Thursday, July 30, 2009
Make Reiki Energy Objects With Every Day Items
The ones I have found the most useful are charging objects with Usui Reiki, Angelic Expressions Archangel Energy, and Protection Camouflage Reiki. Usui Reiki is a wonderful and general healing form that we can all use and have access to, especially with energy objects. Angelic Expressions is work with angels, their attributes and energy. Protection Camouflage Reiki is a great protection form, and when place in objects can offer protection to more then just running the energy. These forms I have had a personally profound energy experience using them this way, as well as have others who have worked with them and shared their feedback.
To make energy object, for any form not just the ones I suggested above, can be done very simply.
First you must decide on your object you wish to charge. Think about this and decide if this is going to be something you wear, carry, place in a home or office, have it around other people and just in general what this is going to be used for.
Second you must decide what you are going to charge the object with. What energy form are you wanting to use with this object and why. Get your intentions clear in your head before beginning.
Cleanse you object with water, sun, burying, sound vibrations or smudging.
After you have cleansed the object, take this in both hands, sit down in a chair and place your feet firmly on the ground.
Call upon and run the energy that you want to use. If the energy form has symbols, draw the appropriate symbol over the object and run the energy into this to begin its charge.
Make sure after you have charged your object that you are grateful for the energy that was provided, seal the charge closed with intention or visualization and break the connection of the charge.
Remember to re-charge the object as often as needed or recommended by the energy form.
You now have your energy object! Make sure you cleanse this appropriately depending on the object and energy form used.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What Is Centering & Fun Ways To Do It
Now when we speak on centering, what really is this? I have taught classes on this, as well as have attended classes on this topic, and have heard many different answers. This all leads back to calming your physical body as well as mind, especially during meditation. But it seems like there is a lack of what really is one’s center.
Centering is going within to bring your physical body into one. Not being scattered with your mind, thoughts, physical energy, spiritual vibrations or anything else, but being one with the Universe and your connection.
I have heard areas from your navel, third eye chakra, middle of your brain, and even your bottom! So where is it really? From my personal work, as well as the work in meditation, channeling sessions, your “center” is located just below your Solar Plexus chakra and is connected through this chakra for your centering energy.
A simple and fun physical exercise to work on centering is playing with a child’s hoola hoop. This gets your solar plexus chakra active, aligning your energy fields and drawing in your “centering” energy for this area. You can also work with belly dancing, which is my personal favorite. This is a fun one among women, as it has multiple uses for us in today’s society. We first get to learn something new and have fun with it, fun being the key word again! We get great exercise, as well as work on centering and even grounding as a lot of the classes are done barefoot! So take this one outside and work on your grounding and centering at the same time!
Another simple exercise to do for centering issues is to sit down in a comfortable chair with your back straight and feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes and imagine a bright yellow triangle just in front of your solar plexus charka. Begin to breathe in this bright yellow color and breathe out any black or gray negative energy. Each time inhaling more and more of the bright yellow color, and with each breath out less and less negative energy is expelled. Keep doing this until all of the energy coming in and out is this wonderful bright yellow color coming from your triangle! Open your eyes, wiggle your toes and stretch out!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Your Spiritual Pathway & Where To Begin
For most people they start out with hearing and wanting to learn about Reiki. Now others start out with meditations as well, and to be honest it doesn’t matter where you begin, what matters is that you do begin your process with ascension, enlightenment and awareness while we are all connected and raising the vibrational level of this planet and ourselves.
So let’s say you are at one of these two most common starting points, now where do you go? Well to begin, Reiki and meditation are the most common areas people are drawn to. Reiki is in one's life for its healing purposes and meditation for the calming and centering of the logical and conscious side of the mind.
For Reiki, you should being by learning Usui Reiki first, as this is the original form of Reiki and are always a good basis for any learning program dealing with energy forms. Now meditation is a wonderful key in working with energy, as you need to calm and center yourself while working, so this is an important factor. Not everyone can meditate or meditate successfully I should say, but it is important to try! So receive your attunements, lots of practice and work on meditation. And remember meditation is not something you do once and never return back to, this is something you have to work on and practice with just as much as your Reiki.
