Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What To Do When You Feel Revenge In Your Life

When you are feeling revenge in your life, getting even with someone about something, this is such a negative feeling emotion. This happens when something or someone in your life is showing you some resistance in your life. When you want to pursue a change in career or something else, and there is that one person who is showing resistance to this idea or concept, what is a normal person’s first reaction? To strike back at them! How could this person say I can’t do this or shouldn’t be here or there. This feeling and emotion then stirs up the rest of your negative emotions and things start to snowball.

When you let in the first emotion of their resistance and you consume this into your physical, energetic and spiritual bodies, it goes around once. When you then strike back at the person with revenge you are sending this not only back at the particular person, but also sending this back into the Universe, so this is twice it is going around. And when the Universe brings this back to you, as you sent it out, it is a third time. This went three times around and all because we allowed the resistance in the first time.

So what do we do to keel revenge away? Just let it go. Let is slide right on by. You don’t have to get even with them. The Universe and karma deals with what is being sent out and what is drawn back in. It is not your job to square anything with anyone.

What is your job is to be happy, healthy, and feel abundance in every way shape and form possible by living a fruitful life. Now I know it can be hard to do sometimes, especially if you have a bit of a temper, and I know a lot of people do. So what you can do to help with this is to make sure you have some Rhodonite with you or on your physical body. When resistance comes your way and you are feeling like striking back at it, pick up your Rhodonite and gently rub this with your thumb. You will start to feel calmer within a few minutes. So the next time something or someone shows resistance, just let it go and know that what you will draw in is positivity, happiness and abundance into your life!

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Many Blessings
and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

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