Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson C

Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter C lesson.

The letter C stands for:
Considering things from all angles!

Now what does this mean and how do you use this to work on achieving your dreams. Considering things from all angles is just a way of having you expand your awareness and stay open enough to all possibilities within the realm of your true desire.

For example, maybe you want to make more money and need to stay open to all possibilities of income in your life. This makes you think of how, when and where things could possibly come into your life from a financial standpoint. Maybe you play the lottery, have a side job, have a full time job, plus you sell things on online auctions all at once. These are all ways of considering money aspects from all angles. But we also have to stay open to other areas. What does that mean? That means staying open to the possibility that you may get a promotion at work, or find a better job, maybe you receive an unexpected rebate in the mail, or win a raffle drawing, possibly even something you forgot you entered or someone else entered your name into to win. These things can come in all shapes and forms and you never know where they are going to turn up.

So our letter C is to remind up to consider everything possible angle and not rule anything out. If we expand our awareness and enlighten our conscious side even just a small tiny bit each and every day, we will be more open and aware of even the smallest possibilities when they fall in our laps!

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Many Blessings
and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

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