Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The ABC’s On How To Achieve Your Dreams – Lesson Y

Welcome back again to learning your ABC’s on how to achieve your dreams. This article is talking about our letter Y lesson.

The letter Y stands for:
You are unique of all Spirit’s creations!

You have to remember that you are unique from all of Spirit’s, or God’s, creations. We all are different, even twins that are born alike have different energetic makeup. My children once asked me when they were very young if we are all equal and all have the same power within us why do we all look different. That was a great question, and being at their young age, I told them it was so Spirit could tell us apart when we asked for things. Now this isn’t the whole truth, but being their tender age I had to make this explainable to them at the time.

We are all unique in our makeup, from our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. We all have the exact same power within us, just some of us are a bit more tapped into this than others, as well as we were all raised differently, so we have different attitudes about such things. So putting all of this together we are all unique, and in turn we will all want to achieve unique things in our own lives. What a millionaire may want to achieve will probably not be the same thing a homeless person may want to achieve in their life.

This is where our uniqueness comes in essential. Because we are all different yet still possess the same power, we can all work on different aspects of our lives all at the same time period. A client once asked me if I ever was concerned with teaching about achievement and manifestations that if everyone would get rich and my services would no longer be needed. I clearly answered no. I can understandably say this, as I know first and foremost that there is an abundance of everything out there in the world no matter how many people want it. And secondly I also know that not everyone is on the same pathway in life and they will all not want the same thing at the same time. Person A may be wanting a loving relationship because they make enough money in their life, while person B is wanting the financial stability because they already have the love in their life.

See we are all unique individuals that all come from the same love source energy, whether you call it God, Spirit, Universal Energy, etc – so this makes us our own unique individuals with our own unique wants and desires different from those of others. So celebrate yourself and your own uniqueness today!

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Many Blessings
and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning

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