So where do you go from there, well to be honest that is al dependant on where your own spiritual life pathway takes you. We are all not here for the same reason, purpose or issues, as we all are different. But this type of work and area is not clear cut, as some people want to grow and just work on themselves, while others want to heal people, and yet others want to heal the planet and yet others have even more dreams and ambitions. That is ok! It is completely normal! There is no right or wrong pathway, and if someone says you must do this or that or it is wrong, I dislike in saying it but they are wrong. We all determine our own spiritual pathway through like!
So what else do you need to know and work on? The basics of energy, healing and spiritual growth are wonderful places to start. Here are some basics for you and your spiritual pathway you can look into more:
Healing Yourself & Others
Chakra & Aura Work
Basic Crystal Knowledge
Basic connections with your guides, angels or power animals for your own innate intuitive side
These are the good basics for learning, working and starting out on your spiritual pathway through this lifetime. There are of course many additions to add onto this listing, such as karma work, nature work, astral cord energy, past life work, and many more. But we are talking about your spiritual pathway and its beginning. I know it can seem overwhelming, but remember this is your physical lifetime and spiritual pathway through it. You need to look within to find those answers, I am just here to help and guide those along the way with my own knowledge and help from my guides. So get started on your own spiritual pathway today and enjoy the ride!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Solar Return - Happy Birthday From The Cosmos
For this year, my birthday is July 22nd, but my Solar Return is July 21st. This is when the solar and planetary alignments, astrological alignments, and even energy alignments are in the same order and place as when they were when you entered into this physical form on planet Earth.
This is a magical time in everyone’s life and comes once a year. This is considered your solar birthday and is a wonderful time for manifesting and creating your next calendar 12-month time frame in your life.
The 12 hours leading up to your solar return time is a time when you need to end and close all of the ties that are holding you back in your life. Close business deals, work and finish any unresolved issues with relationship and pretty much close and tie off any loose ends.
Now the time of your solar return is the most magical time for you personally. This is a time when you surround yourself with everything you want to have in your life for the next upcoming 12 months until your next solar return. Some people like to meditate; some burn incense and listen to music. I surround myself with the most important things in my life at that time, which is generally my family, as well as energy grid circles. These are filled with things that I wish to have in my life for the next 12 months.
For the 12 hours after your solar return time, this time should be at the utmost happiest and enjoyment filled time around your birthday, as these will set the energy vibrations in motion for the next 12 months. So needless to say if you are arguing with someone during this period, be prepared to argue with him or her during this time period over the next 12 months. If you are receiving a lot of financial income during these 12 hours, you will e receiving more over the next 12 months. This is like a planning period.
So have fun and enjoy this time to its fullest. We all get a solar return each and every year we are on planet earth, so make the most of it!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Make Grounding Energy Fun
Now grounding sounds like a lot of work, and when I first entered into this line of work over 15 years ago it was very ritualistic in how to work with energy, how to ground, how to center and pretty much all of the “basics” that go into energetic spiritual and holistic healing. Grounding is beneficial but can also be fun to do.
The most common way to ground, that a lot of people already know of, is to visualize growing trees roots out of your feet chakras and into Mother Earth. This is a good way to get everyone into the basics, but some people I have found have a hard time doing this as well. So why make this complicated? Mother Earth is right outside! You do not need to be ritualistic at all about this.
Try this, go out and walk around barefoot! Its fun and easy and anyone can do this.
Now when I was growing up, this was a big no-no in my house as my parents were always afraid I would step on a bee or something. But this is not what grounding is about. Mother Earth knows why you are there, as well as your karma from this lifetime and previous lifetimes. It is highly unlikely that you will step on a bee barefoot when you are trying to ground. Its not impossible, but unlikely, as you are working on grounding yourself with Mother Earth and she knows this. She is not going to want you stung by a bee!
I know with all of our hectic lifestyles, running errands, work, computers, busy life it can be hard to find time to ground or center or meditate. This is a fun way to work with grounding and Mother Earth. Walk around and feel the grass between your toes and take a deep breath and enjoy the earth energy flowing up into your energetic bodies through your feet chakras.
Another fun way, get your family, friends or kids involved. Mine love to go in the backyard and roll around and lie there and make pretend grass angels, similar to snow angels. They climb all over me and wrestle around, and all the while we are all soaking up Mother Earth’s energy and grounding at the same time.
