Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Are You Greedy?

Are you a greedy person? How do you know? Well let’s look at greed and what it all works out to be on an energetic level. Greed comes from insecurity in your life, whatever the area is in, and how this manifests in your life. Some people may feel they have to have all of the cookies in the cookie jar, while others feel they have to have all of the latest designer clothes, and yet others feel they have to control all of the money they possibly can. These all come from the same source and underlying cause of being insecure, whether it be about your physical appearance, love relationships, financial stability, or whatever area it manifests in.

So what can be done? We have to eliminate greed in our life by first noticing it is a negative emotion and that it comes from insecurity. Next, we have to understand that there is more than enough out in the Universe for all of us to have enough of whatever it is we want or desire. You have to understand that not every person is going to want or desire the exact same thing. So your neighbor may want more clothes or shoes, while you may want more financial stability, and your other neighbor may want more love in their life. There is no reason to hoard or stash away all of what comes your way. All this does is put up an energetic block to what can come in and what does come in.

So how do we turn this around? Start sharing what you do have, and especially in the area that you are feeling greedy in. If you are hoarding money, start sharing this with someone who you know is a bit less fortunate. If you are hoarding food in a pantry preparing for a nuclear fallout, start giving some to the local food bank. If you are having a hard time with this wear some Carnelian in a pendant for a few days, as this will help loosen your grip on being greedy to let hoarding go.

Get the energy flowing again within the area that you feel is stagnant and that you are hoarding in. This will open up the energy field and flow and you will end up receiving more than you ever gave away! Try it and see what happens. Why not? What you are doing isn’t working or you wouldn’t be looking for something else to improve it. What’s the worst that happens, you give some to get some in return! If is good to give and help out, and if we all did just a small part the world would be a better place, so start today!

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com

Many Blessings
and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

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