Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Reasoning Is One Of Your Mind's Powerful Tools

When we stop and think about it and how much or how little we use our mind and our brainpower it is actually baffling! Reasoning in its definition is to form conclusions inferences and/or judgments about things in our life. But when we go around day to day, how much time do we actually use this mind tool we have been blessed with?

When you think about it, we are actually functioning on “auto-pilot” a lot of the time. We drive to and from work, cook dinner, pick up the kids from school, etc but do we really use our minds to think? When we do it is for few and far little in-between. We may make a decision about what to have for dinner or something like this, but a lot of things we say and do in our lives are on autopilot and we are just coasting through. If we were to tap into this reasoning ability within our own mind, we could accomplish and manifest so much more, and quicker at that.

Have you ever just sat down and thought about something, uninterrupted and stayed with that thought for 5 minutes or more? What did you accomplish if you did? More then likely most of us don’t do this because we are getting pulled into a million directions with the rest of our life. But stop and think about that, it all can wait 5 minutes for you to think, and really think! Not just the mind chatter that runs though all our minds at one time or another, such as “Did I leave the stove on before I left for work?” We all have mind chatter, but it is just that mind chatter. It is not honest thinking and using our mind power to its fullest ability!

So sit down and try it, just for 5 minutes. You give more than this to everyone and everything else in your life, so take 5 minutes for yourself and see how you expand your awareness. Sit and just think about one thing you want to accomplish, fix, or manifest in your life and how you could possibly get there. They all don’t have to be award-winning ideas, but the point is to get your mental power and energy flowing and working and stop the mind chatter so you can expand your awareness and enjoy your wonderful mind control!

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at http://www.healingartforms.com

Many Blessings
and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

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