So the next time you are outside or walking by a park, take your shoes off and walk and feel the grass between your toes and take a deep breath! Smell the roses! You won’t regret it!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Crystal Healing For Injured Or Sick Animals
When one of your animal companions becomes ill or injured next time you can help ease these issues, if not heal them completely, before even making it to the vet’s office.
Two wonderful techniques for this are combination of Rose Quartz Crystal Healing and Reiki. Rose Quartz is a wonderful crystal to help heal injuries, illness and reduce stress. Reiki is a good combination to use with crystal healing, as this amplifies the energy of the crystal during the healing process.
You can provide a crystal healing and energy session for your beloved animal companion by taking a rose quartz crystal in your dominate hand and activating your Reiki energy. Once you have done this, bring the crystal close to the animal’s injured area, within a few inches, and start to turn to crystal clock-wise. Breathe deeply and slowly and remember to pull your Reiki energy from the Universal Source, not your own personal energy, and send this through the crystal to amplify the energy and into your animal.
Remember animal companions heal much more quickly then we do in human form, as well as their energy bodies cannot always integrate the extra energy as quickly, so watch for sign tell-tale signs that your animal has had enough healing at this current time. This can be anything from attempts at fleeing, trying to nip or bite, their ears drawn backwards or down or other behavior that is not in a positive and affirmative way. Ways that your animal companion will let you know they want more healing are things such as their eyes closing, they bodies becoming more relaxed, signs of affection, comforting, and even drooling at times.
Always remember to appreciate the work that has been done, and validate your animals feelings and issues.
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Is There A Cosmic Judge For Our Karma?
These are all good questions and to begin I have to first say let's take a step back and breathe.
Next, there is no cosmic judge out there who gives out praise or scoldings. It is all us, our spiritual connections, and our own soul pathways that we have to live with due to our thoughts, actions and karma created.
Now those of you who are a bit more spiritually advanced know that we can change things around. You can do this in a non-energetic way as well as with different energy formats. You can work on your own karma from this lifetime, past lifetimes and even those of your ancestors. By doing so, this can move us more quickly in the present to achieving our goals, enlightenment, abundance and spiritual growth!
So in the end, when all is said and done, you are solely responsible for your own actions and thoughts as you are the only one to answer too. There is no cosmic judge out there who is going to praise or scold you in anyway. The only one you need to be concerned with is yourself when working on your karma. These are the issues that you created in this lifetime or a previous lifetime, so you are the one who has to learn from these issues. You can receive help and cleansings and healings, but in the end, if you have not learned your lesson you will keep repeating this until you have.
We are all connected, so to raise all of our vibrational levels, we all need to connect but to do this we all have to free ourselves from the past and move forward!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Karma - This Lifetime, Past Lifetime's & Ancestral Lines
First and foremost, this lifetime’s karma issues need to be attended to. This can be done with an energy healing, either from your guides, angels, your own personal energy work or done by another practitioner.
We create and make our own karma and draw into our life our own pathway and decision process. This is why our current lifetime needs to be addressed before our previous ones or ancestral lines.
When we enter this world, we have a clean slate from this lifetime, even though we have our previous lifetime’s to deal with, we have a clean slate for this time around. Even starting as a small child we start creating issues, situations and circumstances that unfold in our lives with our karma residue. This can lead us into many pathways and experiences depending on our choices.
For example, let’s imagine you went to purchase something at a small business and you got what you wanted. The business owner has a kind heart and offers to give you some more things you want and you promise to come back on a certain day and pay for them. If you do go back, then you create more positive karma circumstances unfolding into your life path. If you do not go back, and have thoughts of how you just got away with some free things and give no second thoughts of your promise, then this will unfold negative karma circumstances in your life path.
Our karma has been building in this life for as long as we have been on this planet. We may not remember all of the things we did to create and unfold our life in front of us, but the Universe and Spirit does.
So how do we fix this and move forward? Heal your karma issues! You can do this with your own energy work, asking from help from your guides or angels, or having another practitioner work on your karma issues on an energetic level.
Once you heal this lifetime’s karma issues, try your best to make the most positive and honest decisions from here on out. Then start working on your past lifetime karma issues by working with your akashic records and past life healing. Once you have cleared up your own karma issues from this lifetime and past ones, then start to tackle your ancestral line with karmic matrix removal sessions. These can all bring about wonderful changes to speed things up and move forward in your life!
