Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Intuition Is One Of Your Mind's Powerful Tools

Have you ever had that one moment where you were thinking about a certain person and they called on the phone? Or what about thinking of your favorite song and it came on the radio station you were listening to? This is a concentrated vibrational force you are sending out into the Universe, which is drawing back into your life what you want, including the person calling and the song playing. This is using your intuition!

A lot of people confuse the words intuition, psychics, mediums, etc and think they all mean the same thing. They honestly don’t. Everyone has their own intuition and everyone can develop to enhance their own abilities at their own rate.

Intuition is a matter of concentration, focusing your energy, thoughts and feelings on one thing and sending this out into the Universal energy. Once the Universe takes a hold of this it will then turn this around to send it back to you what you were focusing on. Next you must be open and aware of this and receive this as well. This is where your “gut instincts” kick in and you follow your inspired action.

Have you ever decided not to go to a certain store or drive down a certain road but not quite sure why? These are your “gut instincts” and this is following your inspired action by listening to them and doing what you know feels right.

So try it today! Take some time out for yourself and focus on someone calling you or hearing that song on the radio. Give it some time, and think about it as much as you possibly can and send it to the Universe to see what comes back. Don’t be surprised though when the phone rings or you tune into the radio station just at the right moment. This is following those intuitive instincts!

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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