Sunday, December 13, 2009

Laws Of The Universe - Law Of Relativity

The Law of Relativity is a wonderful one to be able to change our perspective on things and shift our energy into a positive state instead of a negative one. This law states that nothing is good or bad, big or small, important or non-important until you relate it to something else in your life.

This is a big concept that I teach not only clients and at seminars, but also to my own children. A lot of people will start examining their incomes or their love life, for some examples, and say they don’t have this amount of money or they don’t have the type of relationship that they want. But what they are forgetting is what they do already have. This can very easily be related to gratitude in our lives as well.

Now let’s say for example you don’t have the amount of money that you want from a job. You may already be thinking this is a negative. This is only because you are relating this to something larger in proportion to what you have. If you take the exact same amount of money you are receiving in your job, and relate this to what the people say in Haiti make, you are instantly one of the wealthiest people around.

What you have is in direct relative level to what you are focusing on. If you see your money as something negative it is always going to be in relation to something negative. But if you are relating this to something positive and seeing this as a happy and gratitude time in your life, it is only going to bring about more of this back to you.

So what can you do with this law? Its easy – practice relating your situation to something or some area that is worse than yours and it will always seem positive and you can always be grateful for what you do have. If you make $50,000 in one year, that is wealthy compared to homeless people who do not make anything at all. Stay in the positive and happy and grateful side of your life, and you will not only feel better, but you will also be using this law for the most positive energy you can and bring about more of this in your life. Be happy and share in everything!

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Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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