There are also non-energy ways to heal your karma with making amends with your past issues. If you have made bad decisions and choices, turn them around and fix them if you can. Apologize to those who you have offended in however manner you can, offer to correct the issues that were wrong if at all possible, forgive yourself and others that were involved in this circumstance and decide to make better decisions in the future. You can always work forward from here on in, but cannot go back, so make the most of your decisions you have!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Angel Number Signs & Communication
These types of numbers are a way to convey messages to us about issues that are going on in our lives as well as answers to questions we are asking for help on. The numbers generally show up in patterns in our lives, such as on the clock, license plates and other places you find multiple numbers. They generally come in sets of three number patterns but can come in four or more number sequences.
Here is a break down of some of the most popular number patterns and the meanings of them as they were explained to me from my work with the angels, archangels and guides.
000 – This number sign is to remember that you are one with the Universe and Spirit. This can also mean that you may be experiencing a void in your life and to reconnect!
111 – One’s are an energy flow number and are to remind us to watch the things that we are doing, feeling and thinking when these numbers arrive.
123 – This is an angel’s way of letting us know to go back to the basics and simply our life.
222 – Two’s are a process of ascension sign, so stay strong and have faith!
321 – These patterns are shown to us during a regressive sign in our life and energy fields.
333 – Three’s show up in our life during a decision based energy time. These are associated with 666 and 999 number patterns.
444 – Four’s are a resurrection number and are attributed to thousands of angels surrounding you and your life at this time, so ask for their help when needed!
555 – Five’s are major life changes are occurring and manifesting at this time!
666 – This is a material world number pattern, so remember to balance your thoughts.
777 – Seven’s are an integration of your manifestations!
875 – This pattern is a sequence to show that your changes you are making are manifesting in your life.
888 – Eight’s are an infinity sign associated with an ending and new beginning in your life.
999 – This number pattern is suggestive of a spiritual number pattern, so stay positive in your faith!
1010 – This energy pattern is to show an example of creation in progress.
1212 - This number pattern is showing us to have faith as the angels are guiding you to improve something in your life.
Keep a list handy of the multiple number meanings and how they relate to you in your life handy, as you never know where they are going to pop up. Don’t try to look for them or understand them all, just ask for guidance and to be shown a sign and see how they turn up!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Thursday, July 9, 2009
How To Have Faith When Everything Is Going Wrong?
We hear things about the laws of the universe and how we attract things into our life, as well as things don’t just happen out of coincidence. So what do we do when it feels like everything is going wrong? We have faith!
“Faith in what?” is generally the next question I receive. That everything is going and happening for the divine love and purpose that it is supposed to happen. We cannot figure everything out in life, nor should we try. I think that would drive anyone crazy.
There are so many different religions, and I am not going to preach or lecture about any of them, as I have a more spiritual based faith. But almost everyone believes in something. Who can honestly say one religion or belief is better or worse then other? No one really knows for sure.
So why not just have faith! Faith is the key to a lot of things, as well as surrendering and letting go of our pre-conceived ideas of what should happen and take place. We never know how things are going to manifest and connect in our lives, but they always do, and generally when we are least trying to force them.
I once told a dear friend of mine that when things are looking at their worst to look up. For some reason that has stuck with him and gets him through some of these tough times that everyone faces at some point in their lives.
It doesn’t matter what religion or beliefs that you have. What matters is that you do believe!
You can call it God, Jesus, Buddha, Angels, Spirit, Universe and so many other terms, but if you stop and think about it, isn’t it all the same thing? A singular power that is out there and controls, manifests, draws in and changes things in our life. Does it really matter the name that we give it? Do you think that it matters to he/she/them what we decided to call it? No, it doesn’t! What matters is that you believe and have faith in it! That you turn to this and have ask for help in times of need, and show appreciation and gratitude in times of abundance and happiness.
So the next time life throws you a curve ball, don’t wonder why this or that happened or re-play a million ideas in your head of how, when or why. Just look up, ask and have faith!
For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Can You Help Change The World?
When I was a little girl I always knew I was here on Mother Earth for a special reason. I wasn't quite sure what that reason was, but it was unmistakably known to me by my guides that I was here to change things.
