Sunday, July 12, 2009

Karma - This Lifetime, Past Lifetime's & Ancestral Lines

Healing karma issues can be a major thing to have done in your life. We have this current life’s karma issues as well as any previous lifetime’s issues and even our ancestral line’s issues. That is a lot of karma!

First and foremost, this lifetime’s karma issues need to be attended to. This can be done with an energy healing, either from your guides, angels, your own personal energy work or done by another practitioner.

We create and make our own karma and draw into our life our own pathway and decision process. This is why our current lifetime needs to be addressed before our previous ones or ancestral lines.

When we enter this world, we have a clean slate from this lifetime, even though we have our previous lifetime’s to deal with, we have a clean slate for this time around. Even starting as a small child we start creating issues, situations and circumstances that unfold in our lives with our karma residue. This can lead us into many pathways and experiences depending on our choices.

For example, let’s imagine you went to purchase something at a small business and you got what you wanted. The business owner has a kind heart and offers to give you some more things you want and you promise to come back on a certain day and pay for them. If you do go back, then you create more positive karma circumstances unfolding into your life path. If you do not go back, and have thoughts of how you just got away with some free things and give no second thoughts of your promise, then this will unfold negative karma circumstances in your life path.

Our karma has been building in this life for as long as we have been on this planet. We may not remember all of the things we did to create and unfold our life in front of us, but the Universe and Spirit does.

So how do we fix this and move forward? Heal your karma issues! You can do this with your own energy work, asking from help from your guides or angels, or having another practitioner work on your karma issues on an energetic level.

Once you heal this lifetime’s karma issues, try your best to make the most positive and honest decisions from here on out. Then start working on your past lifetime karma issues by working with your akashic records and past life healing. Once you have cleared up your own karma issues from this lifetime and past ones, then start to tackle your ancestral line with karmic matrix removal sessions. These can all bring about wonderful changes to speed things up and move forward in your life!

There are also non-energy ways to heal your karma with making amends with your past issues. If you have made bad decisions and choices, turn them around and fix them if you can. Apologize to those who you have offended in however manner you can, offer to correct the issues that were wrong if at all possible, forgive yourself and others that were involved in this circumstance and decide to make better decisions in the future. You can always work forward from here on in, but cannot go back, so make the most of your decisions you have!

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at

Many Blessings
and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

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