Sunday, July 19, 2009

Crystal Healing For Injured Or Sick Animals

The majority of the human race has some form of animal companions in their life, and at some point in time they get hurt, injured, into fights or even worse start having a hard time with old age. In the injury and illness areas it can effect us as if they were our family members, as we love them unconditionally and do not want to see anything happen to them.

When one of your animal companions becomes ill or injured next time you can help ease these issues, if not heal them completely, before even making it to the vet’s office.

Two wonderful techniques for this are combination of Rose Quartz Crystal Healing and Reiki. Rose Quartz is a wonderful crystal to help heal injuries, illness and reduce stress. Reiki is a good combination to use with crystal healing, as this amplifies the energy of the crystal during the healing process.

You can provide a crystal healing and energy session for your beloved animal companion by taking a rose quartz crystal in your dominate hand and activating your Reiki energy. Once you have done this, bring the crystal close to the animal’s injured area, within a few inches, and start to turn to crystal clock-wise. Breathe deeply and slowly and remember to pull your Reiki energy from the Universal Source, not your own personal energy, and send this through the crystal to amplify the energy and into your animal.

Remember animal companions heal much more quickly then we do in human form, as well as their energy bodies cannot always integrate the extra energy as quickly, so watch for sign tell-tale signs that your animal has had enough healing at this current time. This can be anything from attempts at fleeing, trying to nip or bite, their ears drawn backwards or down or other behavior that is not in a positive and affirmative way. Ways that your animal companion will let you know they want more healing are things such as their eyes closing, they bodies becoming more relaxed, signs of affection, comforting, and even drooling at times.

Always remember to appreciate the work that has been done, and validate your animals feelings and issues.

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at

Many Blessings
and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

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