Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Will Is One Of Your Mind's Powerful Tools

Now if you had the will of an iron horse, what do you think you could accomplish? Probably quite a bit, but let’s be honest none of us have that kind of will – right now that is. Can you imagine what you could accomplish and manifest in your life if you just strengthen and increased your will just a little bit every day? Many many things I believe!

So how does one increase their will and strengthen this mental area of our mind? With concentration! That’s right, concentration! We can do this by using a simple exercise I have learned from a mentor of mine and once you master this, you can concentrate on anything and use more energy, mind power, and wisdom to open up and expand your awareness and manifest things quicker!

Take a piece of paper, one that is of contrasting color, and tape this to your wall where you spend a lot of time. Maybe this is opposite your office chair or desk or maybe it is opposite your favorite chair in your living room. It doesn’t matter where this is, just as long as it is noticeable and you can spend at least 5 minutes three times a day doing this exercise. Now take a black marker and make a small dot on this paper right in the middle. Not to big, but large enough to be seen from where you will be sitting.

Next all you have to do is focus on this dot. That’s it, just focus on it and only it! Try not to let your mind wander, but when it does bring it right back to this little dot! When you first begin this will take some time to get used to, but with practice it works! Do this for 60 days and see how your concentration grows, your awareness expands and your manifestations appear quicker and quicker within your life!

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com

Many Blessings
and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

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