Sunday, December 13, 2009

Laws Of The Universe - Law Of Cause And Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect is one of my favorite laws to work with and is easy to understand. They teach children in grade school about cause and effects and what will happen when you put something into motion. It is a very easy law to understand, but what seems to happen is we become to interested in the effect of things and when they will happen that we don’t stay focused on the cause of them. This law states that whatever you send into the Universe will come back, as action and re-action are equal and opposite.

So let’s take for example that you are a good kind heart person and are always trying to help others when you can. This is going to come back at you as well. The opposite end of this would be a negative spirited person who is only looking out for himself/herself. This also will come back at you as well.

How do we use this then to create things in our life and create the life we have always wanted? You start by making sure you are in a happy state and treat others, as you would want, not only yourself, but also your loved ones to be treated. Start by saying good things to other people, treating others with respect, or lending a helping hand.

Don’t be concerned or worried about when or where the Universe will bring this back to you. If you only do good things because you expect to get good things in return, then you are not doing them for the right reasons. Never do them because you expect to get something in return. Do good things with your life because you want to and just focus and concentrate on what you can give and offer and let the Universe handle the rest!

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Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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