Sunday, July 19, 2009

Is There A Cosmic Judge For Our Karma?

Who or what determines our own fate and karma? Is there some cosmic judge that says yes you are doing good and no you are doing bad? What if you are in the middle with your life, mostly good in the aspects of what you do and create, but every once in a while you think, do or act in a negative way, then what happens?

These are all good questions and to begin I have to first say let's take a step back and breathe.
Next, there is no cosmic judge out there who gives out praise or scoldings. It is all us, our spiritual connections, and our own soul pathways that we have to live with due to our thoughts, actions and karma created.

Now those of you who are a bit more spiritually advanced know that we can change things around. You can do this in a non-energetic way as well as with different energy formats. You can work on your own karma from this lifetime, past lifetimes and even those of your ancestors. By doing so, this can move us more quickly in the present to achieving our goals, enlightenment, abundance and spiritual growth!

So in the end, when all is said and done, you are solely responsible for your own actions and thoughts as you are the only one to answer too. There is no cosmic judge out there who is going to praise or scold you in anyway. The only one you need to be concerned with is yourself when working on your karma. These are the issues that you created in this lifetime or a previous lifetime, so you are the one who has to learn from these issues. You can receive help and cleansings and healings, but in the end, if you have not learned your lesson you will keep repeating this until you have.

We are all connected, so to raise all of our vibrational levels, we all need to connect but to do this we all have to free ourselves from the past and move forward!

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Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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