Growing up with a family life of always having to do this or that a certain way can take a toll on anyone mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I was lucky enough to have role models in my life, as well as my guides, to help steer me in the right direction.
Now no one's life choices are perfect, and I have learned from my own mistakes. But one thing that never changed in my life was how I could affect others in such a positive way. It is a ripple effect in life, both on the positive and the negative end of the spectrums.
For example, if you do just one good thing for three people, and those three people do three more positive things for three other people you can easily see how this can fan outward. It can be the same for negativity, as this energy can drain a person inward.
I used to hear people say I was always trying to make the world a better place, and thought that it was possible. Why not? There is so much negativity, fighting, wars, famine, disease, hardship, and so much more why not try to change this for the better.
Even if I touch just one person's life and this fans out, it is so worth it in the long run. I may not see this in my lifetime, or in my children's lifetime, but I know it is there and working for the better. And the more people doing this, the higher the vibrational level will be and the quicker this will all turn around for the positive, so we may just see this in our own lifetimes.
So how do you start changing the world? Did you ever see the movie "Evan Almighty"? ARK is the answer to this question. One act of random kindness at a time! ARK!
Now I was raised with a very strict religious background of fearing God, church services on Sunday's, weekly bible study lessons and much more. I have nothing against religions at all, as everyone believes differently as we are all on different spiritual pathways through life. My belief is more spiritual in nature, as I choose to believe that we are all created by and with love, with nothing to fear in this. But the word ark reminds a lot of people of the Bible and of God.
I am not saying to change your beliefs or anything; just a reference to the word is all. There are multiple meanings for the word ark, and in this circumstance the acronym for the word ark fits wonderfully to help strengthen our positive vibrational levels, match each other and spread a good word of helping to make Mother Earth a much more positive and healthy place for us all to live.
So why not try this starting today! Do just one act of random kindness at a time and see what happens. See how this can change a person's life, circumstance, situation and see how this fans out. You will not only be helping to change the vibrational level of Mother Earth and bring us all to a more happy loving home, you will also be growing and expanding your own personal spiritual pathway through life!
For more information and exciting helpful tips, feel free to check us out at
Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning
Love Beyond Words
How do you love beyond words? . This is a hard concept for a lot of people to understand, but when you finally get it, it all makes sense and you see the complete picture. No regrets, and love unconditionally with no strings attached in life.
So many people today take the words "I love you" and use them over and over again to where they have no meaning. How many times have you caught yourself saying "I love you" when walking out the door or at the end of a phone conversation. It comes out so naturally, but how often when this happens do we really mean it, listen to it or really feel it with our souls, not many I bet.
Have you ever had anyone in your life ever show you love in anyway without the use of words? Maybe they did something that no one else did for you just at the right time and you knew they really did love you. Maybe they said something you had been longing to hear but never heard until then, and it wasn't "I love you".
A lot of us do not appreciate the concept of love until it is gone or lost. What most of us do not even see or comprehend a lot of times, or sometimes it is simple as just that we forget, is that we are loved from the Universal Spirit, or your own interpretation of God.
You are loved for who you are. You are loved for your soul. You are loved in every possible way. And you are here also to share your love with others. Not just a simple "I love you" but to go beyond this to where you or the other person becomes this heart swollen love filled embodiment ready to burst with love energy. That is what loving beyond words is!
So next time you see your spouse, child, or friend really mean it from the heart and deep down in your soul when you tell them you love them. When you see the person working a fundraiser for charity, stop and give them your spare change and see how it lights their face up, and know you have spread some love even more. Or when you see the homeless person on a cold night, take them one of your spare blankets and see what kind of changes it makes not only in your own heart and soul but theirs as well. Love beyond words with the whole world and we can change it one random act of kindness at a time.
For more information and exciting helpful tips, feel free to check us out at
Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning
Learn To Trust Your Soul
This is mostly due to how we were brought up in pretty much almost all of the different cultures out there in the world. The adults or parents tell a child what is right and what is wrong, but a lot of the times they forget that the child does have a mind of their own and would like to voice their own opinions before hearing "just because I said so" or "it is just this way" etc.
