Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson A

There are so many courses, classes, and programs out there that give you a little bit of this and that on how to achieve your dreams. The majority of them include tips on working with the Law of Attraction, especially since the movie The Secret came out. But this ended up confusing a lot of people more and left them wondering how to effectively use the laws of the Universe to their benefit. So what I am doing here is writing a serious of articles on the ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams, with each article covering a new topic on achieving your dreams, and this one is working with the letter A.

The letter A stands for:

Avoiding negative sources, people, places, things or habits.

Avoiding these things is a starting point on where to begin with everything. You need to find yourself in a positive place and this includes surrounding yourself with positive sources, people, places, things and habits. Even if you can’t change everything all at once, you need to start with one thing. Let’s say you are surrounded by a lot of negative people within your immediate family such as your parents. You can simply not speak to them as often, or visit their home or listen to their ideas. I am not saying to completely cut them out of your life, but to start turning things around for you from a positive viewpoint.

What happens when we start to change our life around is that others that we have normally be an equal vibrational match will no longer be vibrating at the same pace we are so there tends to start a build of resistance. Not spending as much time with them as you normally would will bring down your negativity and in turn bring in more positive people in your life. You need to do this with all areas, not just people. Do not be a hermit, but rather make better choices with your life. It is your life and dreams you want to achieve, so start with the first step and listen to your own intuition.

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com

Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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