous mound of coarse sea salt and let them rest overnight for a deep cleansing.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sage Tea Cleansing Of Crystals
Sage tea cleansing is not always the quickest type of cleansing to perform, but provides the crystals with an excellent result and high vibrational level after this is perform. To start you will need fresh sage, this is much better than working with dried sage for a tea blend, purified water, your crystals, and a pot to make the tea in. Heat the water to boiling and add the fresh sage in to steep. Once this is done, allow the tea to cool and strain out the fresh sage. Place your crystal in a glass bowl and pour the sage infused tea over your crystal. Allow this to bathe overnight and in the morning rinse your crystals and gently pat them dry.
A sage tea cleansing can be done for multiple crystals in one glass bowl for cleansing purposes. Please do make sure that you are working with harder crystals and stones for this type of cleansing, as softer crystals and stones cannot be exposure to this type of cleansing for long periods of time.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Mirror Cleansing Of Crystals
What mirror cleansing does is reflect back and outward any issues that are needed to be cleansed off of the crystal. It does not just reflect back, but back and outward so that the vibrational field and levels for the crystal go back to its balanced state. The mirror does not hold onto the energy in any way, shape or form, so there is no need to energetically cleanse the mirror unless you feel a need to do so.
To perform a mirror cleansing session, simply locate a small hand-held type of mirror or any other type of small mirror that you can easily place on a tabletop, dresser, nightstand, or alter. Simply place a single crystal on top of the mirror with the intention in your mind of having the mirror cleanse this overnight. In the morning remove your crystal and you are done. It is as simple as that.
You want to make sure you work with only one crystal per mirror at a time for this process to be the most effective in cleansing. Mirror reflection energy is a strong component to work with, but is not as strong when compared to a nature element for cleansing such as rain, water, and solar or lunar energy. For these reasons it is best to only cleanse one crystal or stone at a time with this method.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Sand Cleansing Of Crystals
Sand cleansing is using a nature element that most people would not think to use for a cleansing session. It is very effective in its purposes, and if used correctly will not harm your crystals in anyway. For a sand cleansing session you will need a small amount of sand, a water bottle of purified water and the crystal(s) you want to cleanse. Make sure you have enough sand though to bury all of the crystals completely as you do not want any spots being shown to the air surface.
Gently mist the sand down with your purified water bottle first before placing your crystal(s) in this. You want to make sure you moisten this and turn or sift this a few times. Once the sand becomes wet it will be harder to move but is necessary so you get all of the sand moistened. After this gently place your crystal(s) in the sand and make sure they are buried on all sides. Leave them there for 2 hours and gently move the sand away when removing them. Rinse them thoroughly to remove any tiny sand grains and pat them dry afterwards.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Fire Cleansing Of Crystals
I do not normally recommend using fire cleansing for crystals for some of the most obvious reasons. Fire can burn! Not only yourself but also your crystals! But still this is a long and time old tradition that is still practiced in many parts of world as their first and foremost way of cleansing crystals.
Let me state again, fire can damage your crystals if not very very careful with this method. To start, you will need only your harder crystals. Do not try this on your softer crystals at all; as this can damage crystals in general, but when working with softer crystals this will harm them to a degree where you will not be able to use them again. Make sure you also have a long handled matchstick. Strike the match to ignite the fire and very quickly pass your crystal through the fire flame three times for this to be cleansed. Remember to be careful and not to get burned doing this cleansing method, as it can be tricky when you have never used it before.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Mother Earth Cleansing Of Crystals
You can offer a Mother Earth cleansing to your crystals in a simple fashion. I recommend doing this in a natural spot, not in potting soil or dirt in a pot. A lot of people say they don’t have a backyard or anywhere they can do this and want to know if potting soil will give the same results. I am here to tell you it will not, so please use a natural element. If you do not have a backyard of your own, ask a friend or family member if you can do this in there yard.