This is then embedded after periods of years into our self confidence and self esteem with us always checking things or correcting ourselves or wondering if things are right or not. If we are always in doubt of whatever we say and/or do, we will be living like this for the rest of your life and we will always need someone else in our lives to verify what we are thinking and/or believing. We have to learn to trust our own soul, higher self and intuition.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying to become arrogant and never listen to your boss or your spouse or parents or friends again. It is a matter of raising this vibrational level so that you do not feel you have to constantly seek approval and you can follow your own soul's information and calling.
These are simple things in life if we break them all down. It can as simple as making a choice of what to eat for dinner to what type of work you want to do with your life or what types of healings or attunements you may want to take.
Things can become a bit overwhelming when looking at them as a whole, so break them down into simple and individual decisions to make. Then just make one and stick with it. Ask yourself if you feel good about your decision and don't fret or worry if it is right or wrong, just know that this is the decision you made and go with having faith. The ping-pong match in your mind is what causes trouble. So go with your first gut instinct and trust that all is in divine and perfect order.
For more information and exciting helpful tips, feel free to check us out at
Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning
Live Each Day With Purpose & In The Now
How do you live each day with purpose? You let go of regrets and love like it is your last day, as yesterday is gone and tomorrow many never come, so live for today and the now!
There are so many of us out there that are rushing around, going here and there, running errands, cleaning, working, taking the kids here and there, cooking and so much more that it hurts just to think about it all. But is this the only thing we are here for? To work? To run errands? To just exist? No not at all. But that is what a lot of people have fallen into the pattern of doing. We are all human and this happens to the best of us.
We have a whole life ahead of us, and not to just cook and clean or work. There is a life waiting for all of us out there!
I have seen people who are of all ages and backgrounds and they experience the same thing. They go through life until something happens to them or someone they love and they wake up to the reality that these little things don't matter. We worry about the small things, and fuss and disagree and really for what? Honestly? Will it matter in 5 years? Nine chances out of ten probably not, so why worry and stress and go through all of these issues right now.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying give up everything in your life. Don't go and quit your job, as we all need money and finances to live. We need a roof over our head and food on the table, etc - but there is so much more out there that a lot of people overlook all the time.
In hoping to be happy about something in the future, instead of being happy right now, we are missing out. We often want more time, more money for this or that, a better job, better health, etc. The list can go on for a long time like this. But we are not living for each and every day. We are not living for the NOW! Life and living it is NOW - not yesterday or tomorrow but NOW. Yesterday has already come and gone and yesterday's chance was then. Tomorrow may never come, no one really knows, so why wait and take that chance.
I have clients and friends who have terrible illnesses and they are just now realizing this and thinking how much time has passed and they will never get this back. But they finally reached a stage that put them at this point now where they are now living each day to the fullest. Enjoying each and everything - from waking up in the morning, to the sunrise they see, to the birds chirping outside, to their kids smiling faces, to the food on their table, the clothes on their backs and so much more.
So a good lesson for all of us, slow down and take a deep breath! Appreciate everything in the now so we have no regrets later on!
For more information and exciting helpful tips, feel free to check us out at
Many Blessings Nicole Lanning
The Meaning Of Life & How To Get There
This has been an age-old question and many people have asked this time and time again. So what is the meaning of life? And how do I know what I am speaking about? All good questions!
Everyone thinks that the meaning of life is just one thing and that it is the same for everyone. This is the biggest mistake we all make and don't realize it.
We are all different! In every way, shape and form, each one of us are different!
We look different, sound different, act different, and our energetic and spiritual bodies are different. So why would the meaning of life be the same for each and every one us if we are all different in some way.
Not to mention, why would we think, with everything being so complex in this human world that the meaning of life would be a simplistic single thought or sentence.
The meaning of life is actually very easy, I didn't say simple, and we interpret this into our own lives as we see fit. Take a look at the list below and see how this fits into your own life. Notice if you have an abundance or lack somewhere and see how that feels.
Work on the areas that you may be experiencing a lack in till you feel whole and complete again and notice how you then view you life. It is a wonderful idea to keep a journal why going through this process, as you can see how your life, in physical as well as spiritual form, changes right in front of your eyes.
Here are some guidelines for you to help interpret them into your own life as you see fit:
1.Be happy! Look for the positive aspects in everything that you do.
2.Live each day with purpose! You will never be able to re-do this day again, as well as you never know when it is your last.
3.Learn to trust your soul!
4.Love beyond words!
How does this all relate to the meaning of life? That's the easy part! Look at these areas and see what is lacking and change this around so you are happy and enjoying your life.
So to answer the big question for you, the meaning of life is to spend the time we have on Mother Earth enjoying as much as we can from this physical human experience before we are to return home again. To do this, go back to the list of guidelines and work on your own physical human experience!
For more information and exciting helpful tips, feel free to check us out at
Many Blessings Nicole Lanning
Reiki, Energy Flow & Blockages
There have been many questions about different modulars of Reiki, as well as questions dealing with blockages. Blockages, while working with Reiki, is just another way of saying there is something blocking the path flow from being continuous throughout your physical and energetic bodies.
Some have stated that when you develop a blockage you can no longer use your Reiki abilities. This is not true in anyway. Reiki flows continuously throughout your entire physical, spiritual and energetic bodies. If you develop a block, the Reiki will continue to flow but will find another way around till the blockage is removed.
A similar example, if you have a lava flow moving down a mountainside and a tree is in its way, what happens? Does the lava stop flowing just because the tree is there? No it finds it ways around and continues to flow.
Reiki is a wonderful gift that anyone can have access too and is a natural ability for any living thing to use. Its energetic flow and force is similar to that of a lava flow. Constant, continuous, and full of life's energy, Reiki will flow through your physical, spiritual and energetic bodies as well.
If you do develop a blockage, they can be easily removed in various ways. Depending on your beliefs, they can be removed through energy work, self-healings, practitioner healings, crystal work, meditation sessions, customized spiritual healings and so much more.
Work with many different types of sessions to find what works best for you, and get to the source of the blockage. If you just treat the symptoms you are not treating the real issue, and this will continue to manifest, so get to the underlying source cause of the blockage.
For more information and exciting helpful tips, feel free to check us out at
Many Blessings
Nicole Lanning
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Shifting Your Emotions & Energy To Change Your Life
We have all heard this time and again, about like attracts like, the rich get richer, poor get poorer, the Law of Attraction and so on; but they all come back to the same thing - shifting our emotions and energy!
We have all had those days, were we stub our toes when we get out of bed or get that phone call that sends things spiraling. All of us have experienced this at one point in our life or another, so you are not alone.
With a simple shift of energy though, we can turn this all around. How do you shift your energy? Sounds complicated right? Actually, its very simple! Simply shift your thought patterns. Here are some examples:
1.Put on a nice piece of calming or even happy music.
2.Sit down and read a good book.
3.Put on a video of your favorite vacation.
4.Call a good friend, and don't go into your bad day, but rather just talk to talk and enjoy the conversation.
5.Pull out old photographs from when you were a child and think of the good times.
6.Take a stroll through your neighborhood or park and enjoy the wonderful nature surroundings.
7.Do something you really enjoy, no matter how small it is.
8.Go for a drive in the country.
9.Put on a comedy movie and laugh till you can't laugh anymore.
10.Write a heart felt letter to the one you love!
These are all wonderful ways to simply shift your energy from a negative to a positive.
You can also shift your energy with energy healing forms as well, with healing, sending and receiving the energy, or just meditating and letting the Reiki energy surround yourself.
All of these things will create a shift within your own physical body, emotional state, and your energetic body as well. This will bring your vibrational levels into a positive state and can turn things around in a matter of minutes.
So the next time you are having a down day, or things are just not going quite right, change them around for the better and see how quickly things will transform for you.
I hope this helps everyone that is trying new energy shifts in their life and feel free to visit us at Please remember, it does not have to be complicated or complex to work, take it slow and simple and notice the changes.
Many Blessings Nicole Lanning
Power Animal Totems In Our Lives
Everyone has Power Animals in their lives. They come to us because we have lessons that we need to learn and they have the appropriate attributes and energies to earn from. With their love, understanding, energy, and wisdom in these areas, we can learn these lessons from our power animal companions.
Every living thing on Mother Earth has its own specific energy vibration, including our animal companions and our totems. We are all born with our own individual power animals, as well as have more join us throughout our lives while we grow and need to learn more lessons. When our energy levels reach our new vibration match our new totems come into our lives at this time to instruct and guide us.
There are four main totem animals in our lives at any give time. You may also have more then one of any given type of totem animal as well in your life, such as two life totem animals or one life totem and two message totems.
When working with your totem animals, you first need to determine which of the four main categories they are attributed to:
1. Life totems is similar to a birth guide, and is with you your entire lifetime. This is generally the first and most common animal totem you will find the attributes to in your own life, such as your personality traits, values and morals. Since they are so connected within your vibrational energy field, you have access to these energies and power at all times. They are also the easiest to detect being around.
2. Journey totems work with you during a specific period in your life that you are working through. They have strong energy meanings and all messages are different depending on the animal and its attributes. They are here to help guide you on your physical and spiritual pathway.
3. Shadow totems are animal totems that come into our lives especially during a testing period on the physical realm. This testing period is directly from the animal and their energy attributes, as their power is one to work with for guidance. If we have not gone through and passed these testing areas their power will only work against us and will serve no good.
4. Message totems are ones that generally ones that can be confused with others. They are here more to deliver a quick message pertaining to your life. These are generally shown to be a precautionary warning along your spiritual pathway.
Remember to work in your meditations, channeling, pendulum boards and other resources to find who your own personal totems are. Everyone's are different and unique, just as we are, so search and seek and you will find them! I hope this helps helped all of you on your path to finding your own personal animal totems and feel free to visit us for more exciting information at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
Orbs - Who or What Are They?
There are different causes for them, but the one thing that is common about them is that they are all energy. Everything is comprised of energy. All forms of Spirit, all emotions, thoughts, feelings, and even physical material things are all energy. There are different degrees of variance that make them all up, but they are all energy based!
Sometimes these "blobs" of energy, particularly the ones we see closest to us, are manifestations of our own energy. Particularly when one is experiencing a strong emotion, that person may emit a ball of energy, or a thought form.
Other times we will witness "paranormal" activity or spirit energy in the form of an orb or ball of light. Sometimes the light has color to it, and reflects the type of thoughts or emotions in that energy.
Mediums will often see or feel the energy of one who has crossed. Many times we experience these visitations ourselves and can pick up on the energy pattern of the soul who is contacting us.
Sometimes we can also witness balls of energy around various shifts in energy. Some people may see strange lights or wisps or orbs before a thunderstorm, or when there are solar flares.
Again it is the witnessing of energy patterns. All things emit energy, our thoughts are powerful, and many people don't realize just how so, because we are not taught how our thoughts or emotions effect our reality in our physical realm.
Orbs are just one form of energy that happens to get a lot of publicity lately, especially being captured in photographs! These are emotions, thought forms, or perhaps Spirit forms traveling around us. They are not to be feared in anyway! Respect their energy and they will respect yours in turn!
As we become more sensitive psychically and spiritually we tend to become more sensitive to all types of energy and may witness these energy patterns in a variety of different forms.
I hope this helps everyone on their spiritual and physical pathway through this lifetime, and feel free to visit us at for more exciting and new information!
Many Blessings Nicole Lanning
Basics On Pendulum Therapy & Getting Started
A pendulum can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish to make this. Simple ones can be anything from a string or chain with a weighted object attached to this. A more elaborate pendulum can be specific crystals and fancy chains that are used for their attributes and properties associated with them. Either one is appropriate, as it is your connection with your higher self and the spiritual world that is important in this type of work.
When used for divination purposes, the pendulum acts as an antenna and strengthens the energy vibrations that come through from your guides, angels or higher self. These energy vibrations give you the answers you are seeking by focusing on the pendulum swing to guide you in your answer.
Once you find or make a pendulum that is energetically fitting of you, wear it around your neck, preferably over your heart chakra, for a few days.
While doing this, tell your subconscious mind that you intend to use this pendulum as a way to
talk to your higher self, guides or angels. Remember, your imagination can open the door to psychic knowing and awareness.
Once you select your pendulum, don't allow anyone else to touch it. Your pendulum develops a vibration specific to you through your wearing it and infusing it with your intention over a period of days.
It then becomes a clear channel to your energy, and anyone else's energy will interrupt this flow of vibrations, much like static or interference on a telephone line.
I hope this helps all of you on your spiritual pathway in life. If you have any questions or wish to learn more about becoming a pendulum therapist, feel free to visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning