Saturday, December 19, 2009

Aura Alignment With Crystal Energy

Aura alignment is something that is not taught much in energy work, but it is a particular part of understanding and working within your aura fields. Now we all have seven major aura layers/fields that we exist in, and each layer corresponds to a different issue within our life. Aura alignment is exactly what it says it is, aligning the auras!

Think of our auras as like big bubbles that surround us. One is just a bit bigger than the other one, encompassing the prior aura layer and all of its issues. Now if you are getting a picture in your head, good because that is what we need. Now imagine that one of those bubbles shift just a bit off center. What will happen? Normally, if they were real bubbles they would pop. What happens when your aura layers are not aligned is that they start bumping into each other causing energetic debris to become loose and this can then cloud your aura or cause stagnant energy. Now just because you find stagnant energy or a clouded aura on someone, or yourself, does not always mean they have a mis-aligned aura – as you as the practitioner need to investigate the energy issues at hand and discover the under lying cause, as remember we all have different energy signatures that we resonate within.

So what can you do to re-align your aura? Crystal healing using Citrine works best for this! Remember to ground and center yourself before you begin an aura alignment session. Pick up one piece of Citrine in each hand, and make large sweeping motions over your aura field, turning yourself clockwise in motion. Do this for at least 5 minutes and then lie down on your back and place one piece of Citrine on each side at your palm chakras for another 10 minutes. This will allow the energies to be absorbed and re-align your aura layers. Make sure you cleanse your crystals after each session you perform!

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Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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