Saturday, October 31, 2009

Be The Star In Your Own Life Movie & Act As If You Already Have It

Now this one you may have heard a few times around, but people always seem to get stuck on this topic. If I want to be a millionaire, how can I act as if I already have it? I don’t have a million dollars so what am I supposed to do. This is what trips most people up in their manifestation processes.

Acting as if you already have something is a mind frame not a physical plane existence. It is explained to you in the physical because this is how we live, but it is all in your mind and conscious side of your brain. You have to build the image of what you want to become. Live the part of what you want to grow into and you will become the success you want to be.

Let’s take actors for example, they study their parts and scripts for the “thing” they want to portray. The good actors really get into these roles, as they do their research, go out and study the types of people or areas to be able to project this through onto the screen and make a believable performance. This is what acting as if you already have it is all about.

This is your life, and you are the your own star in your own movie. You write the script, you know what you want. So do the research and field work. If you want to have that house, look at some pictures of the homes you want, go and check into some of them. Find the prices; find the layouts, live the movie. Learn all that you can and portray that. It will manifest in your life. You are the actor in your own life, so start living it to the fullest and the in the best way possible for the way you want your own movie to turn out!

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Many Blessings and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

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