Make sure you have your crystals you wish to cleanse, as you can cleanse more than one crystal this way. Make sure you have the crystal(s) wrapped in cheesecloth first and then wrapped in a piece of silk. If you do not have silk, you can use another type of material that is special to you for these purposes. Wrap the crystal(s) and bury them about 6-8 inches into Mother Earth and gently cover them up. Make sure to place a stone or marker of some kind to remind you exactly where you buried them. Remove them after 24 hours and gently shake or rinse the remaining dirt off with purified water.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Sound Vibrational Cleansing Of Crystals
Sound vibrational cleansing can be done with a variety of tools. Some examples of them are a tuning fork, drums, bells, Tibetan singing bowls, and Tibetan cymbals. These each put out a unique vibrational sound to cleanse all of the debris from within the crystals own vibrational field.
For sound vibration cleansing, you need to have the tool at hand you wish to use along with the crystal. If you are cleansing more than one crystal at a time you will need to use the tool of your choice more than once.
Make the sound activate with your tool, such as the Tibetan singing bowl. After your strike the bowl and continue the sound, place the crystal, holding this between your thumb and first finger, inside of the bowl for a few moments and then remove. If you are using something such as a tuning fork, bell, or drum, activate this sound and hold the crystal as close as you can to this for a few moments without disrupting the sound. For Tibetan cymbals, you will strike them together and then place the crystal in-between the cymbals for the sound cleansing to occur. After you have cleansed one crystal, do this process over again for each individual crystal you need to cleanse.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Rain Cleansing Of Crystals
When working with rain cleansing you want to make sure you are using this with stones that will not rust first and foremost. If there is a chance that the particular crystal you want to use will rust if left out in the rainwater, please choose another crystal cleansing method.
To do a rain cleanse for your crystals, all you need are the crystals that are going to be cleanse and a gentle rain shower. Unfortunately we cannot always predict when these light rain showers will be, as this is the one down fall of working with rain cleansing.
Once it starts to gently rain, simply place your crystals outside in a safe place for at least 30 minutes. Rain cleansing is much quicker than typical water cleansing because this incorporates an Earth element into the picture. The fun part of this cleansing is going in and out to get your crystals. Remember to gently dry them off when you bring them in.
To make it a special time for you and your crystals, take your shoes off and go barefoot. You will connect to Mother Earth doing so and enjoy the process so much more.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Lunar/Moon Energy Cleansing Of Crystals
This type of energy cleanse, as opposed to its counterpart the solar energy, is a much calmer type of energy cleanse for your crystals. This one can be done on all cycles of the moon, but I have found that full moon cycles work the best for cleansing purposes. This can remove any and all energetic debris and imprints that the crystal may be holding within their vibrational fields.
The one thing I highly recommend when working with lunar energy is to make sure you place your crystals in a secure location for this, especially if you leave them outside. There are many curious wildlife creatures that are stirring about in the darkness and they will not hesitate to take your crystals! So if you wish to put them outside, make sure they are placed where one of nature’s kind will not take this. Not so much as the missing crystal, but it is not healthy for the wild animals to eat, bite or digest – plus it is then missing from your crystal collection.
You can also place crystals indoors for lunar cleansings. This way they are safe and secure in their own right. To do this simply mist your crystals with purified water and place them in a moonlit windowsill and allow them to rest overnight. They will absorb the lunar energy and still be safe and sound come morning, along with all of nature’s animals!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Solar Cleansing Of Crystals
The only down side to working with solar energy and cleansing of crystals is that they can fade the colors of your crystals, especially if they are left out there to long. I have seen a lot of people take their crystals outside and put them on a patio or garden table and say they are only going to leave them there for a short amount of time, and they then walk inside for something and completely forget about them. Now fading of the crystals can take some time to do, but it can happen, not to mention the crystals get extremely hot if left in the sun to long. A wonderful tip, if you wish to work with solar energy cleansing, is to make sure you are constantly aware of them for these reasons.
To use a solar energy cleansing, make sure you gently mist your crystals with purified water before placing them within the solar rays. I recommend placing them somewhere such as a sunny windowsill while you are in the room. If you wish to take them outside with you, another good tip is to keep a timer going like on a watch. Once the timer goes off, you will remember to take your crystals back inside.
Solar energy is a great way to cleanse your crystals, just be careful to remember that you want to cleanse them of their energetic debris and imprints, not fade their colors of have them overheat!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Water Cleansing Of Crystals
Water cleansing brings a nature element into the picture when working with crystals. Now it is not rain we are speaking of, but water in general. This can cleanse your crystals on an energetic level to make sure that no debris or energetic imprints are attached to the crystals from previous healing sessions or from them being handled. This is very important when working with crystals, not only for yourself, but for the benefit of those you work on too!
When using a water cleanse on crystals, you want to make sure if you are working with a harder crystal or a softer crystal. Harder crystals can be placed in a glass bowl with a small amount of sea salt and let them soak for 1 hour for a good cleanse. After this remove your crystal, gently pat this dry and properly dispose of the water.
Softer crystals can be damaged in water and sea salt if let for this amount of time. For softer crystals, it is best if you simply hold them in your hand and gently drench them with room temperature purified water. Gently pat them dry afterwards.
Either option you choose for your crystals, especially if you work on their hardness scale, will effectively cleanse all energetic imprints and debris from their vibrational fields and bring them back to their vibrant healing power from within.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Sage Smudge Cleansing Of Crystals
Sage smudging is when you use either a sage smudge stick or dried sage in an incense burner to cleanse your crystals. Crystal cleansing is very important as this removes the energetic debris that can gather into the crystals own vibrational healing fields. Cleansing them is a way to remove this debris and energetic imprints so that the crystal is back to a high vibrational state for healing assistance.
The only downfalls with sage smudging is generally the fact that most people do not want to burn incense or light a smudge stick for just one crystal to cleanse. This is something that is best held off until you have multiple crystals to cleanse at the same time. Now if you just finished a chakra crystal healing session and have 16 stones to cleanse, this is ideal. You can cleanse as many or as few crystals as you wish with this method.
For a sage smudge stick, simply light one end and wait until the smudge smoke is fully noticeable. Pass the crystal through the smudge smoke at least 4 times back and forth through the smoke turning after each pass. So one pass through the smoke and turn and pass it back through the smoke. One pass through is back and forth, so a total of 8 motions for an entire crystal to be cleansed. This only takes a few moments to complete.
When using dried sage and an incense burner, the same method applies as stated above, just make sure to not burn your hand or crystal if you get this to close to the burner. Also make sure there is adequate amount of smoke coming from the burner.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Top Crystal Cleansing Techniques
There are many different ways to cleanse crystals for healing, and I will discuss a few in this article with you. The most important thing I can tell you about cleansing crystals though is to work with the intention behind this and to do what resonates within your energy fields. There are also a few crystals out there that do not require to be cleansed, as they do not hold energy imprints and energetic debris. It is still a good tool to cleanse these though, as this can help purify the energy and make the crystals vibrational field feel so much more brighter when working with them.
Some of the top crystal cleansing sessions that resonate within the majority of people are smudge stick cleansing, water cleansing, solar energy, lunar energy, rain cleansing, sound vibrational cleansing, Mother Earth energy, sand cleansing, mirror energy cleansing, fire energy, and sage tea cleansing. Remember that solar energy, fire energy, and sand cleansing can damage any kind of crystals and fade them. For water types of cleansing; basic water cleansing, rain cleansing, and sage tea cleansing, make sure you use harder crystals for these types of cleansing. Softer crystals can become damaged with them, so a gentle mist or quick run under purified water works best.
Make sure to listen to your own intuition when working with your crystals and stones and to appreciate them for they are the ones who provide their vibrational output of healing.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Overcoming Obstacles To Get What You Want
There are a lot of different ways to tackle this, as it depends on what you believe and feel that resonates within your own vibrational fields. The fun part of this is there is no right or wrong way of doing anything to accomplish it. The only thing that would possibly be wrong is doing nothing about it to gain that goal.
This is when the imagine of a big gorilla comes to mind. I saw this video the other day that mentioned this exactly the way I work with it in my coaching sessions. When there is something you want so much, a goal you are desiring, it is like wrestling with a gorilla. You wrestle and wrestle and wrestle and eventually you get tired, right? But who gets tired first – you or the gorilla? Generally based on gorilla sizes, you do! But even if you were to lie there lifeless and drained, this would not accomplish your goal. You do not exceed at your winning until the gorilla is exhausted and tired and decides to stop.
So let’s imagine the gorilla as the thing in your life you are striving to accomplish. This can be anything from getting a new job, losing weight, buying a new home, overcoming a fear, etc You struggle and struggle and at some point want to quit – and generally if it is something you want bad enough you want to quit more than once during the constant struggle. What you have to do is stop struggling against the gorilla and understand it is just another stepping stone to getting what you truely want. You have to relax and stay persist ant in your goal and know that eventually that gorilla will get tired and stop struggling with you and give in. It may not be in the way you want it to or in the time frame you want it to, but it always does! The gorilla does stop at some point. It may toss you on the ground, or gently lay you over a rock, you never know. But it always does! It does not keep up the constant struggle forever. The trick is to relax, be patient, stay calm throughout the process, and never ever quit!
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.comMany Blessings and Love and LightNicole Lanning
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Akashic Records Session With Chinese Writing Stones
Using vibrational energy can help provide this last little bit of boost to help with akashic sessions. You can do this on your own, or with a client if they wish to have a akashic record session completed, just make sure you have the appropriate stones and a journal to keep track of all of your findings after your session.
You will need 5 Chinese Writing Stones for this type of session. You can place them in a grid surrounding you during this time. I recommend making sure the person is sitting instead of lying down, as the stones will be closer and the vibrational strength between them will be increased. For grid placement, you want to make sure one is in front of the client, one behind the client, one on each side of the client, and the last one is placed in their dominant hand during the session. If you, or your client, wish to have this session laying down, make sure to place one on each side of them, one at the crown chakra, one at the feet chakras and one over their abdomen section.
Each Akashic Records session is individual and unique and no two are alike with the time length or the information that comes through. But for a general frame of reference you will want to have at least 60 minutes to complete a session, if not longer. Make sure you cleanse the stones before and after each client uses them to make sure the energy fields surrounding them are at the highest vibrational level possible.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Acne Crystal Healing
How can we tackle this from a natural standpoint? Crystal healing! I have, in my own life and with clients too, that a wonderful gem elixir can tone down and help eliminate acne breakouts for the majority of people. Crystal placement can even be used as in pendants for those who wish to have a fashionable session about their healing, and give an extra boost of energy for their sessions. I would not recommend using crystal placement, as a pendant, alone for dealing with issues of acne. But rather, use this as an additional source of energy supply for the healing.
To create a gem elixir for acne use, take two glass bowls, one smaller than the other, and place one inside the other bowl. Next fill the out bowl with purified water. Purified water is best for this use as there are no toxins in this water. Then place your Amethyst inside the smaller bowl, so that it is not touching the water.
Let this water charge for a minimum of two hours. Take the Amethyst out of the smaller bowl, and then remove the smaller bowl from within the larger bowl and water. Gently pour the charged water into a sterile container.
This charged water you can splash on your face up to two times a day. If you wish to rinse your face with this water when washing your face, this can be done too. Keep the charged water for no longer than 7 days, and make a fresh batch of infused charged water after this amount of time. You will notice a wonderful change in your energy that is put out, as well as your skin.
For an extra boost, wear the Amethyst that you charged the water with for 7 days to increase the vibrational energy within your own energetic levels.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystal Healing For Abuse Issues
I recommend using crystal healing for an added bonus to an already implemented type of therapy, such as counseling, support groups, etc. Reiki, energy healing, and vibrational healing are wonderful tools that can be used to help heal our mind, body, and spirit; but it is to be used as an additional supportive type of method, not its sole source for healing.
Crystal healing for abuse issues can be tackled with three different crystals, combined into one healing session. Make sure you have a Rhodochrosite, Emerald, and a Rose Quartz for overcoming issues of abuse. You will want to make sure all three crystals have been cleansed, charged, and programmed to help you succeed in releasing any issues that have been caused by these abusive situations in your life.
You will begin your crystal healing exercise by sitting in a circle of alternating crystals listed above. Next write down on a piece of paper all of the things that you are feeling about the situation. Write down everything you can think of from how it made you feel in the past and present, what issues it brings to mind now, etc. Make sure you take the time to get all of your feelings out about this.
Now close your eyes and ask your higher self and spirit guides for understanding and for peace to move on with your life. Sit in this silence and gratitude until you feel you have completed this connection. Next you want to bury this piece of paper(s) in Mother Earth and do not mark the spot. You will never dig this up again, so you can bury this as far into Mother Earth as you feel you need to. Finally, cleanse your crystals thoroughly and thank them for their help in releasing your issues and moving on with your life.
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Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystal Grids & Their Uses
The fun and exciting things about crystal grids are how effective they are in their workings, as well as how easy they are to use. Now when I mean crystal grids, a lot of people think they are these big areas that have to be set-aside in a special area of their home or even a whole floor or table dedicated to their work. This is what used to be thought of for this type of area. But I am a practical person; needless to say I want a practical way of work with crystals and grids. What if you don’t have that extra room, or you just don’t want to construct an alter and feel no reason to have one. That is perfectly fine. You have to follow what is best for you and your life and what resonates within you. Notice the key word in that sentence being “you”.
Crystal grids are nice ways of saying placement of crystals to use them for the most effective results to be obtained. This can something as simple as placing a crystal on top of your computer monitor, to placing a few of them in select corners of your home, to something very structured and ritualistic as alters and geometric designs.
The beauty of crystal grids though is that they work for you and with you. If you do not want to draw a fancy design or have the room to lay out a huge grid, let’s say for example a financial aspect, you can do something as simple as placing the appropriate crystals in key points to draw in money. What are these keys points? Any place that is a positive flow for your finances! It can be a change jar, your wallet or purse, or even a money clip; anything that serves as a positive source for financial money. You can even combine the two and create a grid and place the appropriate crystals to draw in financial income.
The keys to working with crystals is to know what resonates within you and work with them to create your own life. There are many crystals out there and what works best for one may not work for another. There is a general input though as to the appropriate attributes for each crystal, and even tips and techniques to help aid in this. For money, I suggest using Pyrite. It has a vibrational match to bring in financial success.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Crystal Healing For An Aura Mood/Opening Session
This can be done on any or all of the major seven aura layers that surround a living thing. So if you want to work at this alone, or with a friend, client, or even an animal, tree or plant you can do so. Just remember when working with anything with vibrational and energetic healing to always ask permission verbally or with your higher self or guides for those sessions when working with animals and other living things.
To perform this type of session, make sure the client is sitting and relaxed in a chair. Have them do some deep breathing exercises and ground himself/herself before the session begins. You, as the practitioner, will need to make sure the crystal is cleansed, programmed and charged before beginning your work.
Take the Rutilated Crystal in your dominant hand and make large sweeping motions over the person’s aura fields within at least 2 feet away from the physical client. You can also use this in a large downward sweeping motion, as if you were brushing someone’s long hair – just make sure you cover the entire aura field from top to bottom. I recommend the first example, as circular sweeping motions cover the entire aura field easier and quicker when working with a human client, as opposed to an animal or other living thing.
Once you are done with your session, make sure you disconnect with your clients energy and cleanse your crystal thoroughly. If you are working on this session for your own benefit, slowly work circle in sweeping motions starting from above your crown chakra and clockwise all the way around your physical body. Ground your energy before and again after the session, and again remember to thoroughly cleanse your crystal and thank it for helping provide the vibrational work that was completed.
Aura mood and opening sessions can be done by using a Rutilated Quartz. These can be found at most holistic or metaphysical crystal types of stores, as well as online shopping. This type of crystal has the vibrational link for an aura mood and opening session.
For more information, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning