Saturday, September 26, 2009

How To Tame The Green Eyed Monster Of Jealousy

Jealousy can control and ruin just about anyone over any kind of issue. Have you ever been jealous of something or someone? Of course you have, we all have at some point in our lifetime. But what does this really do to a person.

Jealousy can turn something so positive into something so negative so quickly. You see that your friend or relative got a new home with a wonderful new recreation room in it. You have always wanted that, but your home doesn’t have one. You are happy that they do but this feeling starts to well up inside of you. You want to be happy but are starting to get more jealous by the moment. Why not me? Why do I not have that recreation room, or that new car or job, or whatever it may be.

So what do we do about it? Well, it you break it down and think about what jealousy really is, it is a total combination of being afraid of losing something that you don’t even have. Read that sentence over again, as sometimes it can be a bit confusing.

Now how can you lose something if you don’t even have it? You can’t! That is the beauty of it. We are spending all of our time and energy putting our emotions into something we don’t even have, let alone something we can’t even lose because it isn’t even ours. If we break it all down, it is silly really. But we all have been there at one point in our life or another.

So now we get onto the fun part, how to tackle this green-eyed monster! Two things to remember, first and foremost be happy for the person for whatever it is that they have. Whether you want it or not be happy for them! They found a way to have it in their life, whether it be a good way or not, they have to live with their karmic issues, so just be happy that they are happy! Second, reach for your Eudialyte stone. Hold this in your dominant hand and relax and enjoy the healing power it brings. Think about how happy this person is and how happy you are for them. Within a few minutes you will feel that green-eyed monster loosen its grip on you and you too will be happy and carefree.

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Many Blessings
and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

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