Monday, October 12, 2009

Romance-What Is It & How To Use It In Your Goals

You are probably thinking, “What does romance have to deal with my goals for anyway?” Romance in its base form is a positive emotional attachment between two people, places, things, or ideas.

You can romance a person, such as your spouse or partner. You can romance a place by loving all of the energy and taking care of the area. You can romance a thing or object by loving the energy it emits, for example, a crystal and its vibrational output. You can also romance an idea!

Romancing an idea is falling in love with your concept, your idea, and loving it to its fullest. You see this is your minds eye and allow it to be accepted into your subconscious. You than start romancing the idea, for example, if you wish to have a new home start looking through pictures of homes, places and brochures that are what you are wanting. Cut them out and make a board of just the pictures of your new home. See this in your mind and hold this image as clear as you.

You have first started of by romancing and falling in love with the idea. Then you turned this over to the subconscious and are starting to take action by looking at things that are falling in line with your goal. Next start looking for a lender and see what’s on the market. If you compress the idea into a time frame, this will tell the Universe you are ready to receive and energy will fit to allow for the time spot.

Remember it all starts with an idea. You can romance any person, place, or thing – anyone can. But to be creative, keep it in your minds eye and romance the idea first! This will draw it in that much quicker for you to have it in the physical plane!

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Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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